British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals


Prevailing Organizational Culture Strategies in Public Primary Schools in Rorya District Council, Tanzania (Published)

The study investigated the prevailing organizational culture strategies in public primary schools in Rorya District. The study was guided by cultural dimensions theory and organizational culture model. The study employed pragmatism research philosophy and concurrent triangulation mixed research design. The target population comprised Chairpersons of School Management Committees, teachers, and heads of schools. Questionnaires and interviews were used for data collection. To ensure validity and reliability, various strategies were implemented, including expert reviews, member checking, Cronbach’s Alpha, and pilot studies. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. Ethical considerations were addressed through obtaining approvals from relevant authorities. The study found that the organizational culture in public primary schools in Rorya District is generally perceived positively by teachers, with strong support for collaboration, shared values, teamwork, and effective communication. The culture also fosters a sense of belonging and commitment to school goals. However, areas such as continuous learning and professional development were rated slightly lower, indicating potential opportunities for improvement. The study recommends strengthening collaboration, teamwork, and a sense of belonging in Rorya District’s public primary schools while enhancing continuous learning and professional development to further support teachers and align with effective organizational culture practices.

Keywords: Organizational Culture, Public Primary, Strategies., schools

Exploring Challenges and Strategies in Advocating for Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Nigeria (Published)

This research aims to investigate the current state of sexuality education in Nigeria, identify the challenges faced in advocating for comprehensive sexuality education, and propose effective strategies to promote its implementation for improved sexual health outcomes among Nigerian youth. Sexuality education remains a critical yet often neglected aspect of youth development and public health in Nigeria. The country’s socio-cultural context, conservative values, and religious beliefs have created barriers to the implementation of comprehensive sexuality education programmes. This paper seeks to address the gap in knowledge by examining the specific challenges that hinder the advancement of comprehensive sexuality education and by proposing evidence-based advocacy strategies to overcome these barriers. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Qualitative methods such as interviews, focus group discussions, and content analysis of relevant documents are used to explore the challenges and perceptions surrounding sexuality education in Nigeria. Additionally, quantitative surveys are administered to gather data on public attitudes towards sexuality education, perceived benefits, and barriers to implementation. The paper contributes to the ongoing dialogue on sexuality education in Nigeria by providing a nuanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities for advocacy. The proposed strategies will offer evidence-based solutions for promoting comprehensive sexuality education that is sensitive to Nigeria’s cultural context. Ultimately, the research aims to inform policymakers, educators, and advocacy organizations about effective ways to advance comprehensive sexuality education for the holistic development and improved sexual health outcomes of Nigerian youth.

Keywords: Nigeria, Strategies., comprehensive sexuality education, exploring challenges

Strategies for Effective Utilization of Hybrid Approaches for Improve Instruction in Office Technology and Management (OTM) In Public Tertiary Institutions in South East, Nigeria (Published)

This study was carried out to investigate strategies for effective utilization of hybrid instructional approaches in Office Technology and Management (OTM) in public tertiary institutions in South East, Nigeria. The study answered two (2) research questions which were raised based on two (2) variables. Two null hypotheses were tested at 0.05level of significance. The study adopted descriptive survey research design and the study area was South East geo-political zone of Nigeria. The population of the study consisted of two hundred and sixty-eight (268) business educators employed under Business Education Department of public tertiary institutions in South-East Geopolitical zone, Nigeria. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire titled “Strategies for effective utilization of hybrid instructional approaches in office technology and management questionnaire (SEUHIAOTMQ)” with 18 items. The instrument was validated by three experts, two in business education and one in science education. Reliability of the instrument was determined through pilot test using Cronbach Alpha Reliability Statistical Tool. The analysis yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.85. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while independent t-test was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the analysis revealed that utilization of flipped model and rotational teaching strategies can enhance effective teaching of Office Technology and Management (OTM) in public tertiary institutions. The study also revealed that gender and years of experiences did not affect the opinion of business educators’ opinion on strategies for effective utilization of hybrid or blended instructional approaches in Office Technology and Management (OTM) in public tertiary institutions in South East, Nigeria. The implication of the findings was that that every business educator should attend regular in-service education so as to keep abreast of current and future innovations in teaching. Based on the findings, it was recommended, among others, that management of public tertiary institutions in South East, Nigeria should from time to time train business educators on emerging technologies which can be adopted for hybrid instructional approaches in public tertiary institutions.

Keywords: Effective, Hybrid, Management, Strategies., Utilization, instructional approaches office technology

Security Threat Eventuality: Strategies School Administrators Are Planning to Adopt in Delta State, Nigeria (Published)

This study investigated security threat eventuality: strategies school administrators are planning to adopt in Delta state, Nigeria. This inquiry was based on two research questions and two hypotheses, using the descriptive survey. The population consisted of 476 school administrators in Delta State, of whom 190 were selected through stratified sampling. A Security Threat Questionnaire (STQ) was used to gather information. Data obtained were coded and analysed using mean and standard deviation and a t-test to test formulated hypotheses at a .05 significance level. Findings revealed that security threats school administrators in Delta State are prone to include stealing among students, fighting, kidnapping of teachers and students, and destruction of school property by students, among others. Also, strategies school administrators are planning to adopt in the event of a security threat include contacting security operatives, encouraging students to report any security threat, and informing teachers and students to be more vigilant during school hours, among others. It was thus recommended amid others that school administrators should contact security operatives like the Nigerian Police Force, community police, or those who volunteered to keep the community and schools safe from any security threat.

Keywords: Delta State, Strategies., school administrators, security threat eventuality

Strategies Used by Student Counsellors and Their Effectiveness in Promoting Student’s Self-Efficacy in Public Secondary Schools in Moshi District – Tanzania (Published)

This study examined the strategies used by student counsellors in promoting students’ self- efficacy among secondary schools. Guided by Self-Efficacy Theory, the study adopted convergent parallel design under a mixed research approach for data collection and analysis. The study adopted probability and non-probability sampling techniques to obtain 5 Head Teachers, 5 Student Counsellors and 127 students. Cronbach Alpha was adopted to test the reliability of the research instrument at (r) = 0.73 for the quantitative data aided by SPSS version 22; while qualitative reliability was ensured through detailed field notes, recording devices and by transcription. The quantitative data were analysed descriptively (frequencies, percentages and means) and inferential statistics using Chi-Square Statistical test and presented in form of tables. The qualitative data were coded to translate the responses into specific categories and themes for narration and direct quotations from the respondents. The study found that student counsellors used the following strategies which proved effective in enhancing students’ self-efficacy: encouraging students’self-verbalization, providing feedback on students’ efforts, encouraging teachers to provide activities that students can accomplish with a reasonable amount of effort, encouraging peer modelling, helping students to set goals, teaching students effective study skills and helping student to identify their areas of interest. Through Chi-Square test, the study found that there was a significant association between strategies used by student counsellors and the level of students’ self-efficacy. The study concluded that there was a positive relationship between strategies used by student counsellors and students’ self-efficacy which greatly influenced students’ academic achievements. Therefore, the study recommends that the head teachers should workout through the government to have more professional counsellors deployed in schools and that students should be encouraged to attend guidance and counselling sessions.

Citation: Mwiki A., Malusu J.M., Salema V. (2022) Strategies Used by Student Counsellors and Their Effectiveness in Promoting Student’s Self-Efficacy in Public Secondary Schools in Moshi District – Tanzania, British Journal of Education, Vol.10, Issue 15, 12-26

Keywords: Public Secondary Schools, Strategies., Students’ self-efficacy, student counsellors

Effectiveness of the Preventive Strategy Used by Heads of Schools in Improving Students Discipline in Public Secondary Schools in Moshi Municipality, Tanzania (Published)

This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of the preventive strategy used by heads of schools in improving students discipline in public secondary schools in Moshi Municipality, Tanzania. Assertive Discipline Theory developed by Canter and Canter in 1979 guided the study. The study was guided by one research question aiming to find out the extent to which preventive strategy was effectively used to improve students’ discipline in public secondary schools in Moshi Municipality. The study employed a convergent research design under mixed method research. The target population of the study included 14 public secondary schools, 14 heads of public secondary schools, 28 discipline teachers, 12300 students and 168 class teachers in Moshi Municipality. Stratified sampling and simple random sampling techniques were used to select 5 schools, 40 class teachers and 200 students who were involved in the study while 5 heads of sampled schools and 10 discipline teachers of sampled schools were not sampled but directly included in the study to make total number of 255 respondents. Questionnaires, interview guide and document analysis guide were used to collect data from the respondents. The reliability of quantitative data was established through Cronbach Alpha; (r=0.76 for discipline teachers’ questionnaire, r=0.86 for class teachers and r=0.66 for students’ questionnaire) while the reliability for the qualitative data was established through member checking and triangulation of data.  The Quantitative data was analyzed by using questionnaires and presented by using frequencies, percentages, means and tables.  Qualitative data was analyzed in words and developing themes from the research questions and presented in narrative form and direct quotations. The study found out that school rules and regulations, good communication between teachers, parents, students, and rollcalls were effectively used in improving students’ discipline. The study recommended that heads of secondary schools to provide school rules and regulations to students every year and improve communication between students, teachers and parents and encourage teachers to use effectively attendance registers to track indiscipline students in order to improve students’ discipline.

Citation: Fatuma Ibrahim Luwumba, Eugene Lyamtane, and  Catherine Muteti  (2022) Effectiveness of the Preventive Strategy Used by Heads of Schools in Improving Students Discipline in Public Secondary Schools in Moshi Municipality, Tanzania, British Journal of Education, Vol.10, Issue 11, pp.103-120

Keywords: Discipline, Effectiveness, Preventive, Strategies.

Effectiveness of the Strategies used by School Administration in Protecting Children From Physical Abuse in Public Secondary Schools in the Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania (Published)

This study examined the effectiveness of strategies used by school administration in protecting children from physical abuse in public secondary schools in the Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania. This was a study guided by the systems theory and approach by Bertalanffy, (1968). The theory articulates a set of specific structures, functions, capacities, and other related system components including input, process, and output. This study employed convergent mixed methods design which intended to collect both quantitative and qualitative data in one phase. Stratified, convenient, and purposeful sampling techniques were used to determine the study sample which consisted of 427 respondents. Questionnaires and an interview guide were used to collect the required information. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and inferentially using ANOVA.  Tables, charts, narrations, and schemes of code were used to present the study findings. The study findings show that the strategies can be effective if they are used well, the most effective strategies were; Guidance and Counseling, Involvement of Stakeholders, Well informed Administration, and the Use of Child Policy, Law, rule, and reregulation. Other strategies suggested were the introduction of Life skill education, home visitation, and the use of student council.  The study concluded that the strategies used by school administration in protecting children from sexual abuse are effective, however with some challenges that can be solved. The ANOVA findings conclude there are no significant differences between teachers’ mean scores on rating the effective strategies used in protecting children from physical abuse based on years of experience. The study recommends Ministry of Education, Science and Technology should ensure effective and efficient use of existing strategies while ensuring close supervision and monitoring to reduce sexual abuse. But also in-service training should be done for all District Education officers, Heads masters/mistresses, and Discipline masters/mistresses, and lastly, teacher education programs in colleges and universities should be designed to ensure child protection is given priority.

Citation: Felix Goldman, Victorini  Salema ,  Peter Siamoo (2022)  Effectiveness of The   Strategies used by School Administration in Protecting Children From Physical Abuse in Public Secondary Schools in the Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania, British Journal of Education, Vol.10., Issue 9, pp. 78-95


Keywords: School Administration, School Children, Secondary School, Strategies., physical abuse

Teaching Strategies Employed By Teachers for Improving Students’ Learning in Business Education in Secondary Schools in Delta State (Published)

Citation: Onajite, G. O. (2022) Teaching Strategies Employed By Teachers for Improving Students’ Learning in Business Education in Secondary Schools in Delta State, British Journal of Education, Vol.10, Issue 3, pp., 85-100

Abstract:This study investigated teaching strategies employed by teachers for improving students’ learning in Business Education in secondary schools in Delta State. Four research questions guided the study. The descriptive survey research design was employed in the study. Population of the study consisted of all the 2,100 teachers teaching business education subjects in the 448 secondary schools in Delta State. Sample size of the study comprised 630 business education teachers from 224 secondary schools in Delta State selected using stratified random sampling technique. A 40-item researchers’ self-developed questionnaire titled “Teaching Strategies employed by Teachers for Improving Student’s Learning in Business Education Questionnaire (TSTISLBEQ)” arranged into four clusters, and structured on 4-point scale. The research instrument was validated by three experts and reliability determined through a pilot test which yielded an internal consistency reliability value of 0.74. Data collected were analyzed using the mean score and standard deviation. The findings of this study revealed among others that the teachers mostly employed the direct teaching strategies. All the other teaching strategies like the experimental, material/visual aids, interactive and the independent teaching strategies were largely not employed by the teachers in teaching business education in secondary schools in Delta State. From the findings, recommendations were made which include and among them were that principals in the secondary schools should encourage and support the teachers to employ other direct teaching strategies such as seminars, individualized instruction method, peer tutoring, team teaching and sharing students into different reading groups for improving students’ learning in business education in secondary schools in Delta State.

Keywords: Business Education, Improving, Learning, Strategies., Students, Teachers, Teaching

Community Education Strategies for the Control of Contagious Diseases in Rivers State, Nigeria (Published)

This study investigated community education strategies for the control of contagious diseases in Rivers State. The study adopted a descriptive survey design with a population size of 2,725 consisting of 25 experts in community education and 2,700 members of various Community-Based Organizations in four LGAs in Rivers State. A sample size of 370 respondents was drawn using proportionate stratified sampling technique. A questionnaire was used as the instrument for data collection. The instrument which was validated by three experts recorded a reliability coefficient of 0.86. The collected data were analysed using mean statistics and standard deviation. The analysed data revealed that the REFLECT , Each-One-Teach-One and the story telling are some of the community education strategies that could be used to create the needed awareness for attitudinal change on the control and management of contagious disease in Rivers State. Based on the findings, it was recommended among other things that The Federal and State Ministries of health should work hand in glove with the National Mass Education Commission and various state agencies of mass literacy to train health workers saddled with the responsibility of providing health education on how to adopt REFLECT and other community education strategies for awareness and knowledge creation for the control and management of contagious diseases in Nigeria.

Keywords: Community Education., Contagious, Diseases, Strategies.

Strategies for developing English verbal communication: case study of secondary school students at Gezira state – Sudan (Published)

This research   paper investigates the   efficiency of applying some strategies to improve English verbal communication in Sudanese secondary schools    besides   the strategies teachers and learners are using now. To achieve   this   goal, the researchers assign some English language teachers and third grade secondary school   students as a target population. The researchers use different questionnaires and pre and post tests as most appropriate methods for collecting the data. Then, they utilise the descriptive approach to analyse the data. Moreover, they use the SPSS programme to compute it. One of the results is that the abuse and lack of strategies of teaching and learning the target language leads to the deterioration of verbal communication. The most important researchers’ recommendation is that, Sudanese English language teachers in secondary schools should apply all recommended listening strategies and train their students to listen more effectively to native listening materials.


Keywords: Strategies., descriptive approach, post-tests, pre-tests, the SPSS programme., verbal communication

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