Social Constructivism: Implications on Teaching and Learning (Published)
The purpose of this paper was to look at social constructivism as a learning theory and its implications on teaching methods, students’ learning motivation and the entire teaching/learning process. Social constructivism is a collaborative form of learning based on interaction, discussion and knowledge sharing among students. The teacher’s role is to employ teaching methods that that are learner centred and collaborative in nature. The underlying factor is that learners work together in groups sharing ideas, finding answers to problems or just creating something new to add to existing knowledge. This learning theory deemphasizes teacher-monotony in the classroom, but encourages active interaction among learners, the teacher and other components of the teaching learning process. It also concretizes learning and knowledge by making students retain the facts that they discover and construct by themselves than those they are told by the teacher among other benefits.
Keywords: Constructivism, Implications, Learning, Social, Teaching
Gender Metamorphoses in the Use of ICT Tools: A Case Study at Offinso College of Education (Published)
The role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education cannot be overemphasized, hence teachers as agents of education are expected to acquire the essential skills to help train the 21st century child to survive in the current competitive and technologically driven world. The study aimed at the impact of ICT on Male and Female student-teachers in Colleges of Education in Ghana. The Mixed research design which takes into consideration the various factors that influence ICT access and usage in Colleges of Education was used. It outlines the various factors that militate against successful integration of ICT tools in teaching and learning. The extent to which student-teachers are embracing technology in their learning have been analysed. The study used questionnaire and participatory observation of classroom activities to collect data from hundred and forty (140) Student-teachers at Offinso College of Education. The findings show no significant difference in access and usage of ICT tools among male and female student-teachers. The study revealed lack of technical support and maintenance as a significant impediment to the development of ICT in the College of education. However, there was no significant difference in access and use of ICT tool since student-teachers share similar backgrounds.
Keywords: Education, Gender, Ghana, ICT, ICT tools, Learning, Student Teachers, Teaching, Technology
Mathematics Teachers’ Leadership Styles and Learning Motivation among Secondary School Students in Cross River State, Nigeria (Published)
The study investigated Mathematics teachers’ leadership styles and learning motivation as perceived by secondary school students in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State. The study utilized descriptive research design. Three research questions were asked to guide the study. Sample size was five hundred and ninety nine (599) SSII students randomly selected from 49 public secondary schools through stratified random sampling technique. Mathematics Teachers’ Leadership Styles and Learning Motivation Questionnaires (MTLSMQ) with reliability coefficient of 0.74 were used to gather data for the study. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression statistical technique. Result showed that there is significant positive relationship between teachers’ leadership styles and students learning motivation. Based on the findings, ,it was recommended among others that training programme on leadership and general attitude to work should be organized for mathematics teachers in particular and teachers in general. This will help them to realize that they are leaders in the classroom.
Keywords: Cross River, Leadership Style, Learning, Motivation, Students, Teacher
Correlates of Dyscalculia and Learning Outcome in Mathematics among SSII Students in Obudu, Cross River State-Nigeria (Published)
Dyscalculia brings about different types of learning disorder which affects individuals (students) at various levels of learning. It enables the students, educators and guidance to determine inabilities, phobia, anxiety and develop compensatory mechanism for under developed areas. This paper deals with correlates of dyscalculia and learning outcome in Mathematics among SSII students in Obudu, C.R.S- Nigeria. Types of dyscalculia like; sequential, verbal, practognostic and operational dyscalculia are discussed. Tips on how to reduce dyscalculia are listed in the work. The survey research design was adopted for the study. A sample of 200 students was randomly drawn for the study. Data generated were subjected to statistical analysis using Pearson product moment correlation analysis at 0.05 level of significant. Results obtained show among others that dyscalculia significantly correlates with students learning in mathematics. Based on this it was recommended among others that students should engage in practice, extra-time, graphicalized their work and evaluate their work.
Keywords: Dyscalculia, Education, Learning, Mathematics, Nigeria, Students
Impact of University Motivated Environment on Students Learning (Published)
Purpose: This research paper aims to examine the Impact of University Motivated Environment on Students Learning. Design/Methodology/Approach: Keeping in view the objectives the University Motivated Environment factors has been taken. The study sample of 300 students randomly selected from different departments of Albaha university. The use of the likert scale and a questionnaire containing 35 items related to the university motivated factors were used to measure the impact. Popular statistical T-test ANOVA was applied by using SPSS software highlighting more detailed findings of the study. Findings: The results shows that students are not satisfied with the university motivated learning environment because the services and support provided by the university related to Library, Computer, Parking, Cafeteria, Bus, Air Conditioning, Sports, Lab equipments, Cleanliness, Light, Guidelines, Track Complaints, Website, Internet Wi Fi environment, Training and placement, Update curriculum according to need of Industry, Scholarships, Sufficient number of staff to serve students, Recruiting staff according to the need of students, etc are not proper or given which affect students learning environment. Statistical analysis shows that Hypotheses is accepted in all cases. Originality/value – The value of this research is that the university will improve the services from which students are not satisfied.
Keywords: Environment, Impact, Learning, Motivation, Students, University
The Impact of Learning Motivation Strategy on the Academic Achievement of the Southern Ghor District Students in English Language (Published)
This study aims at identifying the impact of learning motivation strategy on the academic achievement of the Southern Ghor District students in English language as well as the response of the Southern Ghor students to new and unfamiliar learning strategies and the identification of the Southern Ghor district teachers use of modern learning strategies. The population of the study was represented by the secondary stage students of the Southern Ghor district where a random sample of (50) students was chosen from that population. Of the most important results produced by the study was the existence of statistically significant effect of using learning motivation strategies on the academic achievement of the students. The study presented several recommendations most importantly holding educational training courses for the secondary stage teachers explaining the significance of learning motivation and ways of stimulating their students for learning through the available strategies which fit in the surrounding environment of their schools
Keywords: Academic Achievement, English Language, Learning, Motivation Strategy, Southern Ghor District, Students
A Review of Educational Assessment: Reliability, Validity and Relationship with Learning—the Case of Northern Ireland (Ni) Transfer Tests Policy and Practice (Published)
Northern Ireland 11+ transfer tests policy is a long-standing debatable issue. Presently, the transfer-tests are divided into two distinct test types and they are colloquially known as the AQE (the Association of Quality Education) as well as the GL (Granada Learning) tests which are non-statutory as the government removed the NI transfer tests in 2008. But, previously these tests were called 11+ exams in which all students took the same tests for grammar school admission. This study aims to evaluate the current NI transfer test policy in light of its reliability, validity, and relationship with learning. The analysis of NI transfer tests traces a number of complications and dilemmas such as unfaithful scoring and grading systems as they contain a lack of transparency. The tests policy also fosters a conflict between the sense of deprivation and advantage. The policy also bewilders a group of pupils, and develops some negative effects on learning. In a word, there are little positive outcomes of these testing systems. Rather, a serious disastrous effect has been culminated in the absence of government care. Henceforth, an alternative transfer testing procedure is essential to be embedded in the NI education system which can fit well with all students in general.
Keywords: Learning, Reliability, transfer test policy, validity
Examination of The Readability Level Of Some Approved Science Textbooks in Use in Junior Secondary Schools in Ebonyi State Of Nigeria (Published)
This study was designed to examine the readability level of some approved Science textbooks in use in Junior Secondary Schools in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. The sample of the study consisted of three (3) approved Science textbooks, 21 Junior Secondary Schools randomly selected from the 3 Education zones of the State. The instrument used for data collection is Science Textbook Readability Text (CSTRT). The data were interpreted using a standard guideline for calculation and readability level by Harrison (1980). The results of the findings showed that the approved Science textbooks were very readable. Based on the findings, conclusion were drawn and it was recommended that Science textbooks should be revised periodically to enrich the readability of the textbooks
Keywords: Examination, Learning, Readability Level, Science Textbook, Teaching
Evaluation of students is an integral part of teaching and learning in Social Studies in the Colleges of Education in Ghana and is beneficial to both students and tutors if use formatively. This could be achieved if, tutors follow the laid down procedures in administering formative assessment in their colleges.This study adopted a case study research design. The study was carried out in three Colleges of Education in the Central Region of Ghana. The data were used together to form one case. Both the Tutors and the Colleges were purposively and conveniently selected for the study. Interviews and classroom observation were used. The semi-structured interview guide and the structured classroom observation setting checklists were administered to nine (9) Social Studies tutors. It was found that evaluation in the classroom motivates tutor-student relationship in formative assessment but it was observed that most of the tutors were not using concrete evaluation feedbacks. Clarifying and sharing learning intentions and criteria for success foster effective classroom discussions and learning tasks in formative assessment. Tutors agreed that the use of Formative Assessment Classroom Techniques (FACTs) is an integral part of teaching and learning
Keywords: Assessment, Evaluation. Students, Formative assessment, Learning, Social Studies