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EA Journals

Sustainable Development

Sociological reading of the impact of nepotistic tribalism on political and socio-economic sustainable development in Africa (Published)

This study examines the portrayal of the manifestation and impact of nepotistic tribalism on political and socio-economic sustainable development in Africa. It is argued that tribal affiliation is an enriching cultural identity when it does not infringe on rights and liberties. However, colonial powers historically exploited tribal divisions to maintain control, resulting in weakened institutions in post-independent African nations. This exploitation fostered favouritism, corruption, and lack of accountability. In contexts of scarce resources, tribalism drives nepotistic solidarity through political allegiances based on tribal identities. The resulting divisive politics undermine equal access limited opportunities. Through a sociological reading of social structures and power, aligned with postcolonial theory, anthropological theories of identity and culture, political economy and development theories, and critical discourse analysis, the study analyses the complex portrayal of tribalism in Francophone African narratives. It concludes that nepotistic tribalism is a major hindrance to the sustainable development and requires a reimagining.

Keywords: Anthropological theories, Postcolonial Theory, Sustainable Development, critical discourse analysis, nepotistic tribalism, sociological theory

Attaining Sustainable Development in Post-Conflict Societies: A Conceptual and Theoretical Perspective from North-East Nigeria (Published)

One of the most cherished aspirations of every society emerging from conflict is its ability to transform, bounce back and attain sustainable development in the post-conflict period. No society indicate or abhors lack of willingness to achieve such a noble dream. In Nigeria, the crises of Boko Haram led to the destruction of properties and communities, death of persons, and displacement of millions of individuals. The violent conflict has destroyed several livelihood sources and made many rich individuals poor and destitute and as well sent many young people, women and children into their untimely graves. This paper examines the attainment of sustainable development in post-conflict societies with focus on North-East Nigeria. The paper is hinged on conceptual and theoretical approach to examining the post-conflict state of attaining sustainable development using secondary data derived from published and unpublished sources with analysis based of thematic approach using document analysis. The focus of the paper is on the ravaging violent conflict by the Boko Haram insurgents in the by addressing the key fundamental issues including the phases of conflicts management and recovery, the strategies for the attainment of sustainable development and economic prosperity in the post conflict society, the key actors and strategic stakeholders in the post conflict recovery and reconstructions, and the challenges confronting sustainable development in the post-conflict society.


Keywords: Conflict, Development, Sustainable Development, post-conflict societies

Religion and Politics in the Context of National Development (Published)

The quest of every nation in the world upon attaining the status of a state is to attain sustainable national development aimed at improving the socio-economic well-being of its citizenry. National development is a multi-faceted transformation of every sector of a nation vis-a-vis economy, politics, religion, science and technology, and medicine among others. This will improve citizens’ standard of living, reduce the mortality rate and improve the life expectancy rate. This national development goal can only become a reality through the interplay between the various systems that make up a nation. One of the major systems within a nation that can determine its development is religion and politics. Religion and politics are inseparable in a religiously pluralistic society like Nigeria. Religious influence on politics is very glaring. Religious politics can be a catalyst for national development if its positive side can be explored. The aim of this paper is therefore to highlight the role that religious politics can play in national development. Descriptive and analytical research method has been adopted based on library and internet materials within the theoretical framework of Aristotle’s political theory of constitution which underscores the fact that everything government does must be for the good of the populace. This correlates with the religious ethical value of doing good to all. The paper finds out that religion and politics are inseparable and if positively explored can help in national development. It is recommended that religious ethical values should be the guiding principles in our political landscape which is essential for national development.

Keywords: Politics, Religion., Sustainable Development

Abstractions from Aristotle’s Polis and Plato’s Republic for Education, Self-Actualization and Sustainability in Nigeria (Published)

The paper adumbrated on prevalent circumstances surrounding the delivery of the type of education that may not correspond to sustainability in Nigeria. This is against the backdrop of a plethora of negative imperatives in the motive, mode and usages for educational certificates instead of knowledge and merit. Abstracting from the philosophical postulations embedded in Aristotle’s Polis and Plato’s Republic as its theoretical foundation, the paper argued that education for self-actualization, if not skewed to align with the goal needs of the larger society cannot confer sustainability in the long run. Mainly descriptive in approach, the paper inferred that apart from the fact of poor funding and outmoded curriculum contents of Nigerian educational programme, which result in the churning out of graduates adjudged to be largely unemployable, a great number of education seekers still hold unto the misconception that an educational certificate, no matter how acquired and what nature it is, provides, not just jobs, but white collar jobs, whereas this had long been supplanted by pragmatism, smartness, innovation and creativity. The paper therefore recommended, among others, improved funding, the re-appraisal of educational curriculum, improvement in schools’ infrastructure, training of teachers etc.; community involvement in platforms for counselling, support and skill acquisition centres for alternative development; and the acquisition of skill sets in computer/ICT related programmes, arts and crafts, as complements to educational certificates that are expected to train the head and equip the hands at the same time.

Keywords: Education, Self-actualization, Society, Sustainability, Sustainable Development

National Security Challenges and Sustainable Development in Nigeria: A Critical Analysis of the Niger Delta Region (Published)

Nigeria has on daily basis experienced an upsurge of activities that threatens and endangers its national security. In recent times, the Nigerian nation suddenly metamorphosed into an abode of insecurity. The Niger Delta region which is the centre of Nigeria’s oil wealth has been the scene of protest, conflict and violence. Despite its abundant oil wealth, there has been unimaginable level of poverty, unemployment, inequality, poor infrastructure, lack of social amenities and negligible development in the region. In view of this scenario, the paper basically analyses and ascertains the impact of national security challenges on sustainable development in Nigeria with a particular focus on the Niger Delta region and the responses by successive governments in tackling them.  Findings from the paper reveal among others that, the security challenges in Nigeria have long historical antecedence and the crises and conflicts in the Niger Delta region are the consequences of several years of exploitation, neglect and deliberate abandonment of the region which is the economic base of the nation, by successive governments and oil multinationals. The paper therefore concludes and recommends amongst others, the formulation and effective implementation of policies capable of addressing the root causes of insecurity in Nigeria and that more efforts should be made by the federal government and oil companies to improve the quality of human lives in the region and the nation at large. Qualitative and descriptive methods of data analysis were adopted for this study. The paper used secondary data in which conclusion and recommendations where derived.

Keywords: Challenges, Development, Insecurity, National Security, Niger-Delta, Nigeria, Security, Sustainable Development

The Sustainability Of Urban Wild Area Changes And Urban Area Development: Case Study Of Wuhan City’s Metropolitan Area, P.R. China In 2002 – 2011 (Published)

Urban wild areas are the land maintains a wild ecosystem in metropolitan areas and it is urban resources of ecosystem services. When city planning is based on economic development, capitalism urbanization and industrialization, urban wild areas tend to decrease in size while strictly urban areas become larger. Between 2002 and 2011, the metropolitan region of Wuhan, C.P. China, also displays the relationship of increasing urbanization and the decline of urban wild areas. Thus the researchers will attempt to explain a decrease in the urban wild area in the city of Wuhan due to urbanization. The current research will analyze changes in images from Landsat 7 satellite, as well as statistics of Wuhan and then they compare the study results with international sustainable standard. All data analyzed show that urban wild areas change in quality and quantity; the data also suggest that industrial and urban development correlates significantly with negative impact upon urban wild areas. In addition, the study conducted by the researchers of changes of the benchmarks of urban wild area in Wuhan culminate in sustainable ultimate gold: in the future we wants’ commitment of the United Nations. The research displays that urban wild area changes are not according with sustainable ultimate goal and it is not suitable for the well-being of metropolitan life and it serves as a serious warning to the urban wild area conservation process.

Keywords: Land Resources Management, Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Urban Development Policy, Urban Ecology, Urban Study, Wuhan city, urban wild


The study seeks to examine Local Government, Good Governance and Sustainable Development in Nigeria: A Case Study of Emohua Local Government Area of Rivers State (2001-2012). A sample of 400 respondents from 14 wards of Emohua Local Government Area in Rivers State was studied. Out of the 400 copies of questionnaire administered, 387 copies were retrieved and after going through them 381 copies (i.e. 95% response rate) were found useful for data analysis. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r) was used to test the hypotheses. The study identified the key problems affecting good governance, sustainable development and the economic empowerment of the people in local government areas in Nigeria; to include: Lack of funds to execute local government programmes, Lack of employment opportunities, Bribery and corruption / incompetence, lack of transparency and accountability, lack of planning for Good Governance / public objectives, non-government co-operation on socio- economic issues for the citizenry / decisions poor capacity utilization. Indeed there is still loud yearning for good governance at the local government level. From this study it is evident and conclusive that: Good governance promotes sustainable development in Emohua Local Government Area, Good Governance encourages the economic empowerment of the people in local government areas. The study therefore recommends that: Instead of direct sharing or transfer of cash, local government should embark on programmes that can empower local citizenry. Equally, the controlling state governments should show good example in transparency and accountability to local political leaders. This will minimize corruption at local level. Finally, State governments should also desist from hijacking the functions of local government. It is by allowing local political leaders to discharge these functions while in office that they can master the ropes of governance.

Keywords: Good Governance, Local Government, Sustainable Development

Palestinian Dilemma, Tutelage, Guardianship, Nationalism, Sovereignty. (Review Completed - Accepted)

The study seeks to examine Local Government and Good Governance in Nigeria: A Case Study of Emohua Local Government Area of Rivers State, (2004-2007). A sample of 400 respondents from 14 wards of Emohua Local Government Area in Rivers State, Nigeria was studied. Out of the 400 copies of questionnaire administered, 387 copies were retrieved and after going through them, 381 copies (i.e. 95% response rate) were found useful for data analysis. The study has identified the key problems affecting good governance, sustainable development and the economic empowerment of the people in local government areas in Nigeria; they include: Lack of funds to execute local government programmes, Lack of employment opportunities, Bribery and corruption / incompetence, lack of transparency and accountability, lack of planning for Good Governance / public objectives, non government co-operation on socio- economic issues for the citizenry / decisions poor capacity utilization. The attainment of good governance in Nigeria under the current democratic dispensation is a joint endeavour of the governmental tripod; Federal, State and Local governments. Local government has come a long way in the country. However, it is observable that local governments in the country are hardly effective and efficient. Indeed there is still loud yearning for good governance at the local government level. The study therefore recommends that: Instead of direct sharing or transfer of cash, local government should embark on programmes that can empower local citizenry. Equally, the controlling state governments should show good example in transparency and accountability to local political leaders. This will minimize corruption at local level. Finally, State governments should also desist from hijacking the functions of local government. It is by allowing local political leaders to discharge these functions while in office that they can master the ropes of governance.

Keywords: Good Governance, Local Government, Sustainable Development

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