British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals


Methods Followed By the Southern Ghor District Teachers to Increase the Motivation among Secondary Stage Student in English Language (Published)

This study aims at identifying the methods followed by the Southern Ghor District teachers to increase the motivation among secondary stage students in English language, as well as identifying the most modern methods that can be followed to provoke the students’ motivation in this sensitive phase of the student’s age. The present study also focused on the importance of learning motivation and the factors that influence this motivation. The researcher has chosen the study sample from the English language teachers in the southern Ghor District, specifically the secondary stage teachers who have long experience in teaching this age group for no less than two successive years. The study produced a number of significant results and recommendations, and most importantly the presence of disparity in the rates of using the methods of provoking motivation by the secondary stage students and that there are no statistically significant difference in using those methods due to the variables of the study sample (gender, experience, academic degree). The researcher also recommends the necessity of activating the role of the governmental entities through the Ministry of Education in supporting teachers to increase the motivation of their students by the provision of the required material and tools, in addition to holding training courses and workshops for teachers to raise their efficiency is increasing the learning motivation of the students through the available material and tools at schools.

Keywords: English Language, Motivation, Southern Ghor District, Student, Teachers

Rural Senior High School Teachers Motivation and its Effect on Their Retention (Published)

This paper presents both qualitative and quantitative studies on the motivation for teachers teaching in Senior High School located in rural areas and its effects on their willingness to continue staying in those areas in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Two public Senior High Schools in the rural areas of Afigya-Kwabre West district comprising two Headmasters and 120 teachers was selected by the use of purposive and simple random sampling techniques for the study. The study focused on primary data through interview, questionnaire and observation. It was revealed that the significant retention factors are the provision and administration of financial bonuses which include retention/professional allowance and Parents and Teachers Association motivational allowance. On the other hand, the teachers were very unsatisfied with their accommodation, means of transport and criteria for selecting award winners during speech and prize giving days. Therefore, governments and policy makers need to put in place strategies and also implement policies that will serve to improve the working conditions of teachers teaching in rural areas in order to serve as motivation for their retention.

Keywords: Administration, Motivation, Retention, Rural Area, Teacher Motivation

Motivating Employees for Effective Organizational Advancement: The Focus on Managers of Printing Industry in the Kumasi Metropolis (Published)

A major contributor to Ghana’s development through employment creation and the dissemination enhancement of information to the general public is the Printing Industry. The main purpose of the study was to evaluate managers’ motivation for their employees for efficient Organisational advancement in the printing industry within the Kumasi Metropolis. This is because employee retention is necessary through motivation. The study employed qualitative surveys on the printing industry within the given study area with emphasis on general printing technology which has been in existence for more than two and half decades. The survey was projected to get managers of selected Printing Industry on their responses on what they feel are the best features that could motivate their employees for their self-actualisation and also in achieving effective organisational progression. The study seeks to identify the most ranked factor(s) among several motivated factors existed in the sector. However, it emerged that some managers adopted the theory of motivational needs of Maslow, Fayol, Taylor, Chester, Weber to inspire their employees for effective Organizational Advancement from the pragmatic findings.

Keywords: Employee, Managers, Motivation, Organisational Advancement, Printing Industry

An Assessment of Basic School Teachers’ Perception of the Impact of Motivation on Their Productivity in Ghana (Published)

This study aimed at examining basic school teachers’ perception of the impact of motivation on JHS teacher productivity in the Asante Akim South district of Ghana. The descriptive survey design was used in conducting the study and the population was all the JHS teachers in the district with a sample size of 217, made up of 179 males and 38 females. A questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of 0.74 was used for data collection. Key findings indicated that majority (97.2%) of teachers admitted that government’s study leave with pay policy was necessary for teacher productivity, eighty five percent (85%) of teachers were of the opinion that promotion was a necessary condition for teacher productivity, and there was a strong positive correlation between teachers’ salaries and teacher productivity. It was recommended that the quota system introduced into the study leave with pay policy should be removed to enable many teachers benefit from the facility. The district best teacher award scheme should cover at least 50% of teachers in the district, and promotion in the Ghana Education Service (GES) should be based on hard work rather than long service and further education.

Keywords: Basic School, Motivation, Perception, Productivity, Teachers


Language subjects (Kiswahili or English) are important to the education of a student. This is evident in entry requirements or clustering of subjects performed to enable learners join higher learning institutions. Currently, for one to be absorbed in courses like medicine, law and engineering, he or she must score grade ‘A’ in English or Kiswahili. To accomplish their task, teachers need to utilize all the professional training, be innovative, creative, dedicated to the interest of learners in school and helping them during extra time beyond the school daily timetable. Teachers should be motivated to accomplish the noble task. This paper is designed to identify the level of motivation for teachers of Kiswahili. The study was based on Expectancy theory by Victor Vroom who explained that motivation is a combination of three factors: Valence, Expectancy and Instrumentality. The theory stresses that students and teachers expect to get a reward from the effort they put in their work. Survey research design and Stratified random sampling was used to select teachers teaching Kiswahili from the selected 14 schools out of 29 schools in Elgeyo Marakwet County. The sample included teachers and students. Questionnaires and document analysis were used in data collection. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics mainly frequencies, percentages, variances and standard deviations; t-test was applied in testing the hypothesis. The paper recommends that Head teachers and other administrators need to adopt a workable motivation schedule to improve the teachers’ level of motivation and consequently performance

Keywords: Kiswahili, Level, Motivation, Performance, Teachers


The production of a storyline connecting issues of policy coherence with reference to reform initiatives designed to enhance teacher professionalism is the central purpose of this article. The storyline is synthesised from conversations with Ghana Education Service (GES) stakeholders and educational leaders about their opinions concerning the Ghana Education Service and teacher support towards policy implementation within the Sissala East District. Teacher professionalism has been taken out of a larger research work on “Implementation of Initiatives in Ghanaian Education: The effect on rural Ghanaian junior high schools” (Inkoom, 2012). The article articulates background data about demographic details of teachers in the Sissala East District; their professional development; teaching and learning, facilities and resources; and, issues of teacher deployment within GES and teacher education.

Keywords: Commitment, Motivation, Teachers, interventions, potential, professionalism


This study was conducted to establish the influence of stress arising from motivation on professional effectiveness of secondary school teachers in Cross River State. The study adopted an ex-post facto design. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select sixty (60) schools out of two hundred and thirty (230) public secondary schools, while random sampling was used to select six hundred (600) teachers. Research data were collected through the use of 2 sets of self-developed and validated questionnaire titled: Motivation Inventory (MOI) and Professional Effectiveness Questionnaire (PEQ). MOI consisted of 21 items Likert-type scale with a alternative responses (very stressful, stressful, less stressful, not stressful). PEQ was a 28 items Likert-type scale with 4 alternative responses (very effective, effective, ineffective, less effective and has submits such as lesson presentation, use of instructional aids, classroom management, evaluation of students, learning motivation, supervision of co-curricular activities and professional/personal qualities. Both instruments has reliability index of 0.81 and 0.87 significance. Result obtained showed a significant influence of stress arising from (motivation on lesson presentation, use of instructional aids, classroom management and evaluation of students, supervision of co-curricular activities). Based on the finding, it was recommended among others that teachers should learn how to manage stressful situations by use of self-talk technique which enables an individual emit self-statements that may prompt coping behaviour

Keywords: Cross River State, Motivation, Stress, Teacher, professional effectiveness

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