British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals


Construction and Validation of a Scale to Measure University Lecturers’ Stress in Teaching Profession in Southwest Nigeria (Published)

This study developed a scale for measuring University Lecturers’ stress in teaching profession in Southwest, Nigeria. The study specifically determined whether the stress rating scale (SRS) is reliable. It also examined whether the stress rating scale (SRS) is valid. It furthers determined whether the stress rating scale (SRS) discriminate between lecturers based on gender. The descriptive research design of the survey type was used in this study. The population for the study consisted of 18,967 university lecturers in Southwest. A sample of 300 University lecturers were selected through multistage sampling procedure. The research instrument used in collecting data for this study was a self-developed stress rating scale (SRS). The 30 items generated were administered to University lecturers on a four-point continuum. Their responses were subjected to factor analysis and item total correlation which helped to reduce the items to 18. A 18-items instrument named “Stress Rating Scale” was finally produced. This was administered on the selected sample for the study. Analyses of the data were presented under descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics were analyzed by the use mean and standard deviation while the inferential testing were done using Cronbach’s coefficient of alpha reliability, Item Total Correlation Analysis, and students t-test. The findings of this study revealed that the scale had significant reliability coefficient, the scale is valid, and there was a significant difference between the rating of male and female University Lecturer on the Stress scale. It was concluded that the 18-items on stress rating scale developed in this study is reliable and valid and can therefore be used to adequately measure lecturers’ stress in teaching profession. Based on the findings of this study, it was therefore recommended that lecturers should take enough time to rest so as to ease off their stress and female lecturers should be given consideration when assigning activities that can lead to stress

Keywords: Development, Measurement, Stress, rating scale, teaching profession

Economics Modules for Students of the Economics Study Program, State University of Medan T.P. 2022/2023 (Published)

Learning during COVID-19, which is conducted through online tutorials, provides limited access to students to get information about teaching materials, including economics teaching materials, especially essential materials. As faculty, we are required to be more creative in anticipating this problem, so that the quality of learning has improved. For this reason, it is necessary to compile a module that can be prepared by students, especially modules of the economics course that are in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum of the Indonesian national qualification framework. This research aims to make a module that is relevant and suitable for use in the learning process. The method used is the research and development of Borg and Gall. This research was conducted with students of the Economics Studies Program of the Faculty of Economics of Medan State University with a population of all students who took the Microeconomics course 2022/2023. With samples divided into three, that is, 3 people for individuals, 6 people for small groups and 30 people for field groups. To see the feasibility, this draft of the module was validated by validators who are experts in their fields, and to see the technicality, this module was tested to the students. The results of this study show that this developed module should be used in economic learning

Keywords: Development, Economics, Module, essential

Cultism Development and Its Sinister Influence in Nigeria Universities (Published)

This paper discussed cultism development and its sinister influence in Nigeria universities. The unabated incidence and unrelenting activities of secret cults in Nigerian universities which invariably have caused a lot of havoc on the lives and psych of Nigerians have over the years been a thing of serious concern to educational stakeholders, administrators, parents/ guidance, and the society at large. To wit, this paper examined the concept of cultism in Nigerian universities, concept of development of cultism in Nigerian Universities, sinister influence of cultism in Nigerian universities. The paper concludes that cultism can be eradicated in our secondary schools, universities and other institutions of learning to at least a near zero-degree level. The paper therefore suggested that parents, educational administrators and educational stakeholders should inculcate the fear of God in the lives of their children/wards, and students and that the government and private institutions should establish schools of parenting for parents and parents to be.

Keywords: Cultism, Development, Influence, Universities, sinister

Development of Material Economics Modules That Experience Misconceptions in Students of the Economics Study Program Medan State University (Published)

The online learning system has an impact on limited access to information. As educators in universities, we are required to be more creative in improving the quality of learning. For this reason, it is necessary to compile module that are feasible to support learning, especially economics courses on material that has experienced misconceptions. Misconception means the existence of a model of thinking, understanding or wrong ideas formed by students and contrary to theories and concepts used in economic terms. Some students do not have a correct understanding of each concept listed in economic learning, misconceptions also occur when students make a general view based on observations, lack of understanding of concepts, namely unclear and very vague, less tactful, narrow, less exposed, and there are conflicts in the meaning of language between everyday language and terms used in economics. This research uses the research and development (R&D) method with the concept of Borg and Gall. This research was conducted in the economics study program of Medan State University with a total population of all students taking economics courses in the 2021/2022 academic year. Samples are determined by purposive random sampling and sample classes are used to test individual, small group, and limited field samples To see whether or not this module is feasible is first validated by expert lecturers in economics, as well as to see whether or not this module is effective is first tested on students. This research at the same time produced a decent module, effectively having an ISBN. After all the revision notes were corrected as recommended by the validator, then this module was tested on an individual group of 3 people, a small group of 6 field groups consisting of 33 students. From the results of the effectiveness trial, it can be concluded that the average student learning outcomes by using modules are better than the learning outcomes of students who do not use modules. Hopefully this research can further motivate student learning and can also increase student learning independence. 

Citation: Arwansyah, Joko Suharianto, Munzir Phonna, M. Ikhsan (2022) Development of Material Economics Modules That Experience Misconceptions in Students of the Economics Study Program Medan State University, British Journal of Education, Vol.10., Issue 8, pp. 44-54

Keywords: Development, Economics, Modules, and misconceptions

Development and Validation of Instrument for Measuring Competency of Secondary School Principals in Akwa Ibom State (Published)

The need for developing and validating a standardized instrument for measuring educational variables and construct is very important in evaluating educational problems. This study is therefore conducted to develop and standardized an instrument for measuring Competency of Secondary School Principals in Akwa Ibom State. In carrying out this study, three research questions and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study adopted the instrumentation research design. A total of 1349 teachers were selected from a population of 11,036 teachers to rate their principals in the public secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State. The instrument developed was titled Principal Competency Scale (PCS). A total of 71 items were written initially for the instrument. The instrument was face validated by seven experts; three lecturers in Educational Evaluation from the Department of Educational Foundations, Guidance and Counselling University of Uyo, two secondary school principals and two secondary school teachers in Akwa Ibom State. The two components of the principal competency measured were named; Human Relation Competency and Administrative Competency. The instrument was then administered to 1149 teachers and the scores were subjected to factor analysis to determine the construct validity of the instrument. Two components were extracted from the scree plot of the principal component analysis. Internal consistency reliability was computed for the instrument using Cronbach Alpha, which yielded a coefficient of 0.897. The instrument after the validation was trial tested on a sample of 200 teachers to determine how it functions among gender of principals. Mean was used in answering research questions and   independent t-test was used in testing the hypotheses. The result of the analysis indicated a significant difference in principals’ human relation competency based on gender and no significant difference in principals’ administrative leadership competency   based on gender. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that the Principal Competency Scale should be used in measuring the competency of principals in secondary schools regardless of gender.

Keywords: Development, Validation, instrument, secondary school’s principals

Status of Entrepreneurship Development Programme, in Polytechnics in South-East Nigeria (Published)

This study was carried out to find out the status of entrepreneurship development programme in polytechnics in South-East Nigeria. The study adopted descriptive survey design. The study was conducted in all the polytechnics in South-East Nigeria. The population of this study comprised all the 390 entrepreneurship lecturers in polytechnics in South-East Nigeria. As a result of the manageable size, the entire population was used. Thus, there was no sampling of respondents. Data were collected for the study through the administration of validated questionnaire on the respondents. The reliability of the instrument was established using Cronbach alpha (α) reliability statistic. The overall reliability coefficient obtained was 0.84. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study and one null hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance. In analyzing the data collected for the study, mean and standard deviation were used to answer research questions 1-2 while percentage was used to answer research question 3. T-test inferential statistic was used to test the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that the status of curriculum contents was adequate, all teaching methods indicated were applicable. The study further revealed that well equipped training workshop, quality entrepreneurship textbooks, materials for group projects, internet connection, and materials for practical activities were not available for implementing entrepreneurship development programme of polytechnics in South-East Nigeria.  The major implication of the findings of the study lies more on the non-availability of most of the physical facilities for implementing entrepreneurship development programme. Therefore, as the students are learning without adequate relevant physical facilities, the graduates after passing through the entrepreneurship development programme may not have the necessary skills and competencies that emanate from such facilities to set up and run their own business enterprises. It was recommended, among others that government should provide institutions with adequate physical facilities for quality entrepreneurship development programme in Polytechnics in the South-east and that Polytechnic authorities should ensure that entrepreneurship educators comply with using the curriculum designed in order to ensure that the objectives of the programme are achieved.

Citation: Basil O. Nwosu  and Charles A. Ejeka (2022) Status of Entrepreneurship Development Programme, in Polytechnics in South-East Nigeria British Journal of Education, Vol.10, Issue 1, pp. 35-48,


Keywords: Development, Entrepreneurship, Nigeria, Polytechnics, Programme, South-East, Status

Evaluation of the Impact of E-Laboratory on Engineering Research and Development in Nigeria: Emphasis on Universities in Delta State (Published)

The study evaluated the impact of electronic laboratory to engineering research and development in Universities in Delta State. Three research questions and three corresponding hypotheses guided the study. Design of the study was descriptive survey. Population of the study comprised 12, 482 (8,338 academic and 4,144 administrative) while the sample for the study consisted of 747 (382 academic and 365 administrative) staff who were sampled for the study using random sampling technique. Instrument used for collecting data for the study was an 18 item questionnaire titled. The instrument was validated by three experts; one each from the Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Measurement and Evaluation, and Educational Management who assisted in determining the face and content validities of the questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was determined using Cronbach Alpha with an index of 0.88. The research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation while the hypotheses were tested using z-test at 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that online simulation laboratory, three-dimensional laboratory and computerized science laboratory all impact on engineering research and development. There was no significant difference in the opinion of academic staff and administrative staff on the impact of online simulation laboratory and three-dimensional laboratory but a significant difference existed on the impact of computerized science laboratory. Based on these findings, it was recommended that more technological facilities should be provided for the conduct of engineering research activities and the staff who carry put this research should be trained on modern technological research skills from time to time.

Keywords: Delta State, Development, E-laboratory, Engineering, Research

Challenges on Development and Education of Nomadic Children in Sokoto State: Implications for Education and Sustainability (Published)

Globally, education as birth right and sustainable development in human capacities and societal progress are being pursued with vigour. The nomadic Fulani are the second largest population of inhabitants in Sokoto state. However, they are among marginalised, underserved, underdeveloped and less educated group not only in the state but the country at large. The paper identifies nomadic life styles, inadequacies in policies and provisions for nomadic education and wide spread corruptions as major sources of constraints to development and education of Fulani children thus affecting the sustainable development prospects. The paper suggests the need for more concerted efforts form individuals and government, need for accurate census figure, mass mobilisation, wide spread campaign and use of culture-friendly integrated health, socio-economic welfare and education packages for all nomads. The paper concludes that it seems obvious that the nomads prefer sending children to cattle rearing than schooling because to the nomads a child who can rear and milk cow is more desirable than a certificate-holder that has no job or cannot breed cattle, thus it is imperative to make nomadic education more relevant to ideals and values of nomads for sustainable development to be a reality and achievable.

Keywords: Challenges, Development, Education, Sokoto, State, nomadic children

Entrepreneurship Education for Sustainable Development in Nigeria (Published)

The paper focuses on entrepreneurship education as a mechanism for achieving sustainable development in Nigeria. The following terms were clearly discussed namely the entrepreneur, characteristics, the theories of entrepreneurship were also stated including the challenges of entrepreneurship  education which includes students orientation, what to teach, how to teach and who to teach as well as the possible solutions  to be adopted. This research identifies that although some strategies emphasis on entrepreneurship skills there is dire requirement for a comprehensive orientation of institutions with the sole aim of improving the entrepreneurship mentality of the youths. The aftermath of this is the generation of employment, increased output through innovations, efficient utilization of available resources and the facilitation in the transfer of technological advancement to mention a few have been identified as the contributions of Entrepreneurship to the development of a country. Based on these propositions as well other discourses a number of recommendations were suggested which includes; a call for stakeholders to recommit themselves towards development of entrepreneurship through the provision of adequate resources for teaching as well as well-equipped empowerment development centers. The paper emphasis that based on the shared responsibilities for entrepreneurship development it can be employed as a viable tool for sustainable development in Nigeria.

Keywords: Development, Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneur, Sustainable

Sustaining Quality African Education for Sustainable Growth and Development in Africa: The Nigerian Experience (Published)

The study was carried out to examine the role of African education on sustainable growth and development in Africa: a case study of Nigeria. The survey research design was adopted for the study. Seven hundred and twenty (720) participants were randomly sampled from the six geopolitical zones of the country. Two hypotheses were formulated and tested using simple regression analysis tested at 0.05 level of significance. A 30 item questionnaire titled “Sustaining Quality African Education for Sustainable Growth and Development Questionnaire” was constructed and administered by the researchers. The instrument was validated by experts in evaluation and psychological testing. The split half reliability method was used to determine the reliability of the instrument. The reliability index stood at 0.89. the statistical analysis of the hypotheses showed that there was a significant influence of African education for entrepreneurship skills on sustainable growth and development. Again the result of the second hypothesis indicated that there was a significant influence of African education for cultural values on sustainable growth and development. Based on the result, conclusion was drawn and recommendations were made on how to integrate the African indigenous education for sustainable development.

Keywords: African Education, Development, Sustainable Growth

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