International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)

EA Journals


Knowledge of Undergraduates on Government Interventions in Environmental Issues in Southwest, Nigeria (Published)

This study examined the knowledge of undergraduate on government interventions in environmental issues in Southwest, Nigeria. This examined the differences in the knowledge of undergraduates on government interventions in environmental issues in Southwest, Nigeria based on gender and ownership of University. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised all university undergraduates in Southwest, Nigeria. A sample of 1752 male and female Undergraduates in Federal, State and Private Universities were used for the study. Multistage sampling procedure was employed for the sample selection. Undergraduates’ Knowledge on Government Interventions in Environmental Issues Test (UKGIEIT) was  used to collect data for the study. The validity of the instruments was ensured through face and content validity procedures and the reliability of the UKGIEIT was established using test-retest method. The alpha value of 0.70 was obtained this was considered high and reliable enough for the study. The data generated for this study were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistics of frequency counts, mean and percentages were used to provide answers to the research question while inferential statistics of t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The level of undergraduates’ knowledge of government interventions in environmental issues was moderate, there was a significant difference in the knowledge of male and female undergraduates towards government interventions in environmental issue and that there was no significant difference in undergraduates’ knowledge of government interventions in environmental issues based on the ownership of University. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that university management should intensify effort on environmental education programmes so as to provide students with comprehensive knowledge of government interventions in environmental issues irrespective of their gender.

Keywords: Environment, Knowledge, Undergraduates, environmental issues, government interventions

From Constraints to Control: The French Language Classroom in Multilingual Nigeria (Published)

There are several issues associated with the teaching and learning of French Language in an Anglophone environment like Nigeria. For effective `interaction with the neighbouring countries, Nigerian citizens need the knowledge of French language. Nigeria is an Anglophone country that is surrounded by francophone countries. French Language teachers face a lot of issues while carrying out their day to day activities in the classroom. Some of them include mother tongue interference, lack of use of instructional materials, challenges of the modern technological facilities, confusion of the target French Language, hostile environmental issues, psychological issues, teachers’ personal issues and that of the learners etc. All these issues seem to affect the learning processes in the French Language classrooms. All the above constraints contribute to the poor performance of French language in Nigerian schools; this has led to poor academic achievement of students in French language which has spilled over to poor performance of students in both internal and external examinations.

Keywords: French Language., Issues, Knowledge, Learning, Teaching

Measuring Global Competence of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students (Published)

Twenty-first century students live in an interconnected, diverse and intensively changing world. Developing intercultural and global competences is of major importance. In such a context this study comes to investigate global competence of 336 undergraduate and postgraduate students through a quantitative methodology. Convenient and snowball sampling techniques were followed, whereas the data were analyzed with the statistical software SPSS 27.0 for Windows. According to the findings, most of the students demonstrate high levels of competence and some variables, such as gender, age, study program and level of ICT knowledge seem to affect some of the sub-scales.

Citation: Zoe Karanikola (2022) Measuring Global Competence of undergraduate and postgraduate students, International Journal of Education, Learning and Development, Vol. 10, No.8, pp.27-39

Keywords: Attitudes, Global Competence, Knowledge, Skills, Values, undergraduate and postgraduate students

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Toward’s Child Adoption Amongst Women in Calabar, Cross River State (Published)

Having a child is important among married women in Calabar. Among married women, infertility is the main factor causing childlessness. Child adoption provides an alternative for married women to have children. Thus, the purpose of the study was to explore the perceived barriers of child adoption among women with infertility. The objective is to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of women of reproductive age towards child adoption in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. The study used an exploratory qualitative and quantitative approach to understand the knowledge, attitude and practices towards possible child adoption in the study area. The study was conducted among 200 women attending fertility clinic in General hospital, Calabar in Cross River state. Semi structured interview questionnaire was administeredto 200 consecutive infertile female patients (between February and September,2018) at the General Hospital Calabar who agreed to participate in the study after counseling. Participants were purposively recruited and data collected by individual face-to-face in-depth interviews. The data generated was analyzed by simple percentages, descriptive statistics and simple correlation analysis at 5% probability level. Knowledge of child adoption was relatively very high (92.6%) but out of which only 2.0% of the respondents had adopted a child while 34.5% were willing to adopt in the near future if their condition of childlessness persist.T he correlation coefficient for child adoption was significantly higher, positive and strong in patients are childless and who had suffered infertility for more than 6 years (r=0.92, P<0.001), those with secondary/ tertiary education (r=0.90, P<0.001) and in those with no living child (r=0.89, P<0.001) compared to the non-significant correlation coefficient of those whose aim of adoption was to satisfy their need for domestic chores (r – 0.21;P>0.001) and those whose need a child for errand (r –0.32; P>0.001).Majority of the respondents(77.3%) were not willing to adopt a child and their main reason was that child adoption would not allow them fulfill their conception role as women in addition to the long procedures involve in child adoption. Knowledge of child adoption was high among the respondents but the willingness to adopt a child was low due to the fact that it would not allow them fulfill their conception role as women. There is need to educate and encourageour infertile patients to utilize this cheaper and available option of managinginfertility.There is also the need for public education and special counselling session for husbands and other family members on child adoption as an alternative solution for infertility and childlessness. The success of marriages has largely been premeditated on child bearing in most African society and oftentimes women are at the receiving end of childlessness with possible psychological and physical trauma.


Keywords: Calabar, Cross River State, Knowledge, Women, attitude, child adoption, practice

Assessment of Knowledge and Understanding of Laboratory Health Practices among Secondary School Students in North-Central, Nigeria (Published)

This research work was carried out to investigate the knowledge of laboratory health practices possessed by senior secondary school students in the North-Central geopolitical zone of Nigeria.  A total of 893 students were sampled in North-Central Nigeria by means of stratified random sampling using the Questionnaire as an instrument. Data acquired was analysed using comparison of means and t-test at 0.05 statistical level of significance. The result of the study showed that the knowledge of laboratory precautionary practices possessed by the students is fairly good. In terms of gender, school type and location: Female students expressed a better knowledge than their male counterparts, Also, students from private and urban schools performed significantly better than their counterparts in the public and rural schools respectively. The researchers recommended that Science teachers should emphasize familiarity and understanding of laboratory warning symbols among others.

Keywords: Hazard Symbols, Health Practices, Knowledge, Laboratory, north Central

Women Participation in Higher Secondary Education in Bangladesh (Published)

Formal education is a fulcrum of sustainable development. Education allows individuals to develop within their community and country, and allows nations to compete and survive in the global economy. Education plays a critical role in fostering basic intellectual abilities, expanding further educational opportunities that are vital to success in a world where power is closely linked with knowledge. Education is the nourishment of the mind with knowledge and as such it helps in the formation of an integrated personality of an individual. Education has a special significance in the context of a quasi-traditional or transitional society like Bangladesh. In this paper I shall try to delineate the picture of women participation in higher secondary education in Bangladesh. I shall also mention the necessity and factors responsible for women participation in higher education. From the analysis it is observed that there is a skyward trend for the female passed students that lead to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Keywords: Higher Education, Higher Secondary Education, Knowledge, Millennium Development Goals (MDGS), Women, Women Education

Chemistry Entrepreneurship: A Panacea for Chemistry Graduates Unemployment-The Nigerian Experience (Published)

This study sought to examine chemistry entrepreneurship as a panacea for chemistry graduates unemployment in Nigeria. The recent economy recession world-wide and particularly in Nigeria has necessitated the need to make a paradigm shift from consuming economy to producing economy. For any nation to attain the status of producing economy, its citizens must have acquired entrepreneurial skills in all sectors of the economy. Entrepreneurship is the capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit. The notion to become an entrepreneur in Nigeria is fast gaining ground in the face of little or no government jobs. The labour market is gradually becoming more attractive to graduating students as they want to be self-employed and independent.In view of all these, there is the need to entrench entrepreneurship education into our school curricula at all levels of education, most especially the higher institutions. This being as it is, there is need for inclusion of chemistry entrepreneurship in the chemistry curriculum most especially for our higher education students.Chemistry entrepreneurship being offered as a course will equip the students with the knowledge and skills to convert innovations from researches in chemistry into marketable products for commercial gain. Many of the household materials being used on daily basis are the products of innovations from chemistry researches. Such household materials as soap, candle, cream, toothpaste, slippers, shoe polish, insecticides, herbicides among others are enough, if invested in, to make a chemistry graduate a wealth creator instead of a job seeker.In view of the above, the paper recommends that the Nigerian government should prioritise, generally the academic entrepreneurship and particularly chemistry entrepreneurship in all our higher institutions, as this will go a long way in arresting the spate of chemistry graduates unemployment and also strengthen the nose-diving economy in the country.

Keywords: Chemistry entrepreneurship, Innovations, Knowledge, Skills, Wealth Creation


The concern of the study was to investigate into secondary school teachers’ knowledge of climate, its impacts and mitigation strategies. Stratified and simple random sampling techniques were used in selecting the respondents for the study. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire named Teacher Climate Change Knowledge Question (TCCKQ). The questionnaire was structured by the researchers and validated by experts. The findings revealed that teachers have the knowledge of climate change impacts on man, animals, their environment, as well as the different mitigating strategies. Revealed also is the disparity between teachers’ knowledge of climate change in urban and rural secondary schools. The implication of the findings is that success of climate change education depends on the knowledge of the teacher on the subject. It is recommended that climate change education be introduced into the teacher training institutions and regular training and workshops be organized for teachers.

Keywords: Climate Change, Knowledge, Nigeria, Rivers State, Secondary Schools, Teachers

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