Environmental Adult Education for Socio-Environmental Change, (Published)
Human perceptions of the environment, and attitudes towards it, have evolved as an integral part of the long history of human interactions with the rest of nature. Consequently, these interactions cause untold damage or deplete the natural resources on which humans depend. Contemporary public attitudes reflect today’s environment, today’s information, and today’s economic, social and political circumstances. Changing human behaviour towards the environment similarly demands the alteration of perception and attitudes and especially the creation of circumstances under which the new behaviour is seen both rational and possible. People will accept a new ethic for sustainable living when they are persuaded and convinced that it is right to do so, when they have sufficient information, and when they are enabled to obtain the required knowledge and skills. This is the necessity for environmental adult education for socio-environmental change which is the focus of this paper.
Keywords: Education, environmental adult, socio-environmental change
The role of educational curricula in achieving intellectual security for female students of the Faculties of Education at Yarmouk University from their point of view (Published)
This study investigates the role of educational curricula in achieving the intellectual security of education female students in Jordanian public universities from their perspectives. The descriptive analytical approach was followed, and an instrument was designed and implemented to a sample of 280 university female students from the Faculty of Education at Yarmouk University. The findings reveal that the role of educational curricula in achieving the intellectual security of female students at the faculties of education in Jordanian public universities was prominent from their viewpoints. The findings further reveal that there are no statistically significant differences in the role of educational curricula in achieving the intellectual security of female students at the Faculty of Education in Jordanian public universities attributed to the specialization variable, the academic year and the family monthly income. The researcher recommends that university educational curricula should emphasize the danger of engaging in extremist intellectual groups.
Keywords: Curriculum, Education, intellectual security
Attainment of the Millennium Development Goals and Sustainability Development Goals: The Achievement So Far In Nigeria Educational System. (Published)
This study focuses on examining the extent of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) achievement in Nigeria so far. It is a well-known fact that (MDGs) came as a result of relief to most developing countries and has been seen as a way of rampaging the issue of poverty. A lot of people in high positions have benefitted in this as they siphon/embezzle the funds meant to alleviate poverty slated for the less privileged by MDGs. Nigerian government is not able to dedicate funds reasonable enough to carter for the Education of its citizenry and effort to inculcate male and female gender in education has not been given a fair attention due to endemic corruption that has eaten deep into the fabric of the Nigerian development. The study aims at outlining the challenges facing Nigerian government in realization of MDGs in its education, gender equality and women empowerment and the way forward towards achieving this very desirable venture after the elapse of the duration of 2015 ultimatum for quality education in Nigeria.
Keywords: Education, Millennium Development Goals (MDGS), Nigeria
Reassessing the Link between Government Spending on Education and National Development in Nigeria (Published)
The study examined the relationship between government spending on education and national development in Nigeria using secondary data from the period 2001 to 2017. The study adopted gross domestic product as proxy for national development and the dependent variable; while government spending on education (representing Federal Government annual budgetary provision for the education sector) and inflation were used as the explanatory variables. Time series data for the study period was collected from the Federal Ministry of Finance, Office of the Accountant-General of the Federation and Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Official Gazette. The study employed descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis based on the E-view 10 software as techniques of data analysis. The results provided evidence that government spending of education had significant positive effect on national development (at 5% level), while inflation had an insignificant effect on national development (at 13%). Overall, the study concluded that government spending on education has statistically significant positive effect on national at 5% with a probability of F-statistics value of 0.000000. This means that government spending on education will enhance the availability of high level manpower that will ultimately bring about improvements in productivity leading to increase in national development. Based the findings, the study recommend that government should increase annual budgetary allocation to education sector to 26% of total annual budget in line with the UNESCO requirements; that the responsible organs of government should set targets and goals aimed at minimizing as much as possible (if not completely eradicating) misappropriation of funds.
Keywords: Education, Government spending, Inflation, National Development, Output, Productivity
Influence of Social Media on Communication Skills and Academic Performance of Business Education Students in Colleges of Education in Southwest, Nigeria (Published)
The study assessed the influence of social media on communication skill acquisition and academic performance of business education students. The study had two specific purposes, three research questions and two hypotheses. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The population consisted of 461 respondents. A structured questionnaire tagged Influence of Social Media on Communication Skills and Academic Performance Questionnaire (ISMCSAPQ) was used to collect data from the respondents. The instrument was subjected to face and content validation by three experts with a Cronbach reliability coefficient of 0.87. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyse the data to answer the research questions while linear regression statistic was used to test the hypotheses. The findings revealed among others that social media use significantly positively influence communication skills and academic performance of business education students in colleges of education. It was concluded that social media when used effectively for academic purposes is capable of improving communication skills and academic performance of Business Education students in colleges of education. The study is potentially of great significance to teachers and students, enabling them to recognize, accept and deploy social media as implements of teaching, learning and skill acquisition. It was recommended among others that students should be encouraged to use social media to acquire necessary information while government provide conducive learning environment such as e-library for academic excellence.
Keywords: Academic, Business, Education, Media, Performance, Skills, Social, communication
Educational Services to Develop Students’ Different Variaties of Potential, Competence, Knowledge, and Experience in Elementary School (Published)
Education plays an important role to give a service to students particularly to those who have various kind of potential. Therefore, it needs to formulate the concept of educational services that can develop the potential of diverse students. This case study used a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) technique conducted in Jakarta, Bandung, and Surakarta. The research found out the concept of educational services for various kinds of students’ potential with the needs of strengthening school principal management involving students’ parents’ association, home visit, improve teaching and learning using various kinds of teaching methodology and teaching and learning tool.
Keywords: Education, Elementary School, School Management, Teaching and Learning, parents’ association, potential
The Impact of Kindergarten on Children’s Socio-emotional Development (Published)
Scholars emphasized to believe that age 3-5 is the most optimal for the children formation of learning enthusiasm. This age will allow children to succeed at the next levels of the educational system as well as enjoy lifelong benefits. The early education is the cornerstone to children to establish the first Socio-emotional development contact. Furthermore, there are cultural, parental, and environmental factors, corporate the kindergarten institution that could affect the quality and feasibility of early education. Yet some positive economic and parental factors can help kindergartens in its educational endeavors. The study found that the elements of family, school and community factors, as well as play, relationships, and environments, work in synergy to support children’s Socio-emotional development. The present research emphasized that to help the educational institutions to improve its image that is preferred, it is necessary to address issues that minimize the quality of education and render kindergartens irrelevant.
Keywords: Education, Kindergarten, children, socio-emotional development
Comparative Analysis of Budgetary Allocation to Education and Life Expectancy in Nigeria, 1980 – 2015 (Published)
The study investigated the Comparative Analysis of Budgetary Allocation to Education and Life Expectancy in Nigerian from 1980-2015. The objective of the study was to comparatively analyze the relative impact of federal government actual budgetary allocation to education alongside UNESCO 26% recommended budgetary allocation to education. In respect to the above, relevant theoretical and empirical literature were reviewed. The researcher formulated the relevant objective research question hypothesis to guide the study. In the course of the study, relevant data relating to the variables needed by the researcher were extracted from various document analysis such as Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Statistical Bulletin and National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) Statistical Bulletin. The Classical Linear Regression Model was employed in modelling the relationship between poverty and the budgetary allocation variables. The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) equation technique was used in analyzing the data. The unit root analysis revealed that all the variables were not stationary at levels. But at first difference, all the variables became stationary. The Johansen cointegration analysis revealed that the variables were cointegrated and had a valid error correction mechanism. The analysis of the Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) showed that the impact on poverty was wrongly signed and insignificant. On comparative analysis, the researcher observed that the UNESCO’s 26% recommended budgetary allocation to education criteria had more impact on Life Expectancy. It was therefore, recommended that Budgetary allocation to the educational sector in Nigeria should be implemented based on the UNESCO 26% recommended principle. Greater percentage of the budgetary allocation to education should be spent on capital project in the education sector. This is because such expenditure will impact positively on the educational sector and in turn have a multiplier effect on the general performance of the economy at the long run.
Keywords: Budgetary Allocation, Comparative Analysis, Education, Health, UNESCO 26%, life expectancy
Spiritual Maturity: Interrogating the Spiritual Transformation in Selected Redeemed Gospel Churches in Machakos County (Published)
The purpose of the study was to assess the spiritual maturity among the members of Redeemed Gospel Church in Kangundo District. The study adopted descriptive survey design which used the cross-sectional approach to data collection. The study sampled 945 participants selected using systematic random sampling and questionnaires were consequently distributed to all participants. Overall, 538 questionnaires were returned and analyzed using SSPS. t– tests were performed for independent variables. The study findings revealed that the respondents were spiritually mature (average of 60.8%) for all the subscales of the Spiritual Assessment Inventory (SAI) as indicated by Awareness of God Scale (62.5%), Impression Management Scale (47.1%), Grandiosity Scale (59.7%), Instability Scale (58.6%), Disappointment with God Scale (67.4%) and Realistic Acceptance Scale (69.3%). The respondents got low scores in most of the items in all the subscales which was an indication of spiritual maturity, an evidence of spiritual transformation. The study recommended that the church should therefore emphasize in its teaching ministry as education was found to be core in spiritual transformation, hence spiritual maturity.
Keywords: Christian, Discipleship, Education, Learning, Spiritual Maturity, Transformation
The Relationship Between the Capabilities of School Management and Teacher’s Performance Guiding and Counseling at Government Senior High School in Medan Academic Year 2015/2016 (Published)
This study aims to determine the relationship between principal management capabilities with the performance of guidance and counseling teachers in SMA NEGERI Medan. The formulation of the problem in this study is any relationship between the principal’s management capability with the performance of guidance and counseling teachers of State Senior High School Medan City 2015/2016 academic year. This type of research is a correlation research which is one part of the ex facto research because the researchers do not manipulate the state of a variable that is reflected in the correlation coefficient. Researchers do not treat the research variables but examine the facts that have occurred based on the perceptions of teachers guidance and counseling facts were excavated using a questionnaire containing the number of questions that reflect teachers’ perceptions of guidance and counseling on the ability of school principals. The results of research using descriptive and correlation methods. The relationship between one variable with several variables is expressed by the amount of correlation coefficient and significance (significant) statistically. This study has two variables, namely the principal’s management capability as X variable and teacher guidance and counseling performance as variable Y. Results indicated that the implementation of the principal’s management capability in SMA was disseminated 3.45. The results of the study provide answers that teachers guidance and counseling in the State Senior High School of Medan has a high performance / well indicated by the average answer questionnaire distributed 3.20. Result of calculation of correlation coefficient price between variable of headmaster’s management ability (X) With teacher performance guidance and counseling variable (Y) equal to 0,8597 show very positive relationship. From result of hypothesis test with t-test calculation show t count t table or 14,346 2,086 which answer the hypothesis of this research that is: “there is positive and significant correlation between managerial capability of headmaster with guidance counselor and counseling performance at SMA NEGERI Medan.
Keywords: Education, School Management, Teacher’s Performance, counseling