Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (GJAHSS)

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A Number of Complicated Aspects of Religious Life in Vietnam Today and Suggested Regulation Policies (Published)

Religion, at any time, is a sensitive issue that attracts the attention of domestic and international public opinion. Taking advantage of this reality, hostile foreign forces have sabotaged Vietnam in recent years by publishing false reports about religious freedom in Vietnam through a one-sided, unilateral, and inconsiderate approach to information. The article makes contribution in analyzing the actual situation of some tricks that have been and are being exploited by hostile forces and extremist elements in religious issues to sabotage the Party and State of Vietnam such as: taking advantage of religious evangelism among ethnic minorities to form separatist ideology and extreme nationalism; distorting religious policy to interfere in internal politics and bargaining in Vietnam’s foreign relations; religiousization of political, economic, and social issues; taking advantage of limitations in implementing ethnic and religious policies of the Party and State of Vietnam; taking advantage of land issues related to religious facilities; taking advantage of social networks and international forums; taking advantage of social charity activities, etc. The article further mentions several possible policy solutions to make adjustment to the above religious complications in the coming time.


Keywords: Policy, Religion., Security, Vietnam, believers

Sustainable Peace and Security in Africa: Strategy for Attainment of Agenda 2063 of African Union (Published)

Armed conflicts have become a regular realism in Africa for so long and the continent is predominantly conflict-prone and has also accommodated more than one third of international violent conflicts in the last few years. The resurgence of conflict in Africa after the Cold War is mostly worrisome and disturbing. Despite these challenges and threats posed by conflict in the region, there is a lack of a common approach in terms of proper policy formulation for appropriate prevention and management of these conflicts that occurs in the continent. The presence of violence conflict and insecurity on the African continent is obvious and apparent. Therefore, the trust of this paper seeks to examine these overlapping issues and attempts to provide a possible solution in resolving them. Data were obtained using secondary sources and the data were analyzed qualitatively. The causes of conflict and insecurity were revealed. The paper also observed that the prospect of achieving Agenda 2063 of African Union is profoundly depends on proper mechanisms for conflict prevention, management and resolution in the region. Therefore, the paper recommends among others, that the putting into practice of the African policy on Governance Architecture must be given the required importance as APSA and AGA are two sides of one coin. Whereas AGA focuses on comprehensive questions of governance, APSA places importance on the instruments for conflict management, resolution, and peace-building. These two must work together, as this will not only bring about peace and security needed in the continent of Africa but, will also guaranteed and serve a lead way for the Attainment of Agenda 2063 of African Union.

Keywords: Africa, African Union, Conflict, Security, agenda 2063, sustainable peace

Jurisprudence and the Implications of Morality for Democracy in Nigeria from 2015 to 2020 (Published)

In 2015, a general election was conducted that led to the change of baton from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) that pioneered the journey of the fourth republic which started in 1999. The change of baton brought in the All Progressive Congress (APC), a coalition of four different political parties representing different geopolitical region in Nigeria. As it is, the four political parties before the coalition had their own values which is a reflection of their moral and world outlook in a heterogeneous nation like Nigeria. The campaign slogan which was the basis of the contract of the political party with the masses was the need for change. A change that will guarantee socio-economic development, security of lives and property and justice for all. The expectation of the people was high on the assumption of office of the president in 2015 but the change promise has now been confirmed as a mirage. The objective of the study is to examine the implications of the application of the norms of morality in government in a heterogeneous state with diverse moral values like Nigeria. The study is doctrinal with data obtained from both primary and secondary sources. The study found out that the people and elected leaders were not on the same page as to the concept of change employed by the political party in government. The paper concluded that an elected president in Nigeria who is bound to emerge from one ethnic and religious background must shed the toga of  personal morality and where norms of morality are to be employed in governance, the norms of public morality generally acceptable to the people should be  employed.

Keywords: Democracy, Ethics, Jurisprudence, Morality, Security, norms

Political Education and Nigeria’s Sustainable Security Goals (Published)

In the last decade, Nigeria has been under the yoke of hideous security challenges ranging from Boko Haram insurgency, herdsmen atrocities, kidnappings, hostage   takings and abductions, militancy, banditry and the menace of cultism. By all objective standards, Nigeria could rightly be described as one country in a state of unconventional war in multiple fronts. The armed forces of Nigeria and indeed the entire security architecture have been strained and stretched to the limits. Successive Governments have tried to degrade and defeat this rampaging horde of terrorist groups without the desired results. There is therefore the urgent and compelling need for a paradigm shift from the strategy of military option and counter insurgency. A new model of engagement   within the context of mass political education is being advocated by this paper as a viable strategy to subtly galvanize the society and defeat organized terrorism now ravaging Nigeria. To realize this objective, the paper adopts the historical and   interpretive   research method. The paper also recommends that Nigeria’s educational system should be   revamped   with emphasis on core values of patriotism, civic obligations and responsible citizenship.


Citation: Chike A. Ezenwa  and Nwachukwu C. Igwilo (2021) Political Education and Nigeria’s Sustainable Security Goals, Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.9, No.1, pp.52-59,

Keywords: Core Values, Security, Strategy, Terrorism, political education

How Nature of Duty Influence Private Security Employee’s Engagement in Criminal Activities in Nakuru Town Municipality, Nakuru County- Kenya (Published)

Private security industry is increasingly recognized as playing an important role in fostering conditions conducive to development, investment and growth. Despite the rapid growth of the sector, there are no regulations or requirements in terms of the training and vetting of guards, and the quality of training and services vary considerably from one company to another company. Given the unevenness of training and standards, concerns are frequently raised about the quality and integrity of security staff with unconfirmed reports that guards are in collusion with criminals. This study examined factors that influence private security firm’s employees to engage in criminal activities in Nakuru Municipality. Objectives that guided the study included; to examining how the nature of duty influence private security employees to engage in criminal activities, to determine the influence of job capacity requirement on employees engagement in criminal activities, to establish the effectiveness of measures employed by private security firms to curb criminal activities among its employees and how work environment influence private security employees in engaging in criminal activities. This study used survey research design. Multi-stage sampling procedure was adopted in selecting both the study area and sample units. Whereas purposive sampling was used in selecting study area and six key informants, stratified random sampling was used to select employees from various private security firms. The study was grounded on Routine activity theory and Control theory .The study results revealed that quite a number of employees in all these services have experienced or engaged in crime. However, there is correlation of 0.5 and 0.6 respectively between guarding and cash in transits services. The results indicate that guarding and cash in transits employees mostly engage on crime. It is also evident from the results that security firms places; low emphasis on academic qualification, relevant training, relevant skills and high emphasis on certificate of good conduct, age, health/physical fitness gender; as pre-qualification requirement for employment. The study recommends that security firms should provide working environment that embraces growth and capacity development of the employees. These would include; better training to deter crime, adoption of technology, security briefing, crime warnings, screening and involvement of police in crime management


Keywords: Security, Work Environment, criminal activities, nature of duty, private security crime, private security employees

The State and Boko Haram Insurgency in Nigeria: The Challenge of National Security (2009-2015) (Published)

In the checklist of Nigeria’s security challenges, the Boko Haram insurgency stands out as the most disturbing and unsettling experience. Founded in 2002 by Mohammed Yusuf, an Orthodox Islamist proselyte, the Boko Haram sect has waged a relentless war of attrition against the Nigerian State. The group deployed improvised explosive devices, guerrilla warfare, suicide bombings, hostage taking, rape, and other heinous atrocities to undermine Nigeria’s sovereignty and national security. As a corollary to this pursuit, the paper is poised to unravel and expose the underlying factors through the context of the theory of post colonial state. The overriding tendency to cease and manipulate the state apparatus by the dominant power elite structurally disarticulates and weakens the state on the one hand and sustains the Boko Haram vicious campaigns of terror on the other hand. The paper therefore recommends a total reappraisal of the nature and character of the Nigerian state on the basis of entrenching a veritable democratic culture and de-emphasizing the frantic quest for political power by competing factions of the ruling class.

Keywords: Boko Haram, Insurgency, Security, State, ruling class and sovereignty.

Police Corruption and the State: Prevalence and Consequences (Published)

Corruption is endemic social problem in Nigerian society; it is particularly objectionable in Nigeria Police Force. This study x-ray prevalence and consequences of corruption in Nigeria Police Force. It predominantly utilized secondary data. This study has identified that, in Nigeria, the police force has become an epitome of all multi corrupt and fraudulent schemes which constitute a stumbling block to the effective administration of justice and efficient maintenance of law and order in Nigeria and have soiled the image of the force. Thus, the study recommends fundamental restructuring, reorganization, total war against police graft to re-invent a new image for the police and professionalization through further training and re-education in the force which would hopefully launch the Nigerian Police Force on the positive side of history.


Keywords: Corruption, Justice, Law enforcement, Nigeria Police Force, Police, Security, Social problem

Improving Social Security of Public Space by Emphasizing To Light Factor (Case Study- Historical Fabric of Yazd, Iran) (Published)

Yazd city is the first adobe and the second historical city in the world. Placement of valuable historical texture of this city in a circle of worn out context has caused the Gradual burial of social, economic, skeletal and functional life especially in the public spaces of historical core of town. In addition, the expansion of urban crime and increasing social vulnerability in the region reduced the high value of this texture and has faced the valuable historical public spaces with matters like security reduction, street harassment and reputation of insecurity that makes the most attractive tourist area of Yazd not to have a worthy attention especially to the citizens. One of the fundamental objectives of the public spaces of the city design, maintain security and tranquility that is achieved through the expansion of a physical security system. On this basis we must make these spaces in a way that contains sufficient capacity of security for the presence of all social groups. Within the scope of the historical areas that are valuable heritage of the past, the design should be conducted very cautiously. So this research in a manner of descriptive -analysis examine the impact of skeletal features of public spaces to create the local security and Environmental comfort. And address with a definition of secure spaces and its position in city of Yazd and exciting crimes in the historical core Centre of it (Fahadan neighborhood). And among the physical environmental factors it considers the impact of light factor in preventing the urban crimes and examines the rate of its dependency with security and insecurity. Finally, in order to increase security, and using the obtained data, some solutions are offered in accordance with special historical and value features of Fahadan.

Keywords: Fahadan-Yazd, Secure urban space, Security, skeletal physical features, urban crime


Corruption is endemic social problem in Nigerian society; it is particularly objectionable in Nigeria Police Force. This study x-ray prevalence and consequences of corruption in Nigeria Police Force. It predominantly utilized secondary data. This study has identified that, in Nigeria, the police force has become an epitome of all multi corrupt and fraudulent schemes which constitute a stumbling block to the effective administration of justice and efficient maintenance of law and order in Nigeria and have soiled the image of the force. Thus, the study recommends fundamental restructuring, reorganization, total war against police graft to re-invent a new image for the police and professionalization through further training and re-education in the force which would hopefully launch the Nigerian Police Force on the positive side of history.

Keywords: Corruption, Justice, Law enforcement, Nigeria Police Force, Police, Security, Social problem


The Nigerian Government has enjoyed cordial relationship with the government of the United States over the years especially given the former’s quantum of oil deposit and the latter’s access to exploiting same. However, the emergence of Boko Haram insurgence has been a source of concern to both countries especially as it portends danger to their interests. Despite the efforts of both countries in finding a lasting solution to the problem, the desired result is yet to be attained. In view of this, the study examined the effectiveness of the US security strategies in assisting Nigeria overcome the crisis of Boko Haram. Intractable conflict theory was adopted in arguing that it would be difficult to resolve the crisis of Boko Haram but it can, at least, be managed if proper strategies are put in place. Finally, the work discovered that in line with American foreign policy of zero tolerance to international terrorism, its strategies in assisting Nigeria overcome Boko Haram crisis have not been very effective.

Keywords: Boko Haram, Crisis, Management, Security, Strategy, Terrorism

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