‘Emi Lo Kan’ Concept in Nigerian Politics: A Critical Discourse Defragmentation (Published)
Text and context, mind, and domination are key concepts whenever we consider language and politics. This study examines the ways in which political and ideological undertones were conveyed in political speeches, as well as how texts reproduce and maintain power and unequal power relations. In order to understand how language shapes and maintains power relationships and ideological structures the study employs the principles of critical discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough. Critical Discourse Analysis helps us to see how specific language techniques produce, enact, and legitimise power relations. The study found out that the aspirant used the expression to reflect both good self-ideology and negative self-ideology in order to neutralise the asymmetrical power relationships that exist between his group and the other groups within the APC at the point of liberalising power. It was a declarative. Typically, this resulted in the other aspirants’ power being politically diminished. The aspirant also used discourse structures that have implications for ideology as weapons of persuasion and pleading, positive self-representation of “Emi”, meaning “I”, negotiation and personality projection. The researchers conclude that language of politics has the power to weave visions and “imaginaries” that can alter, obfuscate, and politically interpret realities.
Citation: Agbeleoba S.O., Fafiyebi D., Bamigboye O., Feyisara O., Bamisaye T. (2023) ‘Emi Lo Kan’ Concept in Nigerian Politics: A Critical Discourse Defragmentation, Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.11, No.4, pp.32-40
Keywords: CDA, Discourse, Language, Nigerian politics, Politics, defragmentation
Language Use and Effective Leadership Communication in A Democratic Society (Published)
A study was carried out in Imo State, Nigeria, on the language use and effective leadership communication in a democratic society. Respondents are people with leadership positions in 0rganizations. Three hundred and fourteen respondents were sampled answered questions structured in 5-point Likert scale. Data were analysed using descriptive statistical methods. Majority of the respondents agreed that leaders should set goals and targets; carry everyone along for a peaceful, progressive society. Majority of respondents too, strongly disagreed that members of a society must always carry out leader’s orders without asking questions. High number of the respondents also strongly agreed that a leader should have good communication skills; be strategic, emotionally intelligent, and always use positive phrases devoid of ambiguous expressions. Possibly, leaders can communicate to the society in their indigenous language. Language shapes the society; good leaders should apply polite strategies in their communication with citizens, this enhances effective communication and helps the leader to gain acceptability for growth and development in the society.
Citation: Onuh C.N. (2023) Language Use and Effective Leadership Communication in A Democratic Society, Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.11, No.3, pp.1-15
Keywords: Democratic, Effective Communication, Language, Leadership, Society
Exploring Language Education for Sustainable Biomedical Translation in Nigeria (Published)
Biomedical translation does not occupy the most central position in the world of medicine, it certainly plays an important role in knowledge mediation, which involves sharing medical research results, publicizing new findings in the international scientific community and marketing new medical products and services. The study explored language education for sustainable biomedical translation in Nigeria. The concept of language and language education, sustainable and biomedical translation were clarified. Language education and a sustainable biomedical translation was discussed. It was recommended amongst others that medical service providers should inculcate the services of language expert for effective service delivery.
Teibowei M.T. (2022) Exploring Language Education for Sustainable Biomedical Translation in Nigeria, Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.10, No.10, pp.22-26
Keywords: Education, Language, Sustainable, biomedical, exploring, translation
Is the language in education policy an issue on the political platforms in Ghana? My point of view (Published)
This paper sets out to explain why the language in education policy is not an issue in Ghana’s political platform. It gives a brief history of language in education policy in Ghana and advances some reasons why the language in education policy is not considered an issue on the political platforms in Ghana. Finally, the paper gives several recommendations to help policymakers implement the language in education policy.
Keywords: Education, Indigenous, Instruction, Language, Policy, Teachers
Is the language in education policy an issue on the political platforms in Ghana? My point of view (Published)
This paper sets out to explain why the language in education policy is not an issue in Ghana’s political platform. It gives a brief history of language in education policy in Ghana and advances some reasons why the language in education policy is not considered an issue on the political platforms in Ghana. Finally, the paper gives several recommendations to help policymakers implement the language in education policy.
Keywords: Education, Indigenous, Instruction, Language, Policy, Teachers
Language and Culture as Synergy for National Integration in Nigeria (Published)
Trends in historical evolution indicate that the nation-state of Nigeria came into existence since 1914. Her territorial boundaries were fixed with prejudicial colonial interests without considering the interests and aspirations of the traditional ethnic groups involved. Since then, the nation has been governed and exploited by the feudal-bourgeosie, privileged to inherit the nation from the colonial masters. Worst still, the various machineries at different periods and republics charged with the responsibility of ruling the nation has proved anti-social, adopting in their distribution of values, formulas detrimental to the general welfare of the citizenry. Thus, we are left with a fragile nation, drifting apart and her people resorting to communal and individual self-definition. The persistent call for national conference among the various ethnic groups to resolve the national question gives credence to the deduction that the nation was founded upon vested colonial interest, without consulting the component ethnic groups. The issue of national integration has become a re-assessment of the pre-requisite for Federalism towards the continued existence of the sovereign nation state in Nigeria. Thus, the focus of this paper is how to adopt a paradigm shift from the previous abortive methods that have been employed so far, to the pragmatic resolve of using language and culture in attaining the long elusive national integration in Nigeria.
Keywords: Culture, Diversity, Integration, Language, Nigeria
Ethnography Of Communication – A Study of Just Lather, That’s all (Published)
Ethnography of Communication is a novel approach that relates language with the cultural norms, values and the speaking rules that are specific to a particular speech community. Duranti (1997)1 defines Ethnography as follows:” Ethnography is the written description of the social organization, social activities, symbolic and material resources, and interpretive practices characteristic of a particular group of people”. A number of scholars including Dell Hymes (1962)2 Sherzer (1983)3, Hill and Hill (1986)4 and Saville-Troike (2003)5 worked in the framework of ethnography of communication. Though the studies made by all ethnographers generally focus on the spoken language in a community, it is possible to extend the above frameworks to the analysis of short stories in view of the fact that many short stories are not merely narratives from a third person point of view but involve dialogues between characters. Often the speech patterns, expressions, motivations and the logical deductions they make are in conformity with the particular society they belong to. In particular, the SPEAKING Model evolved by Dell Hymes (1974)6 is found to be highly adaptable to the analysis of short stories.
Keywords: Characters, Conflict, Culture, Just Lather, Language, communication
Translation and Community Integration (Published)
This paper deals with the Translation and Community integration; and it highlights the increasing need for translation. In most virtual communities, language is at the heart of communication. When we extend these communities to the international stage, we are faced with challenges in interaction. Cross-lingual communication between academic communities is a matter of some urgency. The growth of the Language Technologies field in recent years, with increasing public, political, and industrial recognition, has meant that there are now major business players engaged in technology integration and product development, leading to a multiplicity of systems and solutions available on the market. Therefore, translation and community are very crucial in our daily life.
Keywords: Community, Diversity, Language, translation
Technicality of Translation Appears In the Competence of the Translator (Published)
This paper investigates the Technicality of Translation Appears in the Competence of the Translator. Technicality of Translation Appears in the Competence of the Translator. A competency is a set of defined behaviors that provide a structured guide enabling the identification, evaluation and development of the behaviors in individual employees. Translators always risk inappropriate spill-over of source-language idiom and usage into the target-language translation. Terminology can be considered the surface appearance of relevant domain concepts. Candidate terminological expressions are usually captured with shallow techniques that range from stochastic methods to more sophisticated syntactic approaches.
Keywords: Competence, Language, communication, translation
The Influence of Drama and Its Repercussions on the Vulnerable Community (Published)
This study sought to discover the Influence of Drama and its Repercussions on the vulnerable communities. Drama represents an ideal method of work if Dramatists want to put the meaning for people into a sizeable context. Unlike in guided practice, people are involved in real communication while they activate language to communicate real meaning, rather than just practicing language and thus develop their communicative competence in a natural way, using body language, making pauses and interruptions, showing emotions, and creating relationships. Drama techniques have the singular merit of directly engaging People’ feelings and, as a result, often making them aware of the need to be able to express them appropriately.
Keywords: Community, Drama, Drama Techniques, Language, communication