Traditional Boarding School Education Seulimum Aceh Besar (Published)
This research is a qualitative research which aims to obtain various information and actual data about people’s perceptions of traditional pesantren education development in Aceh provision, as well as to explore information and ideas of the community towards the pesantren learning system, community opinion on the policies and support of the Aceh government and big aceh to pontren-pontren in Seulimeum aceh sub-district is big, and at the same time to explore and study internal and external factors that become supporters and inhibitors in conducting guidance on traditional pesantren educational institutions. The results of the study can show that: With the assistance program for the development of pontren development carried out by the Aceh government, the pontren education institutions can reorganize the formation of pesantren education in accordance with the expectations of society, so that traditional pesantren can progress according to the demands of the times. Learning that is done in pontren and life-long education conducted in traditional pesantren, Seulimeum subdistrict, can realize the intelligence and maturity of thinking of students. The various policies and support that the Aceh government has given to pontren, this can be motivated by the community to set up huts and prayer halls. With the availability of sufficient teaching staff in the Pontrenia and the establishment of good relations between the pesantren institutions and the Aceh government and the big Aceh and the good socio-economic conditions of the students, these conditions can support the formation of traditional mentoring education. Especially with regard to the lack of available facilities for some pontren in the big Seulimeum Aceh district and the weak condition of some socio-economic santri can hamper the formation of the pontren in question.
Keywords: Community, Perception, traditional pesantren
Contributions of Various Kenyan Personalities in Communicating Change For Transformative Community (Published)
In spite of relatively stable governance and a hard working population, Kenya is rated among the countries with wide income disparities. Extreme and chronic poverty has not been eliminated even after fifty years of development efforts, that is, since the country gained its independence in 1963. In mitigating the adverse effects of these inequalities, communication is considered an essential tool for transformation through which essential thoughts in the minds of the people aimed at transformation are nurtured and shared. The purpose of this study was to identify the contributions made by various Kenyan personalities whose life experiences are shared in this paper, in communication change for a transformative society. The study displays how the select Kenyans engaged with the people and got them involved in transforming their community. A qualitative research design was adopted to select ten Kenyans to share their life experiences through in-depth interviews that were used by the author to gather data. Data analysis focused on the participants’ narratives on the aspect of their personal contributions and how they got the community working towards sustainable change. The study also recommends development of an African Communication Theory on what motivates communicative acts that lead to societal transformation.
Keywords: Change, Community, Contributions, Kenya, Transformation, communication
Nomadic Education in Nigeria: Using English to Foster Communal Peace and Enhance the Education of the Herdsmen (Published)
The importance of nomadic education cannot be over-emphasized. The neglect of any segment of the population as experience has shown in the Niger Delta Region of the country is a potential time bomb. If they contribute significantly to the nation’s economy, only time can fuel discontent and ignite their agitation. Education is the birth right of any Nigerian child and this right has been enshrined in the nation’s constitution. This paper address the importance of the nomadic education in the country, their contributions to the nation’s economy, the importance of English language in the promotion of mutual understanding, reduction of communal clashes between nomads and their host communities and the enhancement of the National Policy on Nomadic Education.
Keywords: : Nomadic Education, Community, English, Lineage, Nigeria, Peace
Translation and Community Integration (Published)
This paper deals with the Translation and Community integration; and it highlights the increasing need for translation. In most virtual communities, language is at the heart of communication. When we extend these communities to the international stage, we are faced with challenges in interaction. Cross-lingual communication between academic communities is a matter of some urgency. The growth of the Language Technologies field in recent years, with increasing public, political, and industrial recognition, has meant that there are now major business players engaged in technology integration and product development, leading to a multiplicity of systems and solutions available on the market. Therefore, translation and community are very crucial in our daily life.
Keywords: Community, Diversity, Language, translation
The Influence of Drama and Its Repercussions on the Vulnerable Community (Published)
This study sought to discover the Influence of Drama and its Repercussions on the vulnerable communities. Drama represents an ideal method of work if Dramatists want to put the meaning for people into a sizeable context. Unlike in guided practice, people are involved in real communication while they activate language to communicate real meaning, rather than just practicing language and thus develop their communicative competence in a natural way, using body language, making pauses and interruptions, showing emotions, and creating relationships. Drama techniques have the singular merit of directly engaging People’ feelings and, as a result, often making them aware of the need to be able to express them appropriately.
Keywords: Community, Drama, Drama Techniques, Language, communication
The study is geared to investigate sources of intra, inter conflicts and management of security along with the role of religion in sustained crime free and peaceful society in Nigeria. The study showed that improper management of intra and inter conflict has pillaged human environment, fractured co-existence and became economic ruination of many people. The study adopted historical research method. The findings include problems of irredentism among communities, local governments, states, nation and internationals. And that issues bordering on faith, belief and practices generate unity and group sentiment as such becomes volatile. Unemployment is both potential and active source of intra and inter-community conflict in Nigeria. The study also underscored that leakage of information on crime and criminality marred security and peaceful management of communities in conflict in Nigeria. The study stressed that sustained crime free and peaceful society borders on concerted efforts of leaders in governance, churches, law enforcement agencies and the general public along with fair-play, equitable distribution of infrastructure and employment opportunities as well as appointive positions along with citing of projects to various segments in Nigerian society.
Keywords: Christian Religion etc., Community, Conflict, Peaceful management, Rural security