International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)
Vol 3, Issue 3, April 2015
THE EFFECT OF SPORTING HABITS AND DIFFERENT VARIABLES ON ASSERTIVENESS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERSAuthors: Gökhan BAYRAKTAR Erdoğan TOZOGLU, M. Ertuğrul ÖZTÜRK Öner GÜLBAHÇE Keywords: Assertiveness, Physical Education Teachers, Sport and Assertiveness Article Pages: 1-9 |
STUDENTS’ VIEWS ON UTILIZING MT IN TEACHING AND LEARNING: INTEREST, IMPORTANCE AND EFFICIENCYAuthors: Taiba M. Sadeq , Rahima S. Akbar , Hanan A. Taqi Keywords: Efficiency, MALL, Mobile technology, Motivation, digital generation Article Pages: 10-16 |
FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY FACTORS OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: A PREDICTIVE MODELAuthors: Amos Oppong Afriyie Keywords: Authentic leadership and Sustainable growth rate, Financial Sustainability, Investment portfolio, Networking, Organizational Culture, Public Relations, Sustainability Article Pages: 17-38 |
IMPROVING NOTES-TAKING SKILLS OF TERTIARY STUDENTS’: A CASE STUDY OF STUDENTS’ OF SECRETARYSHIP AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES, ACCRA POLYTECHNIC, ACCRA GHANAAuthors: Rita Sarkodie Baffoe, Hayford Adjei, Christine Ampofo Ansah, Michael Sarkodie Baffoe Keywords: Accra, Dictation, Management, Note Taking Skills, Techniques, pre-intervention, secretaryship Article Pages: 39-49 |
ENHANCING QUALITATIVE EDUCATION THROUGH ICT AS A CATALYST FOR THE ATTAINMENT OF THE MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALSAuthors: Ndukwe Oji Nnachi Keywords: Catalyst and MDGs., Self-reliance, Self-sufficient, qualitative Article Pages: 50-54 |
ISSUES AND OPTIONS FOR USING MULTIMEDIA TO IMPROVE PRE-SERVICE MATHEMATICS TEACHER EDUCATION IN GHANAAuthors: Eric Magnus Wilmot Keywords: Pre-service mathematics teacher education, Use of multimedia technology, improving teachers Education Article Pages: 55-67 |
FACTORS INFLUENCING STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICS PERFORMANCE IN SOME SELECTED COLLEGES OF EDUCATION IN GHANAAuthors: Justice Enu, Osei K Agyman, Daniel Nkum Keywords: Factors, Mathematics, Performance Article Pages: 68-74 |
PROBLEMS OF CLT IN BANGLADESH: WAYS TO IMPROVEAuthors: Muhammad Safiur Rahman, Shah Mohammad Sanaul Karim Keywords: :- Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), English as Foreign Language (EFL), English as Second Language (ESL), English language teaching (ELT), Grammar Translation Method (GTM) Article Pages: 75-87 |
COMPARISON OF STANDARD FOUR PUPILS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PRIMARY SCHOOLS AFTER THREE YEARS OF FREE PRIMARY EDUCATION (F.P.E.) IMPLEMENTATIONAuthors: Ochenje Catherine Keywords: : Academic Performance, Comparison, Free Primary Education, Implementation, Private Primary Schools, Public Primary Schools Article Pages: 99-108 |
LEARNING ARABIC CULTURE BY SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGESAuthors: Bader. S .Dweik, Amani J. Abu-Irmies Keywords: Arabic, Culture, Foreign, Learner’s attitude, Learning, non-native Article Pages: 109-119 |
TEACHERS BELIEVE ABOUT PARENTS INVOLVEMENT IN GIRL CHILD EDUCATION AND FINANCINGAuthors: FAMADE, Oladiran Afolayan Keywords: Child Education, Financing, Girl, Parents Involvement, Teachers Article Pages: 120-129 |
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Impact Factor: 7.96
Print ISSN: 2054-6297
Online ISSN: 2054-6300
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