International Journal of Business and Management Review (IJBMR)

EA Journals


A Conceptual Framework of Predictors of Electronic Wastes Disposal Behaviour Among Youths in South-South, Nigeria: The Moderating Effect of Education (Published)

This study investigates the predictors of electronic trash (e-waste) disposal behavior among youths in South-South Nigeria, with a particular emphasis on the moderating role of education. E-waste, which includes obsolete electrical and electronic gadgets, has grown exponentially internationally as a result of rapid technological advancements and the obsolescence of older devices. Developing countries, especially Nigeria, confront substantial environmental and socioeconomic issues as a result of poor e-waste disposal methods that contribute to air pollution, water contamination, and other environmental risks. Despite extensive research on pro-environmental behavior and e-waste disposal in advanced nations, the applicability of these findings to developing economies is questionable due to contextual differences. This study fills this gap by identifying major predictors of e-waste disposal behavior among Nigerian young people, stressing the importance of education as a moderator, and providing a conceptual framework appropriate for a typical developing economy with high informality. The study emphasizes the importance of education in increasing environmental awareness, attitudes, and pro-environmental behaviors. Drawing on existing literature, it demonstrates how education promotes responsible waste management practices, minimizing the negative effects of e-waste. Furthermore, the study adds to the discussion about sustainability by presenting a conceptual framework geared to a developing economy environment. This framework is intended to help policymakers and stakeholders plan effective initiatives targeted at encouraging ethical and sustainable e-waste disposal behaviors among young adults in Nigeria.

Keywords: Developing Economy, Education, Nigeria, Sustainability, Youths, disposal behavior, e-waste

A Critical Analysis of Modern Educational Research and Teaching Strategies in Nigerian Educational System (Published)

The study critically analysed modern educational research and teaching strategies in Nigerian educational system. Technology has certainly changed the way we live. It has impacted different facets of life and redefined living. Undoubtedly, technology plays an important role in every sphere of life. Also, many complex and critical processes can be carried out with ease and greater efficiency with the help of modern technology. However, the teachers are afraid of technological advancement as they need to keep upgrading. Whereas, the learners/students are conversant with the latest technology and can easily cross check whatever that is taught in the class at an instance. Teachers using analog methods to teach modern students create discouragement for learning. More so, because of the emergent in modern educational research there is a shift from teacher-centered to student-centered approach as a result prioritize student engagement, creativity and critical thinking, preparing students for the future. It therefore concluded that as a medium for massive change, technology has improved our existing understanding by assisting educators and students in making the most use of cutting-edge teaching techniques.

Keywords: Educational System, Nigeria, modern educational research, teaching strategies

Global Supply Chain Management and The Performance of Multi-National Companies in Rivers State of Nigeria (Published)

This study examined the relationship between global supply chain management and the performance of multi-national companies in rivers state of Nigeria. This study adopted a correlational research design. The population of the study consisted of 10 multinational companies operating in Rivers State as retrieved from Nigerian business directory search engine. The study adopted a census study, 3 respondents were selected from each firm multiplied by 10 firms give us a total of 30 respondents. Structured questionnaire instrument title” Global supply chain management and performance questionnaire was developed on five point likert scale. The result of the Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test indicates .800 which is above .70 which implies that the items are reliable. Pearson product moment correlation was used to test the hypotheses using SPSS (statistical package social sciences). The study revealed that there is a significance relationship between global sourcing and profitability of multi-national companies in Rivers State of Nigeria. There is a significance relationship between outsourcing and operational7process efficiency of multi-national companies in Rivers State of Nigeria. There is a significance relationship between global production and distribution and customer satisfaction of multi-national companies in Rivers State of Nigeria. In conclusion, global supply chain management is a critical aspect of business operations for multi-national companies in Rivers State of Nigeria. By investing in infrastructure, building strong relationships with local partners, implementing effective communication and coordination processes, and utilizing technology, MNCs can improve the performance of their supply chains and gain a competitive advantage in the region. The study recommended that MNCs should consider investing in the development of infrastructure in Rivers State, including transportation and logistics systems, to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their supply chains.

Keywords: Nigeria, Performance, global supply chain management, multi-national companies Rivers state

The Moderating Effect of Income on the Predictors of Cassava Farmers’ Adoption of Agricultural Technology in Nigeria: A Conceptual Framework (Published)

This study endeavors to construct a comprehensive conceptual framework elucidating the moderating influence of income on factors influencing the adoption of agricultural technology among cassava farmers in Nigeria. Agricultural technology, herein, refers to the innovative utilization of emerging Information and Communication Technologies tailored for agricultural applications within remote environments. The agricultural sector holds paramount significance within the Nigerian economy, engaging nearly 70% of the labor force and contributing over 40% to the gross domestic product. The adoption of technology in agriculture signifies potential enhancements in income, poverty alleviation, improved national nutrition and health, reduced food prices, and employment opportunities. However, the income of cassava farmers plays a pivotal role in ensuring their sustainability. Regrettably, their income streams are often unstable due to fluctuations in market prices, adversely impacting their ability to finance the adoption of technology to bolster productivity. Therefore, this research aims to develop a robust conceptual framework delineating the moderating role of income on the determinants of agricultural technology adoption behavior, particularly pertinent within the Nigerian context. It is imperative to tailor conceptual frameworks specifically for Nigeria, given that frameworks derived from other regions may not be directly applicable to the unique challenges and dynamics of the Nigerian agricultural landscape.

Keywords: Income, Nigeria, agricultural technology adoption, cassava farmers, conceptual framework, moderation effect

Cash Flow Ratios and Business Failure of Healthcare Firms in Nigeria (Published)

The study examined cash flow ratios as predictors of business failure of healthcare firms in Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to ascertain the effect of operating cash flow ratio, cash flow to debt ratio, and price to cash flow ratio on Altman’s zeta score of healthcare firms in Nigeria. The study adopted ex-post-facto research design, covering a period of 10 years (from 2013 to 2022). Secondary data used for the study were extracted from annual reports and accounts of selected healthcare firms listed on the Nigeria Exchange Group (NGX) from 2013 to 2022. Multiple regression technique was used to test the hypotheses. The result of the test of hypotheses revealed that the operating cash flow ratio has a statistically non-significant negative effect on the Altman z-score of healthcare firms in Nigeria (p-value = 0.3397). The finding also indicates that the cash flow to debt ratio has a statistically non-significant negative effect on the Altman z-score of healthcare firms in Nigeria (p-value = 0.2937). Lastly, the finding reveals that the price to cash flow ratio has a non-significant positive effect on the Altman z-score of healthcare firms in Nigeria (p-value = 0.5281). The policy implications of these findings suggest that when assessing the financial health and bankruptcy risk of healthcare firms in Nigeria, policymakers and regulators should consider factors beyond cash flow ratios. It was recommended therefore that healthcare firms in Nigeria should diversify their sources of cash flow beyond operating cash flow to improve financial stability and mitigate bankruptcy risk. Healthcare firms should have a careful evaluation of debt management practices is necessary to maintain a healthy balance between cash flow generation and debt obligations in healthcare firms. Market sentiment reflected in the price to cash flow ratio should not be relied upon as the sole indicator of financial stability. Healthcare firms should prioritize fundamental financial and operational indicators to assess their financial health and mitigate bankruptcy risk.


Keywords: Altman’s zeta score, Nigeria, business failure, cash flow ratios, cash flow to debt ratio, healthcare firms, operating cash flow ratio, price to cash flow ratio

Herding Bias and Financial Risk Tolerance On Individual Investment Performance in Nigeria: Moderated by Financial Literacy (Published)

Prior studies have shown that various individuals’ behavioral traits such as herding bias and risk tolerance have an unfavorable effect on investors’ decision-making. This paper examined the moderating role of financial literacy on herding bias and financial risk tolerance on individual investment performance in Nigeria. The population consisted of 460 active individual investors in Kaduna city as at the first quarter of 2023. A total of 460 copies of questionnaires were distributed, with 349 valid. A census method of sampling was used, and primary data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire and an online Google form. A 7-point Likert scale that ranged from ‘1’ “Extremely Agree” to ‘7’ “Extremely Disagree” was used. Smart-PLS version 4 was used to analyze the data. The study discovered that the herding bias has a positive and significant effect on investment performance, whereas financial risk tolerance has an insignificant negative effect on investment performance. Financial literacy has a positive but insignificant impact on investment performance. Furthermore, the moderating effect of financial literacy demonstrated that the herding bias has a significant and positive impact on investment performance. Risk tolerance has a significant negative influence on investment performance. This study concluded that herding bias helps investors make better investment decisions, Consequently, the study recommends that investors should reduce their risk tolerance levels while maintaining the herding behavioral bias.

Keywords: Financial literacy, Nigeria, financial risk tolerance, herding bias, individual investment performance

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Leadership and Its Impact on Team Performance: A Study of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria (Published)

This study aimed to investigate the impact of emotional intelligence on leadership effectiveness in the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The emotional intelligence model used in this study consisted of four sub-variables: self-emotion appraisal, others emotion appraisal, regulation of emotions, and use of emotions. The study found that emotional intelligence has a strong positive and significant relationship with leadership effectiveness. The results of the regression analysis showed that emotional intelligence positively relates to leadership effectiveness. The study concluded that emotional intelligence is an indicator of leadership effectiveness, and employees in the University of Ibadan, Nigeria are emotionally intelligent. Self-emotion appraisal and use of emotion were the most emotional intelligence factors impacting leadership effectiveness in the organization. On the other hand, emotion regulation seemed to be difficult to control, thus it’s the least factor in affecting leaders’ effectiveness. The findings further show that use of emotion accounts for more of the variance in leadership effectiveness. 

Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Nigeria, University of Ibadan, effective leadership, team performance

Impact of Employee Engagement On Service Quality in Nigerian Public Agencies (Published)

This study investigates the connection between employee engagement and service quality in the Asset Management Company of Nigeria (AMCON), which is a key player in Nigeria’s financial sector. This study examines three key dimensions of employee engagement – absorption, vigor, and dedication – and their effects on service quality, specifically focusing on the responsiveness dimension of the SERVQUAL model. This study is important because there is a lack of representation of AMCON and similar institutions in the existing literature, particularly within the context of Nigeria’s unique financial landscape. This study utilized a mixed-methods approach that included quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews with AMCON employees. The analysis employed the SERVQUAL model to evaluate service quality and multiple regression analysis to explore the influence of each engagement dimension. The findings of this study are expected to contribute to a theoretical understanding of the impact of employee engagement on service quality within the asset management sector. Additionally, this study aims to provide practical insights for AMCON, potentially improving service delivery strategies and effectiveness in fulfilling its mandate. The broader implications of this study extend to similar asset management entities in emerging economies, providing a comparative perspective, and understanding of these dynamics in diverse economic and regulatory environments.

Keywords: Employee Engagement, Nigeria, Responsiveness, SERVQUAL-model., Service Quality, absorption, asset management company, dedication, vigor

Effect 0f Deficit Budget Financing Sources on Inflation Rate in Nigeria (Published)

The study examined the effect of deficit budget financing sources on inflation rate in Nigeria. External debt, Ways and Means Advances, and Treasury Bills were the independent variables of the study, while inflation rate was the dependent variable. The study adopted an ex-post-facto research design, covering the period between 2011 and 2020. Secondary data were extracted from the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin. Ordinary Least Square multiple regression technique was used for the data analysis. In line with the specific objectives of the study which is to ascertain the effect of external debt, ways and means advances, and treasury bills on inflation rate in Nigeria, it was revealed that external debt and treasury bills have a significant effect on inflation rate in Nigeria. Ways and means advances have a positive and significant effect on inflation rate in Nigeria. This implies that among the explanatory variables, ways and means advances is the major determinant of inflation rate in Nigeria. The study recommended therefore that government policies on inflation rate should factor in external debts because of their negative effect on inflation rate. external borrowing should be prudently used in productive activities that can raise investments, reduced inflation and improve the country’s exchange rate. The Government should drastically reduce the rate they borrow from CBN. Any of such borrowing should be targeted towards developing the economy and they should always maintain the credit limit set by the CBN. The government should reduce the number of treasury bills issued to the general populace. Other sources of deficit budget funding, such as privatization of obsolete government institutions, should be considered by the government.


Keywords: External Debt, Inflation Rate, Nigeria, Treasury Bills, ways and means advances

Predictors of Continuous Intention to Use Mobile Payment Platforms in a Typical Developing Economy Context: A Literature Review (Published)

This paper aims to review literature on the predictors of continuous intention to use mobile payment platforms in a typical developing economy context. Extant literatures reveal that the unified theory of use and technology is the most widely used theory to explain continuous intention behavior in financial technology marketing literature but few studies have extended the theory to accommodate other variables and investigate the nexus among these variables especially on continuous intention to use mobile platforms from a developing economy like Nigeria. Also, the existing frameworks and models developed in advanced economies may not be suitable for developing mobile payment platforms usage behavior in Nigeria because of its peculiarities. The major importance of this study is to review extant literature on continuous usage of mobile payment technology and make available a comprehensive and robust framework for prospective researchers in this area, which will guide and direct their studies. The framework is premised on five key constructs- performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition, intrinsic motivation, price value and prior experience. More so, the proposed conceptual framework is capable of providing insight for developing financial technology-related policies.

Keywords: Developing Economy, Mobile payment platforms, Nigeria, financial technology, unified theory of use and acceptance of technology

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