Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (GJAHSS)

EA Journals


Language Use and Effective Leadership Communication in A Democratic Society (Published)

A study was carried out in Imo State, Nigeria, on the language use and effective leadership communication in a democratic society. Respondents are people with leadership positions in 0rganizations. Three hundred and fourteen respondents were sampled answered questions structured in 5-point Likert scale.  Data were analysed using descriptive statistical methods.  Majority of the respondents agreed that leaders should set goals and targets; carry everyone along for a peaceful, progressive society. Majority of respondents too, strongly disagreed that members of a society must always carry out leader’s orders without asking questions. High number of the respondents also strongly agreed that a leader should have good communication skills; be strategic, emotionally intelligent, and always use positive phrases devoid of ambiguous expressions. Possibly, leaders can communicate to the society in their indigenous language. Language shapes the society; good leaders should apply polite strategies in their communication with citizens, this enhances effective communication and helps the leader to gain acceptability for growth and development in the society.

Citation: Onuh C.N. (2023) Language Use and Effective Leadership Communication in A Democratic Society, Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.11, No.3, pp.1-15

Keywords: Democratic, Effective Communication, Language, Leadership, Society

The Lifestyle Society in Using Swimming Pool: A Study in Dendang Tirta Swimming Pool, Stabat District, Langkat Regency (Published)

Dendang Tirta Swimming Pool as an entertainment object that is purely entertainment. Like visitors coming from students the original goal is to fulfill extracurricular activities that are talent and sports development. However on the other hand, students also use the swimming pool as their entertainment facility. Visitors more interpret the Dendang Tirta swimming pool as a recreational vehicle compared to sports facilities. This meaning is certainly motivated by the social stratification of the community in Langkat District. In addition, visitors also interpret the swimming pool as a lifestyle of interaction between individuals, families with community groups

Keywords: Dendang Tirta, Langkat Regency, Lifestyle, Society, Stabat District, Swimming Pool

A Review of Justice by Five Vulnerable Women in the Bible (Published)

There is a global outcry for justice with the increasing gap between the poor and the rich and acts of injustice especially directed to the vulnerable: women and children. Even in light of the changing roles of women, they are still the main victims of unjust actions. This paper therefore addresses this concern by reviewing the actions of five women in the Bible who did just actions and eventually brought justice to their communities. Rahab the Harlot, the widow of Zarephath, little girl in captivity, Dorcas and the Good Samaritan are looked at in this paper. These women, despite their vulnerability, went an extra mile to do just deeds even when it meant giving all they had. This understanding of the Biblical Icons who brought justice is expected to inform the changing role of women in the contemporary society as far as justice is concerned.

Keywords: Bible, Communities & Women, Deeds, Justice, Society

Re-Orientation of Value System in Nigeria: A Critic (Published)

The re-orientation of value system in our society is a search for national culture that would reshape national character and image. The study revealed that when national life is taken over by social sins, the citizens pursue wealth without knowledge, without character, pleasure without conscience, commerce without morality, worship without sacrifice, science without humanity and politics without principles. The study adopted historical research method. The research provided that re-orientation of value system would promote national image, respect for human life and corporate values. The youth would imbibe the culture of hard work and productivity, wealth creation, employment generation, entrepreneurship, intangible wealth and competition. The writer is optimistic that educated and uniformed youths would gain better understanding of the subject matter while leadership, education, religion and home remain the fulcrum of value re-orientation for now and the future.

Keywords: National Culture, Nigeria, Re-orientation, Society, Value System

Satire As Typified In Ramonu Sanusi’s Le Bistouri Des Larmes (Published)

Literature is an essential weapon for socio-political, cultural and economic struggles among other things. This art called literature is a source of dialogue, debate, exchange and innovation. A form of creativity which allows transfer of culture and knowledge that are useful for coping with societal challenges In other words, it paints life with a view to share human experiences, feelings, imaginations, observations, findings, predictions and suggestions for practical realities. In this paper, we attempt to examine “Satire as exemplified in Ramonu Sanusi’s Le Bistouri des larmes.”The purpose is to enhance the decoding/understanding of African Literature of French expression. Our review is premised on sociological approach, which holds that literature and other forms of creative arts should be examined in the cultural, economic and political context in which they are written, produced or received. This literary theory explores the connections/relationships between the artist/writer and his or her society. To better understand a writer’s literarywork(s), it may probe into the writer’s society as well as studying how societal elements are represented in the literature itself since it is believed that literature has certain functions to perform in contributing to the development of human societies through moral or behaviour re-orientation. The paper concludes that satire is an essential mechanism in the hands of many African writers to achieve their motives.

Keywords: Creativity, Fiction, Literature, Non-Fiction, Satire, Social Transformation, Society

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