British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals


Availability and Use of Mobile Phone Technology Facilities for Learning by Undergraduates in Adeyemi Federal University of Education, Ondo, Nigeria (Published)

The study is on Availability and Use of Mobile Phone Technology Facilities for Learning by Undergraduates in Adeyemi Federal University of Education, Ondo, Nigeria. The population comprises all the undergraduate students in Adeyemi Federal University of Education, Ondo.  Simple Random sampling technique was used for the study. The sample size of the study was one hundred (100) degree students. The research design for the study is descriptive survey research design. The research instrument used for the study was adapted by the researcher. Section A comprises information on Biodata; Section B was on Likert type scales which asked questions on Availability and Use of Mobile Phone Technology for Learning Activities by Undergraduates in Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, Nigeria. The responses of the respondents were collected, aggregated, and presented in a tabular form. Based on this, frequencies of occurrence were established and used for the analysis using percentages, mean and standard deviation. Based on the result from this table and mean score acceptance by the decision rule, the available mobile phones services among students of AFUED, Ondo are: mobile phone, 3G services, 4G service, MMS service, Video call service, Internet access, and Memory card. The levels of Users’ skills on the use of mobile phone among AFUED students is high and the levels of experience on the use of mobile phone among AFUED students is high. The benefits of the use of mobile phone for learning among AFUED students are: easy to use smartphone for reading, does not require any special computer literacy skills, easy to use smartphone for retrieval of course materials from lecturers Slack, smartphone interfaces is user-friendly and flexible for learning, they do not encounter technical problem when using smartphone for learning, and their interaction with the smartphone for learning is clear and understandable. the challenges inhibiting the use of mobile phone for learning among AFUED students are: unstable internet connectivity, high cost of data bundle, the phone can freeze during important learning moments, intruding calls may come in during learning, difficult to get access to use smartphone during constant power cut, and without internet bundle or Wi-Fi connection, they cannot access course information online.

Keywords: Adeyemi, Federal University of Education, Learning, Nigeria, Ondo, Undergraduates, mobile phone technology facilities

Appraisal of Some Modern Assessment Techniques in Science Education (Published)

Researches into effective science teaching at primary school provide us with two important information; the ideas that science teaching and learning of children should start at school and understanding of a concept is the fundamental of the learning. Recently, the quality of teaching and learning science becomes the question in hand. A lot of researchers agree that objectives of learning science at primary and secondary schools may not be only to prepare students for the secondary stage education, it is also important for the preparation of lifelong learning and understanding of the phenomenon around them. Today, there is a fundamental shift from testing to learning as assessment is perceived as integral part of teaching-learning process. This shift has also brought a shift in traditional ways (tools and techniques) of assessment. Tasks like role plays, crossword puzzle, flow charts, popular science, book review, field trips, class work/homework assignments, group work, survey, project work, worksheets, games, etc. became tools for assessment. This paper discusses role plays, debate and flow charts as tools and techniques, which can be used by teachers in science classroom.

Keywords: Assessment, Learning, teachings, techniques

Self-Regulated Learning as a Predictor of Student Academic Motivation and Self-Efficacy (Published)

In education, the learner is central and the process through which he or she learns is paramount.  To this end, various methods have been designed as to ensuring that the learner is at the best when it comes to academic performance and survival in the wider society.  One of these methods is to assist students have full control of their behaviors, emotions and thoughts with viewing to successfully go through their learning experience and this is , what self-regulated learning (SRL) is all about. This chapter therefore, takes a look at SRL as a predictor of student academic motivation and self-efficacy with emphasis on self-regulated learning as a concept, student motivation, self-efficacy, SRL as a predictor to motivation and self-efficacy and by extension student academic performance.

Keywords: : Academic Performance, Education, Learning, Motivation, Self-Efficacy, Self-Regulated Learning, Students

Investigating Tertiary Education Students’ Self-Efficacy and Willingness towards Using Online Collaborative Tools for Learning in Kogi State Tertiary Institutions (Published)

Online Collaborative tools are computer software designed to help people involved in a common task achieve their goals. Descriptive survey design was used for the study. The study is aimed at Investigating Tertiary Education Students Self-Efficacy and Willingness towards using Online Collaborative Tools for Learning in Kogi State Tertiary Institutions The population of this study comprises all tertiary students of the five (5) selected tertiary institutions in Kogi State. The target population for this study was tertiary education students of the Faculty of Education, Sciences and Arts in selected Federal and State Tertiary institutions in Kogi state. A sample size of four hundred and eighty (480) respondents were sampled using Researchers’ Advisors Model (2006). The findings revealed that there is no significant difference in the opinions of respondents (students) on the available online collaborative tools for learning among tertiary education student in Kogi State Tertiary Institutions. This is because the computed probability is 0.701 which is higher that the p-value of 0.05 level of significance. In conclusion, it was suggested that, among other things that there should be available online collaborative tools for learning among tertiary education student in Kogi State Tertiary Institutions. The study further recommended that tertiary education students should be trained to use online collaborative tools for learning purposes in Kogi State Tertiary Institutions.

Keywords: ICT, Learning, collaborative tools, self-efficacy and willingness

Teaching and Learning with Technology: Effectiveness of usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Facilities in Public Primary Schools in Ondo State, Nigeria (Published)

The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in schools is a worldwide requirements meant to replace traditional teaching methods with a technology- based teaching and learning tools and facilities which will assist teachers in their day to day activities of teaching, keeping of records among others. This study aims to analyze the importance of ICT usage to support teaching and learning process in the classroom and also to ascertain the Effectiveness of ICT usage for pupils learning. It also find out the challenges of usage of ICT facilities in public primary Schools. The findings from the study revealed that computer and internet facilities affected the Educational system better than before. Usage of ICT facilities in public primary Schools will improve the teaching and learning process. The following challenges were revealed from the study: lack of technical support/ Skills, problem of electricity, network issues inadequate ICT facilities in schools among others. It was therefore recommended that the government should give utmost priority to training of teachers in ICT usage. ICT specialist should be recruited and posted to each public primary School to provide technical support to other members of staff, Electricity should be improved upon or solar panels to be provided to schools. Teachers and pupils should be provided with ICT facilities such as educational tablet to improve their ICT usage for teaching and learning.


Keywords: Effectiveness, ICT facilities, Learning, Primary Education, information and communication technology; teaching

Developing Dual Language Skills and Intercultural Communication Strategies in a Bilingual Learning Environment: Investigating a Project Based Learning Programme (Published)

This study investigated a project-based learning approach and explored developing bilingual language skills and enhanced intercultural communication within an existing Bilingual Learning Community. The study mainly looked at the increased importance of bilingualism and intercultural understanding needed to be successful in a global society. It investigated the effectiveness of using Project-based learning to promote these essential skills and competencies. The research used a mixed methods approach that integrated qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods. The study took place in an international school setting in China within a bilingual learning community using English and Chinese, project-based learning, and STEM activities to enhance language proficiency and intercultural understanding. The qualitative component of the study involved interviews with various teachers involved in the Bilingual Learning Community study, and the specific students in the classes were analysed regarding their understanding of intercultural communication. Questionnaires gathered information about the teacher’s and student’s knowledge of the concepts. Observations and comprehensive notes were utilised, and natural interactions with students were encouraged so they could be observed under normal circumstances. The quantitative phase employed pre-and post-tests to measure the students’ language proficiency and focused explicitly on developing cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP) skills. These tests also measured the student’s intercultural learning and competencies. The data collected was analysed using statistical methods. These statistical methods determined the effectiveness of Project-based Learning as a pedagogy to promote bilingual language acquisition and develop intercultural understanding and communication. The findings of this study contributed to the existing body of knowledge on bilingual learning communities, intercultural understanding, and Project-based learning. The study also significantly contributed to the theoretical scientific knowledge by creating a detailed framework with descriptors that related to bilingual language development for students and intercultural communication competence that other scholars could develop further. It was also expected to contribute significantly to applied scientific knowledge. It provided practical information about the students’ language skills, communicative behaviours, and difficulties when dealing with problems and will be helpful for teachers in China and abroad.

Keywords: Learning, Project, Teaching, bilingualism, interculturalism

The Use of Mother Tongue in Communicating Mathematics: Implication for Teaching and Learning of Mathematics (Published)

Mathematics as a school subject is designed to solve the everyday problem created by human activities; these problems are domesticated in the different cultures of man all over the world.  However, the performance of students keeps dwindling due to the westernize approach of teaching and learning mathematics. In other to solve this precarious situation this paper advocated the use of mother tongue in the teaching of mathematics. Mother tongue approach here refers to first-language education as a medium of instruction. The use of mother tongue in the teaching and learning of mathematics is meant to address the high functional illiteracy of Nigeria where language plays a significant factor. Using mother tongue to teach the basic concepts of numbers, operations and other concepts of mathematics helps build a strong foundation for the understanding and learning of higher mathematics. This approach is effective not only in getting the interest of students in the lesson but as a springboard in teaching new mathematical concepts, principles and in deepening student understanding on how mathematical operations or processes work. The mother tongue concepts of teaching and learning mathematics in this work shall be based on the following sub-topics: Numeration/Counting System, Basic Arithmetic Operations, Rhymes and Geometric Concepts. The paper completely reduced the Eurocentric mathematics beliefs of students and make them discover how best mathematics can be learning from their mother tongue. The paper recommended amongst others that teachers of mathematics should adopt the use of mother tongue in teaching mathematics in order to improve students understanding of the subject.

Keywords: Learning, Mathematics, Mother tongue, School, Teaching

Higher-Order Thinking Skill-Based Learning In Islamic Religious Education Subject (Published)

The Indonesian curriculum is made so that students are able to compete at an international level. However, according to data from several survey institutions, Indonesian education is far behind compared to other countries. It is because the learning pattern is still carried out using the lower thinking skill (LOTS) model. There needs to be a change in the LOTS learning model to become learning based on high-order thinking skills (HOTS). Because of this, this study aims to examine the learning of Islam based on higher-order thinking in senior high schools in the city of Palu. This study uses a qualitative method. Data was collected through direct observation, in-depth interviews, and analysis of written documents in the form of student report cards. Interviews were conducted with school principals, Islamic religious education teachers, and several students. The results of the study show that HOTS-based learning plans in the subject of Islamic Religious Education are prepared based on basic competencies. Indicators of achieving student competence include learning objectives, learning steps based on learning models, and students’ cognitive and affective changes. The core learning activities are carried out with a scientific approach, character strengthening, and reflection activities both individually and in groups. Then the implementation of HOTS-based learning also consists of preliminary activities, core activities which include Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration), and closing activities. Meanwhile, HOTS-based learning evaluation is carried out with the criteria of measuring students’ high-level thinking skills based on contextual problems.

Citation: Ramang R., (2022) Higher-Order Thinking Skill-Based Learning in Islamic Religious Education Subject, British Journal of Education, Vol.11, Issue 1, 1-12

Keywords: HOTS, Higher order thinking skill, Islamic religious education, Learning

The Degree of Using Instructional Technology in Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Delta State, Nigeria (Published)

This work aimed to study the accessibility and use of educational technology for teaching mathematics in senior secondary schools in Delta State. Descriptive survey design was used in the work. 60 mathematics teachers in 30 secondary schools were the sample of the work; simple random technique was used to select them from the overall population of 75 secondary schools in Delta State. Two teachers’ questionnaire titled use and preventing factors mathematics questionnaire (r =0.77) were utilized to collect data. Simple percentage, mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the data. The findings showed that there were laboratory equipment and audio educational technology but were not fully used; there were no audio visual technologies and were not used to teach mathematics. Also, lack of money, poor application law, demotivation etc prevented the delivery and use of educational materials for mathematics teaching. The study gave the recommendation that Mathematics teachers should use the educational technology that is available and government should provide enough money to procure educational technology.

Citation: Oliweh I.S., James, G.D. & Enebeli L. (2022) The Degree of Using Instructional Technology in Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Delta State, Nigeria, British Journal of Education, Vol.10, Issue 15, 27-36

Keywords: Achievement, Learning, Teaching, Technology, Utilization

Teaching Strategies Employed By Teachers for Improving Students’ Learning in Business Education in Secondary Schools in Delta State (Published)

Citation: Onajite, G. O. (2022) Teaching Strategies Employed By Teachers for Improving Students’ Learning in Business Education in Secondary Schools in Delta State, British Journal of Education, Vol.10, Issue 3, pp., 85-100

Abstract:This study investigated teaching strategies employed by teachers for improving students’ learning in Business Education in secondary schools in Delta State. Four research questions guided the study. The descriptive survey research design was employed in the study. Population of the study consisted of all the 2,100 teachers teaching business education subjects in the 448 secondary schools in Delta State. Sample size of the study comprised 630 business education teachers from 224 secondary schools in Delta State selected using stratified random sampling technique. A 40-item researchers’ self-developed questionnaire titled “Teaching Strategies employed by Teachers for Improving Student’s Learning in Business Education Questionnaire (TSTISLBEQ)” arranged into four clusters, and structured on 4-point scale. The research instrument was validated by three experts and reliability determined through a pilot test which yielded an internal consistency reliability value of 0.74. Data collected were analyzed using the mean score and standard deviation. The findings of this study revealed among others that the teachers mostly employed the direct teaching strategies. All the other teaching strategies like the experimental, material/visual aids, interactive and the independent teaching strategies were largely not employed by the teachers in teaching business education in secondary schools in Delta State. From the findings, recommendations were made which include and among them were that principals in the secondary schools should encourage and support the teachers to employ other direct teaching strategies such as seminars, individualized instruction method, peer tutoring, team teaching and sharing students into different reading groups for improving students’ learning in business education in secondary schools in Delta State.

Keywords: Business Education, Improving, Learning, Strategies., Students, Teachers, Teaching

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