Teaching and Learning of Mathematics Among Secondary School Students for the Development of Entrepreneurship: Implications for Economic Diversification in Kwara State (Published)
The objective of the study is to examine the roles of teaching and learning of mathematics among secondary students for development of entrepreneurship for economic development in Kwara State Descriptive survey was employed as the research design for the study and questionnaire containing closed and open-ended questions was the instrument for data collection. Sample of the study comprised 134 teachers and 167 students from the state. The designed questionnaire items were validated by two lecturers from the Mathematics and Integrated science departments, Federal College of Education Kontagora, Niger State. To test the reliability of the items, a split-half method was adopted. Cronbach alpha-20 (a20) was employed to estimate the reliability coefficient of the Likert’s scale test items and was found to be 0.83. Data collected was analyzed using percentages (%) and means statistics to answer the research questions. The finding of the study revealed that teaching and learning of mathematics support the development of entrepreneurship among secondary students. Also the study revealed that teachers who incorporated entrepreneurial concepts into their mathematics lessons increased student engagement and skills, which necessary for entrepreneurship development. It is therefore recommended that there is need for an innovative and practical approach to mathematics education and teachers’ training should be done at well.
Keywords: Development, Entrepreneurship, Kwara state, Mathematics, Teaching and Learning, economic diversification, secondary school students
Exploration of Entrepreneurship and Employability Skills Needed for Poverty Alleviation: Evidence from Oyo State, Nigeria (Published)
This study focused on the exploration of entrepreneurship and employability skills needed for poverty alleviation in Oyo State. The study answered two research questions and tested two null hypotheses in line with the stated objectives. The target population of the study comprised two hundred and seven (207) 300Level and 400Level students in the Department of Educational Management in University of Ibadan, Nigeria. No sampling was done as the population is neither too small nor dispersal. Data were collected using a self-designed questionnaire titled “Questionnaire on Entrepreneurship and Employability Skills needed for Poverty Alleviation (QEESPA)”. Findings reveal that Soft skills are needed for poverty alleviation in Ibadan North Local Government area of Oyo State, Nigeria (mean = 3.22, SD = 0.71) and there was no significant difference in the mean responses of male and female respondents regarding business skills and poverty alleviation in Ibadan North Local Government area of Oyo State, Nigeria (t205 = 1.191, P>0.05). Based on the findings made, it is concluded that business and soft skills are essential for reducing poverty in Oyo State Nigeria, specifically in the Ibadan North Local Government Area and society s affected by absence or lack of these skills. Based on the conclusion drawn, it is recommended, among others, that appropriate government agencies should launch a vigorous awareness campaign to educate the public on the value of acquiring business skills.
Keywords: Employability, Entrepreneurship, Poverty, Skills
Representation of Educational Elitism and Entrepreneurship Merit in Contemporary Africa: A Cultural Shift to Self-Fulfilment (Published)
This paper explores and acknowledges the recurring theme of education in African literature, which is often depicted as both a means to reclaim African identity and culture and a tool for social mobility and economic empowerment. Using the Interpretive Interactionism methodology, the study identifies a growing emphasis on the representation of entrepreneurship as a form of vocational training, experiential and work-based learning that can supplement or even replace traditional educational qualifications. This evolving perspective reflects cultural shifts to self-fulfilment, where entrepreneurship is seen as a viable path to success. This study contributes to our understanding of the multifaceted role of education in postcolonial francophone African literature. The findings highlight the complex nature of education in many African societies and its potential for positive transformation as well as challenges to traditional notions of elitism, empowerment, and self-fulfilment.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Interpretive Interactionism, cultural shifts, educational elitism, postcolonial francophone African literature, self-fulfilment
Practicality of Skills Emphasized by Economics Subject Teachers to Enhance Entrepreneurship Ability among Secondary School Students in Moshi District, Tanzania (Published)
This study investigated the practicality of skills emphasised by Economics subject teachers to enhance entrepreneurial ability among secondary school students in Moshi District, Tanzania. The study employed a convergent research design under mixed research approach. Both probability and non-probability sampling techniques were used to sample 93 participants from the target population of 568. The sample included 1 zonal quality assurance officer, 4 Heads of Schoolss, 8 Economics subject teachers, and 80 advanced-level students. An interview guide, questionnaires, and a documentary analysis guide were used for data collection. The validity of the instruments was determined by 3 lecturers who are experts in research, curriculum and instruction. The reliability was estimated using Cronbach’s alpha and a coefficient of 0.769 was obtained. With the help of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS, version 26), quantitative data were analysed and presented in tables using means, frequencies, and percentages. The qualitative data from the interview guide was gathered and presented through direct quotations and narrations after establishing themes according to the research questions. The study found that entrepreneurial skills are emphasised by advanced Economics subject teachers with great prominence on business management skills, teamwork skills, leadership skills, communication skills, customer care skills, financial skills, analytical and problem-solving skills, advertising skills, and risk-taking skills, as well as time management skills. The study concluded that the entrepreneurship ability of advanced students who were undertaking Economics subject was well developed through different learning approaches employed by their Economics subject teachers, including learner-centered approaches. The study recommended that the government should sponsor the training and retraining of Economics subject teachers to acquire current entrepreneurship knowledge and skills required for self-employment so that they teach students the same.
Citation: Evarist V. Musa, Adam Chidyau, Emmanuel Kileo (2022) Practicality of Skills Emphasized by Economics Subject Teachers to Enhance Entrepreneurship Ability Among Secondary School Students In Moshi District, Tanzania, British Journal of Education, Vol.10, Issue 13, pp.20-32
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Skills, Entrepreneurship, advanced level students, economics subject
The Impetus of School-Based Income-Generating Activities on Students’ Entrepreneurship Skills Among Public Secondary Schools in Kilimanjaro Region-Tanzania (Published)
The study assessed the impetus of school-based income-generating activities on students’ entrepreneurship skills among public secondary schools in Kilimanjaro Region-Tanzania. Guided by Edifice Entrepreneurial Supply Theory, the study employed a convergent research design under a mixed research approach. Probability and non-probability sampling techniques were used to draw the sample of 834 respondents from the target population of 110,642. The categories of the sample involved District Education Officers (DEOs), Heads of Schools (HOSs), teachers, and students. The study used interview guides, questionnaires, observation guides, and document analysis guides. Quantitative data were descriptively analyzed through percentages and means, and presented in a table while qualitative data were thematically analyzed and presented in direct quotations. The study found out that stakeholders were highly influenced by active implementation of school-based income-generating activities as proved to impart various entrepreneurship skills. The study concluded that the establishment and operationalization of IGAs in secondary school cycles has a high impetus factor for students and acts as an important engine towards imparting learners’ entrepreneurial skills to them. Therefore, the study recommends that education stakeholders should stress on mandatory implementation of IGAs in public secondary schools to equip learners with vital entrepreneurial skills.
Citation: Lucretia Kilire Njau, Evans Ogoti and Eugene Lyamtane (2022) The Impetus of School-Based Income-Generating Activities on Students’ Entrepreneurship Skills Among Public Secondary Schools in Kilimanjaro Region-Tanzania, British Journal of Education, Vol.10., Issue 7, pp. 20-36
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Skills, Entrepreneurship, Income Generating Activities
Status of Entrepreneurship Development Programme, in Polytechnics in South-East Nigeria (Published)
This study was carried out to find out the status of entrepreneurship development programme in polytechnics in South-East Nigeria. The study adopted descriptive survey design. The study was conducted in all the polytechnics in South-East Nigeria. The population of this study comprised all the 390 entrepreneurship lecturers in polytechnics in South-East Nigeria. As a result of the manageable size, the entire population was used. Thus, there was no sampling of respondents. Data were collected for the study through the administration of validated questionnaire on the respondents. The reliability of the instrument was established using Cronbach alpha (α) reliability statistic. The overall reliability coefficient obtained was 0.84. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study and one null hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance. In analyzing the data collected for the study, mean and standard deviation were used to answer research questions 1-2 while percentage was used to answer research question 3. T-test inferential statistic was used to test the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that the status of curriculum contents was adequate, all teaching methods indicated were applicable. The study further revealed that well equipped training workshop, quality entrepreneurship textbooks, materials for group projects, internet connection, and materials for practical activities were not available for implementing entrepreneurship development programme of polytechnics in South-East Nigeria. The major implication of the findings of the study lies more on the non-availability of most of the physical facilities for implementing entrepreneurship development programme. Therefore, as the students are learning without adequate relevant physical facilities, the graduates after passing through the entrepreneurship development programme may not have the necessary skills and competencies that emanate from such facilities to set up and run their own business enterprises. It was recommended, among others that government should provide institutions with adequate physical facilities for quality entrepreneurship development programme in Polytechnics in the South-east and that Polytechnic authorities should ensure that entrepreneurship educators comply with using the curriculum designed in order to ensure that the objectives of the programme are achieved.
Citation: Basil O. Nwosu and Charles A. Ejeka (2022) Status of Entrepreneurship Development Programme, in Polytechnics in South-East Nigeria British Journal of Education, Vol.10, Issue 1, pp. 35-48,
Keywords: Development, Entrepreneurship, Nigeria, Polytechnics, Programme, South-East, Status
The Relationship between Entrepreneurship Education and Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions in Ogun State-Owned Universities, Nigeria (Published)
The alarming rate of unemployment in Nigeria has become a major national problem. To abate this problem, the Federal Ministry of Education made Entrepreneurship Education compulsory for all students of higher institutions in the country. This study therefore investigates the relationship between students’ exposure to Entrepreneurship Education and their career entrepreneurial intentions in Ogun State-owned universities. Six hypotheses were generated for the study. The population comprises all final year undergraduates, with a sample of six hundred and nine. Three research instruments were used. The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient, T-test and ANOVA. Findings revealed that Entrepreneurship Education significantly influences students’ Entrepreneurial intentions. It was recommended among others that Entrepreneurship Education should be practical-oriented so as to have greater participations in classroom interactions which would further enhance motivation.
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial Intentions, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship education, Motivation
Skills Training Needed by Business Education Students for Successful Entrepreneurship: Implications for Colleges of Education in Nigeria. (Published)
Scholars have identified entrepreneurship education as the missing link between poverty and national development. Consequently, developing a functional Entrepreneurship curriculum for tertiary institutions is needed. This paper dealt with the various skills needed by business education students for successful entrepreneurship. Three research questions and three null hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance guided the study. The Population of the study consisted of 6002 students of Business Education , 600 of the total population were used for study. The study made use of survey design. A structured questionnaire designed on 4 point rating scale containing 44 items on skills training needed for successful entrepreneurship grouped into three clusters was used for gathering data for the study. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions while t-test was used to test the three null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. It was found that information and communication technology (ICT) skill, Risk management skill training and innovative skill training are needed for successful entrepreneurship. It was recommended that the National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) should from time to time review the course content /syllabus, adequate funds and special grants be provided by government to colleges of education especially in south-west states to enable them procure and maintain needed teaching and learning materials.
Keywords: Business Education, Colleges Of Education, Entrepreneurship, Skills