Assessment of Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Travel Mode Choice in Tertiary Institutions in Gombe Metropolis, Nigeria (Published)
This study investigated the influence of socio-economic factors on travel mode choice among staff and students of tertiary institutions in Gombe Metropolis, Nigeria. The study adopted survey research design. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were employed to carry out the study. Four hundred (400) copies of a structured questionnaire representing the sample size of the study were administered. The questionnaire was administered with the help of trained field assistants. Both stratified and simple random sampling techniques were utilized to ensure a good representative of the sample size suitable for the study. Data obtained from the field survey were subjected to univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyses. The findings of this study revealed that, gender and age were among the major factors influencing travel mode choice in the study area. The findings also revealed that, the most commonly used mode of transportation in the study area was tricycle, followed by car and motorcycle. The study concluded that factors like genger, age and income among others were major determinants of mode choice in the study area. Therefore, the study recommends among others that government should through conditional cash transfer provide subsidies or financial incentives for students and staff from low-income backgrounds to ensure seamless academic activities within and outside the campuses. Also, the school managements should collaborate with Gombe State government through Gombe Line Transport Service provide shuttles buses in all the tertiary institutions in the state to cushion the effects of high transportation cost among staff and students.
Keywords: Assessment, Socio-Economic Factors, Tertiary Institutions, gombe metropolis., travel mode choice
Appraisal of Some Modern Assessment Techniques in Science Education (Published)
Researches into effective science teaching at primary school provide us with two important information; the ideas that science teaching and learning of children should start at school and understanding of a concept is the fundamental of the learning. Recently, the quality of teaching and learning science becomes the question in hand. A lot of researchers agree that objectives of learning science at primary and secondary schools may not be only to prepare students for the secondary stage education, it is also important for the preparation of lifelong learning and understanding of the phenomenon around them. Today, there is a fundamental shift from testing to learning as assessment is perceived as integral part of teaching-learning process. This shift has also brought a shift in traditional ways (tools and techniques) of assessment. Tasks like role plays, crossword puzzle, flow charts, popular science, book review, field trips, class work/homework assignments, group work, survey, project work, worksheets, games, etc. became tools for assessment. This paper discusses role plays, debate and flow charts as tools and techniques, which can be used by teachers in science classroom.
Keywords: Assessment, Learning, teachings, techniques
Promoting Equity in Education: Lessons from Ghanaian Education Policy Texts (Published)
This paper addresses the issue of equity in education by exploring how Ghanaian education policy texts foregrounds equity and address inequities. We used a critical pedagogy lens and equity theory to highlight how Ghanaian teacher education policy, national teacher standards and assessment policies promote equity and situates it at the centre of curriculum framework, classroom teaching and learning as well as assessment. From our analyses of policy texts, Ghanaian school classrooms are to be equitable and become places where students’ uniqueness is recognised, respected and supported. The pedagogic relations and student-student interactions are to promote equity. However, we highlight gaps in knowledge about equity literacy among teachers; how they understand equity in the classroom; how teachers actually promote equity in classroom and the challenges they face in so doing; as well as how learners experience equity in the classroom. Therefore, we argued that there the need for research into equity literacy among teachers, how they promote equity in the classroom and how students experience it. This necessitates research into how teachers promote equity at the school site in terms of teacher-student and student-student interactions.
Keywords: Assessment, Curriculum, Equity, Learning Practices, equity literacy, inequities
Assessment of Digital Literacy Skills Among Physical and Health Education Students in Secondary Schools in Bayelsa State (Published)
This study assessed digital literacy skills among physical and health education students in secondary schools in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. A “descriptive survey design” was adopted for the study. To direct the study, two research questions were developed along with matching null hypotheses. All PHE students in the 192 secondary schools in Bayelsa state that are owned by the government make up the study population. The research sample consisted of 499 PHE students, 240 of whom were male and 249 of whom were female. The “Digital Literacy Skill Questionnaire (DLSQ),” a structured tool created by researcher and approved by specialists, was used to collect data. The Cronbach Alpha formula was used to determine the instrument’s reliability, and a coefficient of 0.84 was found. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the study questions, and t-test statistics were used to assess the hypotheses. The findings showed that Bayelsa State secondary school PHE students do not use their digital literacy skills to a high degree. It was suggested that PHE students be encouraged to develop their digital abilities by the school administration.
Keywords: Assessment, Digital, Literacy, PHE students, Skills
Corroborating Magnusson’s PCK Model for Teaching Genetics at The Ghanaian Senior High School Level (Published)
Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted on survey data from 149 Senior High School biology teachers in Ghana to validate Magnusson’s framework of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in science teaching. The questionnaire aligned with Magnusson’s conceptualization of PCK, encompassing components like teaching orientations, knowledge of students’ understanding, instructional strategies, assessment, and science curriculum within genetics. The results affirmed the integrative model of PCK, indicating strong interactions among its components. While the transformative model also showed relevance, its imposition led to a notable decrease in goodness of fit. This underscores the applicability of Magnusson’s integrated PCK model for understanding Ghanaian SHS teachers’ PCK in genetics instruction. The findings emphasize the importance of integrated training in knowledge domains
Keywords: Assessment, Instructional Strategies, PCK, Pedagogical content knowledge, Teacher Knowledge, integrative PCK, teaching orientations, transformative PCK
Internal Quality Assurance Policies and Practices in Colleges of Education in Ghana: Resource Dependency Theory Perspective (Published)
The study examined internal quality assurance policies and practices in managing colleges of education in Ghana to meet the requirements of the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission in the perspective of resource dependency theory. The population were staff of the colleges of education. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 2 Principals, 6 Quality Assurance Officers, and 12 Department Heads in the Colleges. Telephone interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. The transcripts were imported into NVivo 11 for analysis. The study found that even though most of the Colleges are state-owned they have to depend on their internal structures to ensure processes meet government and regulatory body expectations. It was recommended that affiliate universities, in collaboration with the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission, should support the Colleges of Education to build internal capacity for Quality Assurance.
Citation: Aweso D.M. (2023) Internal Quality Assurance Policies and Practices in Colleges of Education in Ghana: Resource Dependency Theory Perspective, British Journal of Education, Vol.11, Issue 5, pp. 39-54
Keywords: Accreditation, Assessment, internal quality assurance, practice
Assessment of Availability and Utilization of Information Technology in The Teaching of Biology in Ekiti State Secondary Schools, Nigeria (Published)
The study investigated availability and utilization of information technology in the teaching of Biology in Ekiti State secondary schools. The descriptive research design of the survey type was adopted in the study. The population of this study consisted of all the secondary schools in Ekiti State. The sample for this study consisted of 100 Biology teachers which were selected from 50 secondary schools in Ekiti State. The sample was selected using simple random and stratified random sampling techniques. Information and Technology Equipment Checklist was used for data collection. The face and content validity of each instrument was done by experts in Test and Measurement. The data collected for this study were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings of the study revealed that the level of availability, level of adequacy and extent of utilization of information technology facilities in teaching Biology in Ekiti State secondary schools were low. It was recommended among others that the government should provide information technology facilities in secondary schools and inspectorate department should ensure that schools with information technology facilities should put it into use in teaching and learning of school subjects especially Biology.
Keywords: Assessment, Availability, Biology, Information Technology, Teaching, Utilization
Extent to Which Teachers Adhere to Corporal Punishment Regulation in Curbing Students’ Misbehaviour in Public Secondary Schools in Rombo District, Tanzania (Published)
This study assessed the extent to which teachers follow corporal punishment regulation in curbing students’ misbehaviour in public secondary schools in Rombo District, Tanzania. The study was guided by the path-goal theory. The study used cross-sectional survey design under quantitative approach. Target population comprised heads of schools and teachers. Probability sampling techniques were used to sample 7 heads of schools and 84 teachers making a total of 91 respondents. Questionnaire and interview schedule were used for data collection. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse data. The study found out teachers to a very small extent considered gender of students before administering punishment. Heads of schools to a very small extent were responsible for punishing misbehaving students. Heads of schools to a very small extent assigned male teachers in writing to administer punishment when female teachers were not available in schools. Heads of schools kept punishment records to a small extent. The researcher concluded that, to a very small extent teachers follow corporal punishment regulation in curbing students’ misbehaviour in public secondary schools. The study recommends that government should form a committee to reconsider corporal punishment regulation. Teachers should consider gender of students before punishment. Also, heads of schools should enhance steadfast to corporal punishment regulation. Heads of schools should be responsible to punish all misbehaving students. Heads of schools should assign male teachers in writing to administer corporal punishment if female teachers are not present. Furthermore, heads of schools should record all corporal punishment in the book for future reference.
Citation: Laurent Cyprian Mushi , Timothy Mandila, Herme J. Mosha (2022) Extent to Which Teachers Adhere to Corporal Punishment Regulation in Curbing Students’ Misbehaviour in Public Secondary Schools in Rombo District, Tanzania, British Journal of Education, Vol.10, Issue 11, pp.68-83
Keywords: Assessment, corporal punishment regulation, students’ misbehaviour
Impact of the evaluation of teaching devices on the professional conceptions of teachers and school administrations in Senegal: the case of five groups of elementary school in Dakar (Published)
Citation: Mamadou Vieux Lamine Sane (2022) Impact of the evaluation of teaching devices on the professional conceptions of teachers and school administrations in Senegal: the case of five groups of elementary school in Dakar, British Journal of Education, Vol.10, Issue 5, pp. 40-58
The purpose of this article is to identify characteristics of the work situation that could encourage or increase the commitment of teachers and curriculum is defined according to two modalities characterizing the organization of teaching work in the school facility: cellular versus integrated. A process for evaluating teachers’ and school administrations’ conceptions is then developed with reference to this organization of school career paths. The empirical study focuses on 5 primary school teams trained for three years in the development and evaluation of their collective arrangements. An analysis of the responses (N == 64) to a questionnaire enabled us to compare the trainees’ conceptions with those of other teachers. The results show that the tested system modifies the perceptions of the practitioners in order to better take into account the inputs of the two professional groups (teachers and principals) involved in the curriculum, the diversity of the learners and the inclusion of a personal practice improvement dynamic.
Keywords: Assessment, Curriculum, School Administration, Teacher
Assessment of Adolescents Attitude towards Sexuality and Reproductive Health Education in Eleme Local Government Area of Rivers State, Southern Nigeria (Published)
Citation: Chujuor J.C., and Hariet Onovughe Ayah (2022), Assessment of Adolescents Attitude towards Sexuality and Reproductive Health Education in Eleme Local Government Area of Rivers State, Southern Nigeria, British Journal of Education, Vol.10, Issue 3, pp. 34-41
Abstract: The study aimed at determining the attitude of male and female adolescents towards sexuality and reproductive health education. The population of the study consisted of 5,800 adolescents in public secondary schools in Eleme Local Government Area of Rivers State, Southern Nigeria. The sample of the study was however made up of 200 adolescent drawn through simple random sampling technique. Data of the study was obtained using structured questionnaire titled: “Adolescents Attitude to Sexuality and Reproductive Health Education Questionnaire (AASRHEQ). The instrument was validated by experts in educational psychology and measurement and evaluation. The reliability coefficient of the instrument was 0.75, using Cronbach alpha technique. Data collected were analyzed using mean (x), standard deviation and t-test. Result got after data analysis indicated that generally speaking majority of the adolescents had negative attitude. However, a significant difference was found in the adolescents attitude by gender and by religion;. Consequently, recommendations were made which included that the government needs to do more in term of ensuring the implementation of teaching of sexuality and reproductive health education curriculum in schools, especially in the semi urban and rural areas; and that practicing counselors should take up the responsibility of ensuring enough awareness campaign through programs in school and local communities aimed at enhancing the development of positive attitude towards sexuality education among adolescents.
Keywords: Adolescents, Assessment, Education, Health, Reproductive, Sexuality, attitude