International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)

EA Journals


Residential Differences in Suicide Ideation through Physiological Effects of Electric Current among Secondary School Students in South East Nigeria (Published)

The study was designed to determine residential differences in suicide ideation through physiological effects of electric current among secondary school students in South east Nigeria. The cross-sectional survey research design was used to study 520 secondary students in the area under survey. A self-constructed suicide ideation inventory (SII) was used for the study. The SII consisted of 35 items which was grouped into six ideation areas. Face validity of the instrument was determined by five experts in psychology and health education. The reliability of the inventory yielded a Cronbach Alpha internal consistency coefficient of 0.89. This index was considered high enough based on Ogbazi and Okpala’s (1994) criteria of 0.60 acceptable for good instruments. Out of 520 copies of the questionnaire administered, 513 representing about 98.7% return rate, were used for analysis. Mean, standard deviation and t-test were used to analyze the data. While mean was used to describe the data; standard deviation was used to determine how the responses of the respondents vary and t-test statistic was used to analyze data in order to ascertain the differences in suicide ideation between the two categories of students. A mean of 2.50 and above was regarded as potentially dangerous suicide ideation and a mean below 2.50 was regarded potentially not dangerous. The results showed that students living in the rural area have a lower suicide ideation score than the students living in the rural area. However, no significant difference was found in the suicide ideation scores between students living in urban and rural areas. Health education intervention is required to further reduce the suicide ideation of both categories of students.

Keywords: Current, Electric, Ideation, Residential, South East Nigeria, Students, Suicide

Correlates of Internet Use among Secondary School Students in Nigeria (Published)

Internet is a new technology in Nigeria that is desirable to be used among secondary school students. Students are in love with internet because any kind of information on any topic is available on the internet. With fast and vast information exchange occasioned by globalization, efforts are being made towards providing caution on students’ use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and internet in particular. This study aims at analyzing the use of internet among secondary school students in Nigeria. The paper discusses the following correlates – internet as a concept, characteristics of secondary school students, problems of adolescents, positive and negative effects of internet use among students and the strategies to reduce the negative effects of internet use.

Keywords: Education, Globalization, Internet, Nigeria, Students, Technology

Effect of Using Spreadsheet in Teaching Quadratic Functions on the Performance of Senior High School Students (Published)

The study employed a quasi-experiment design to evaluate the effect of using Spreadsheet Instructional Method as compared to a Conventional Method on students’ performance in quadratic functions. Lessons delivered with both approaches employed a guided discovery; a mix of direct instruction and hands-on activities in a context in which mathematics learning have been deep-rooted in teacher-centred approaches of teaching. Interviews and teacher made achievement test were used to collect data from senior high school students in Ghana. Data was analysed using paired sample t-test and analysis of covariance for the achievement test whereas interviews were transcribed and coded using data reduction technique. The study showed that the Spreadsheet Instructional Method served a useful pedagogical approach, impacted more on the students’ performance and has the potential of improving teaching and learning mathematics in Senior High schools. The use of the spreadsheet made lessons more practical and interesting; gave students greater opportunities to verify results and make links between spreadsheet formula, quadratic functions and graphs. In spite of its potential, the study recognized that for spreadsheet to be effective in teaching mathematical concepts, a mix of direct instruction and hands-on activities should guide the lesson development and delivery.

Keywords: Education, Quadratic Functions, Spreadsheet, Students, Teaching

Students’assessment of Institutional Leaders’ Effectiveness in Promoting Peace Culture In Public Universities In Cross River State, Nigeria (Published)

This survey-designed study focused on students’ assessment of institutional leaders’ effectiveness in promoting peace culture in public universities in Cross River State. One research question and two hypotheses were isolated to give direction to this investigation. 3256 final year undergraduate students in the two public universities in the state constituted the population. Stratified random sampling technique was used to draw 326 of them to form the sample size. “Peace Culture Promotion Effectiveness Questionnaire (PCPEQ)” developed by the researchers was used for data collection. Data collected were analysed using Descriptive Statistics (mean rating), Population t-test of single mean and Independent t-test statistical techniques. Results obtained indicated that institutional leaders are most effective in promoting participatory communication and free flow of information and least effective in promoting peer mediation in public universities as indicators of peace culture. Students’ assessment of institutional leaders’ effectiveness in promoting peace culture in public universities is significantly low. Students’ university affiliation has no significant influence on their assessment of institutional leaders’ effectiveness in promoting peace culture, with state university students having a slight edge over their federal university counterparts in their assessment of institutional leaders’ effectiveness in promoting peace culture. It was concluded that though institutional leaders are rated low, yet very effective in promoting certain aspects of peace culture.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Institutional leaders, Students, peace culture

Teacher Demographic Variables and Students’s Academic Achievement in Secondary Schools Home Economics in Calabar Educational Zone of Cross River State (Published)

This study investigated the influence of teacher demographic variables on secondary School students’ academic achievement in Home Economics in Calabar educational zone of Cross River State. Hypotheses were postulated to guide the study. Some relevant literatures were reviewed based on the two variables of the study. The study adopted a survey design. Simple random sampling technique was utilized to draw four hundred and twenty (420) respondents comprising of twenty (20) Home Economics teachers and four hundred (400) JSS III Students from the population. Two sets of instruments were used to elicit information from the sample. These instruments include: “Teacher demographic variables questionnaire” (T.D.V.Q) and “Home Economics Achievement Test” (HEAT). Kuder Richardson formular – 21 was used to establish the reliability coefficient of HEAT with an estimate of 0.77. T-Test was used in the data analysis. The results of data analysis showed that the two hypotheses were significant at 0.05 probability level. This means that educational qualifications and experience of the teacher influence significantly the students’ academic achievement in Home Economics in the study area. Based on these findings some recommendations were made.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Calabar Educational Zone, Cross River State, Home Economics, Secondary Schools, Students, Teacher Demographic Variables


This paper sought to investigate the administrative motivation factors affecting Secondary School Kiswahili teachers in Keiyo Sub County. The study was based on Expectancy theory by Victor Vroom who explained that motivation is a combination of three factors Valence, Expectancy and Instrumentality. The theory stresses that students and teachers expect to get a reward from the effort they put in their work. The paper adopted a survey research design and stratified random sampling to select teachers teaching Kiswahili from a selection of 14 schools out of the 29 schools in Keiyo Sub-County. The sample included teachers and students. Questionnaires and document analysis were used to gather data for the study which was then analyzed using descriptive statistics by frequencies, percentages, variances and standard deviations; t-test was applied in testing the hypothesis. The paper established that motivation plays a major role in contributing to good performance of students, however, most teachers felt demotivated in the school. Some of the factors contributing to demotivation include animosity from the surrounding community, poor infrastructure, lack of teaching resources, poor housing facilities, denial of study leaves or transfers as well as unwarranted blame for poor performance of students. It is recommended that Head teachers should encourage team work, provide the necessary facilities such as good housing, equipped labs, and avail necessary teaching resources as a way of motivating teachers. High quality teaching staffs are the cornerstone of a successful education system. It is thus important that teachers are motivated and any demotivation factor eliminated to ensure improved performance in schools.

Keywords: Factors, Motivation, Performance, Students, Teachers, expectancy theory


This study examined the impact of teaching learning resources on teaching business management in some selected schools in the Kumasi Metropolis. The researchers used a descriptive research design of survey type and gathered data through questionnaire. The sample of this study comprises; business management teachers and business management students in three senior high schools in the Suame District.  Thus, eight (8) teachers and one hundred and twelve (112) students were selected. Three research questions guided the study. The data collected were analyzed through the computation of percentages with the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Findings indicated the influence of teaching learning resources in teaching Business Management which include facilitating and understanding of the lesson, making teaching easy, creates an interesting environment with high class participation. Based on this finding, school heads/authorities should make it mandatory that all teachers include teaching learning resources in their lesson delivery.

Keywords: Business Management, School Authorities, Students, Teachers, Teaching Learning Resources

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