Predictors of Continuous Intention to Use Mobile Payment Platforms in a Typical Developing Economy Context: A Literature Review (Published)
This paper aims to review literature on the predictors of continuous intention to use mobile payment platforms in a typical developing economy context. Extant literatures reveal that the unified theory of use and technology is the most widely used theory to explain continuous intention behavior in financial technology marketing literature but few studies have extended the theory to accommodate other variables and investigate the nexus among these variables especially on continuous intention to use mobile platforms from a developing economy like Nigeria. Also, the existing frameworks and models developed in advanced economies may not be suitable for developing mobile payment platforms usage behavior in Nigeria because of its peculiarities. The major importance of this study is to review extant literature on continuous usage of mobile payment technology and make available a comprehensive and robust framework for prospective researchers in this area, which will guide and direct their studies. The framework is premised on five key constructs- performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition, intrinsic motivation, price value and prior experience. More so, the proposed conceptual framework is capable of providing insight for developing financial technology-related policies.
Keywords: Developing Economy, Mobile payment platforms, Nigeria, financial technology, unified theory of use and acceptance of technology
Corporate Governance and Debt Financing of Listed Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria (Published)
The study assessed the relationship between corporate governance and capital structure of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The study employed secondary data covering a period of 10 years (2012 – 2021) with sample of 28 listed manufacturing firms. The study obtained annual reports of listed firms from their respective websites and Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) Factbook. The data were analysed using pool ordinary least squared and fixed effect model estimation. The findings revealed a significant relationship between the corporate governance and debt financing of the listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria. Specifically, results show that corporate governance variables such as the board size ((t = 2.120 p < 0.05), the board composition (t= 9.288, p < 0.05) and CEO duality (t =2.306, p< 0.005) had positive and significant effect on use of debt funding of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The study concluded that the practice of corporate governance contributes and play significant role in finance decision and enhanced financial performance in Nigeria. Therefore, policy maker should ensure a combination of some mandatory minimum rules and flexibility above the minimum level that will ensure effective financing decision by manufacturing firms in Nigeria.
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Debt, Financing, Manufacturing, Nigeria
Housing Inadequacy in Nigeria and Ramifications (Published)
This article critically analyses housing inadequacy in Nigeria and its effects. The study is exploratory in nature and used qualitative methodology. Key findings suggest that protests, informal settlements, health challenges, shack fires, flooding, violence and criminality, corruption and xenophobic attacks are the ramifications of housing inadequacy in Nigeria. This study used relevant review of literature, document and policy review, and a qualitative inquiry of secondary sources with regards to housing inadequacy in West Africa/ Nigeria and its ramifications to answer the research questions. Through the Federal Housing Authority, the government needs to engage the private sector, state-owned enterprises, States and Local Governments to unlock strategic parcels of land suitable for human settlements development, which provision, especially for low-income groups should be at subsidized rates. The country needs an efficient, formidable and incorruptible Ministry of Housing Development that is able to perform the huge task of spatial integration.
Keywords: Housing, Nigeria, West Africa, inadequacy
Nigeria’s Population Politics and Its Janus-Headed Implications: A Critical Analysis (Published)
The strength of a country is measured through certain indices, some of which are military strength, economy, geography, and population. However, the population can become a tricky indicator because of the possibility of its Janus-headed manifestations. This context is most relevant in countries experiencing population explosion without the natural and material resources to cope with it. The trend is particularly evident in Africa, particularly the Nigerian situation, where attempts at addressing the explosion through policy have failed, which further proves that the Nigerian population explosion is a typical Janus-headed scenario. There is no known research on this discourse as scholars either focussed on the factors that promote population growth or how it affects the economy, without examining the Janus-headed tricky indicator of population explosion which prompted this discourse. In this context, the research paper evaluates the Nigerian population explosion politics as a Janus –headed dilemma and seeks an answer to this question to this question: “Does Nigeria’s population provide opportunities or challenges”?
Keywords: Janus-headed dilemma, Nigeria, Population, population explosion
Money Market Instruments and Price Stability in Nigeria: 1981 – 2021 (Published)
The study examined money market instruments and price stability in Nigeria. The study specific objectives include to investigate the relationship between treasury bills, treasury certificates, development loans stock, bankers’ acceptance, commercial papers and federal government of Nigeria bonds on consumer price index in Nigeria. The study adopted purposive sampling technique and the sample size consist time series data from 1981 to 2021. The study used secondary data obtained from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin and National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and the data were analysed using univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. The findings from the error correction model indicated that treasury bills negatively and insignificantly influence consumer price index in Nigeria; treasury certificates positively and significantly influence consumer price index in Nigeria; development stocks positively and significantly affects consumer price index in Nigeria; certificates of deposits positively and insignificantly influence consumer price index in Nigeria; commercial papers negatively and insignificantly influence consumer price index in Nigeria; bankers’ acceptance positively and significantly influence consumer price index in Nigeria and federal Government of Nigeria bonds positively and insignificantly impact on consumer price index in Nigeria. On the basis of the findings, the study concludes that money market instruments on the short and long run affects price stability in Nigeria. Hence, the study recommends amongst others that government should established effective and efficient stabilization policies and quality of public sector governance that would ensure that prices of goods and services and money market instruments are stable for sustainable economic growth of Nigeria.
Keywords: Money Market Instruments, Nigeria, Price Stability, Treasury Bills, Treasury Certificates
Dynamic Relationship Between External Financial Flows and Total Market Capitalization in The Nigerian Capital Market: VECM Approach (Published)
The study examines the extent to which external financial flows influence market capitalization of Nigerian capital market for the period spanning 1981-2020. The study employed the VECM, regressors’ and ECT t-statistics causality approaches to establish the strong, short-run and long-run relationships. The study unveiled that all the external financial flows such as FDI, FPI, remittance and others used in this study have positive impacts on total annual market capitalization in the Nigerian capital market, especially in the long-run. The stock indices movement is respective to the change in external financial flows basic. The study suggested that the policy measures aimed at directing long run capital inflows should not be the same as those aimed at changing the short run patterns of flow. The study concludes that policy should be put in place to ensure the directions of both long run and short run financial flows have a suitable time rage.
Citation: Folorunsho T.O. and Odior E.S. (2023) Dynamic Relationship Between External Financial Flows and Total Market Capitalization in The Nigerian Capital Market: VECM Approach, International Journal of Business and Management Review, Vol.11, No. 2, pp.1-28
Keywords: Nigeria, VECM, external financial, total market capitalization
Determinants of Retained Earnings of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria (Published)
The study examined the determinants of retained earnings of deposit money banks in Nigeria. Retained earnings were the dependent variable, while total assets and total deposits were the independent variables of the study. The study adopted an ex-post-facto research design, covering the period between 2010 and 2019. Secondary data were extracted from the annual reports and accounts of sampled deposit money banks in Nigeria. Spearman Covariance analysis was used for the test of hypotheses. From the data analysis, total assets and total deposits have a strong and positive relationship with retained earnings. This implies that total assets and total deposits can be used to predict the retained earnings of deposit money banks in Nigeria. The study, therefore, recommends that deposit money banks in Nigeria should strive to increase their asset base by investing in land and buildings and also ensure that every asset at their disposal is effectively and efficiently managed to yield more profit and subsequently increase their retained earnings for further investments and/or recapitalization. They should engage in promotions and other programmes that will encourage customers to keep their cash with them. This will provide them with additional funds to provide loans and make other investments to increase their revenue and retained earnings.
Keywords: Deposit Money Banks, Nigeria, Total Assets, retained earnings, total deposits
Organizational Effectiveness of Brewing Firms in South East Zone of Nigeria: Exploring the relative importance of Dynamic Capabilities (Published)
This study was conducted to investigate the relative importance of dynamic capabilities on the organizational effectiveness of brewing firms in the South East Zone of Nigeria. The survey research design was used in the conduct of the study. The population was 204 and sample size 135 determined through Taro Yamen’s (1967) sample size determination formula. The questionnaire used in the study achieved 76.47% response rate. Data analysis was done with regression method.Findings of the study indicated that dynamic capabilities had a significant positive influence on organizational effectiveness of brewing firms in South East Zone of Nigeria; It was also revealed thatreconfiguration capability had the most important influence(Beta =0.406, t=2.904, p<0.05), learning capability came second (Beta 0.217, t=2.211, p<0.05) and sensing capabilitythird(Beta =0.039, t=2.179, p<0.05). It was recommended that brewing firms in South East Zone of Nigeria should give attention to formulating and implementing their strategies for organizational effectiveness in line with findings made in this study.
Citation: Umoh V.A., Nsien C.B., Effiom M.B. (2022) Organizational Effectiveness of Brewing Firms in South East Zone of Nigeria: Exploring the relative importance of Dynamic Capabilities, International Journal of Business and Management Review, Vol.10, No. 8, pp.49-62
Keywords: Nigeria, Organizational effectiveness, dynamic capabilities, learning capability, reconfiguration capability, sensing capability
Impact of persistent Rise in Food Prices on the Nigerian Economy (Published)
When the price of food increases uncontrollably, and some variables like transport fare, fuel prices, insecurity rises, this will affect almost everything else such as house rent, school fees, consumption, mentioning just but a few. The study adopts a survey research design approach to examine the effect of rise in food prices on the Nigerian economy. The population of the study is made up of Civil Servants (CS), food vendors (FV), other consumers (OC), and private sectors’ workers (PS) concerned with concerned with food consumptions. A sample size of 248 persons was selected at random, and was divided into 36 civil servants, 118 food vendors, 59 other consumers, and 35 private sector workers. The paper adopted questionnaire design with 5-likert scale response, structured in line with the questions and hypotheses. The paper further uses the Pearson correlation coefficient to test the hypotheses. The showed that the recent rise in food prices has a negative significant impact on the economic growth in Nigeria, and that there is no improvement on Nigerian economy because the rise in food prices has a significant effect on the purchasing power, and finally the finding showed that there is a significant relationship between rise in food prices in Nigeria and food security. The study recommends that government should expand social protection programs for the poor household in both rural and urban, and also increase their medium-term and long-term investments in agricultural research and extension, rural infrastructure, and market access for small farmers.
Citation: Udochukwu Victor Echebiri, Josephine Olohije Abode, Aigbe Eric Andrew, Isibor Andrew Onaghise, Onyebuchi Benedicta Amolo (2022) Impact of persistent Rise in Food Prices on the Nigerian Economy, International Journal of Business and Management Review, Vol.10, No. 8, pp.21-30
Keywords: Economy, Nigeria, food price, persistent rise
Continuous Production and Competitive Advantage in Selected Aluminum Company in South- South, Nigeria (Published)
The study investigated Continuous Production and Competitive Advantage in Selected Aluminum Companies in South- South, Nigeria, with specific objectives: to examine the relationship between mass production and customer collaboration, to determine the influence of process production on customer retention, to investigate the impact of assembly production on customer advocacy. The Study adopted a descriptive research method which is structural deigned questionnaire techniques that allows the gathering of data from desired respondents that will be used for analysis, the data employed for the study was primary data. The primary data used for analysis were response gathered from selected aluminium companies in south-south Nigeria. This study considered the total number of seventy-five (75) respondents. The research assign Alphabet to the items responds VE= Very effective, E=Effective, U= Undecided and I = Ineffective. The data analysis method used in this study is percentage frequency counts to determine the result of each items in the research questions and mean value decision rule is 2.5. SPSS was used to determine the decision rule of mean.
Citation: Odita, A.; Kifordu, A. A.; Nwankwo, C.N. (2022) Continuous Production and Competitive Advantage in Selected Aluminum Company in South- South, Nigeria, International Journal of Business and Management Review, Vol.10, No.7, pp.1-12
Keywords: : continuous production, Competitive Advantage, Nigeria, South-South, aluminum