Global Journal of Human Resource Management (GJHRM)

EA Journals


Research & Development and Employees Productivity in Public Service of Nigerian Fourth Republic (Published)

This study examines the impact of research & development on employees’ productivity in public service of Nigerian fourth republic from 1999 to 2023. The annual data for the study is sourced from World Bank’s Development Indicators (WDI) and Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin. The dependent variable is employee’s productivity proxied by total factor productivity while the explanatory variables are research & development expenditure as percentage of GDP, employee compensation proxied for income and institutional quality components of governance effectiveness and regulatory quality. The preliminary test of Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) unit root test reveals mixed order of integration among the series under consideration, which reinforces the choice of Autoregressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) as estimation technique. The ARDL bounds result reveal the existence of long-run among the series under consideration. On the result, the series of research & development exhibit negative and significant relationship with employee productivity in the Nigerian public service. The complementary series of employee compensation exert negative effect and significant impact on employee productivity. Also, governance effectiveness further exerts negative and insignificant nexus while regulatory quality demonstrates significant positive effect on employee productivity. This study concludes that research & development has not enhanced employee productivity in the Nigeria public service within the period considered. Therefore, the research recommends the need for government agencies and parastatals to make adequate provision for resources to fund high-quality training programs for public sector employees. This can include providing on-the-job training, skill development workshops, and opportunities for continuous learning and professional development

Keywords: Development, Public Service, Research, employee’s productivity

A Synopsis of Training, Employee Retention and Performance (Published)

Training and development is essential to any firm that wants to retain employees and realize better performance. Current businesses are forced to establish training and development programs that assist in attaining required skills and competencies in the organization. But without competent employees, firms grapple with challenges of poor output and dismal performance. This conceptual study paper presents a synopsis of the linkage of training, employee retention and performance. Theories underpinning the study are human capital theory, social learning theory and theory of human resource management. Drawn from wide theoretical assumptions, opportunity to training is one of the greatest reasons to why workers stay in the organization. Employees need noble training opportunities to improve their performance and demand in the labour market. Training is seen as a major factor in contributing to employee improved performance and reduction of work related accidents. Various scholars have alluded to the fact that retained employees master the art of delivering excellent goods and services to consumers. There is need for establishment of better employee retention strategies to bond trained employees with the firm. The paper contributes to body of knowledge by providing a conceptual framework of the linkage of training, employee retention and performance which would be of beneficial to human resource practitioners and human resource policy makers. It further builds a model that will assist researchers in exploring employee retention as a mediating role in training and performance.

Keywords: Development, Employee Retention, Performance, Training

Leadership Behaviour Mutation for National Development (Published)

In recent times, ardent watchers and analysts of the Nigerian project have suggested that the country has endemic leadership issues with genetic foundations deeply rooted in Her DNA. Although this assertion has been sharply contested, the apparent malady in the current behaviours of persons in key leadership positions in the country seems to have assumed worrisome dimensions .The observed leadership behaviours have taken an impoverishing toll on the efforts at National Development. Thus, this work, in the bid to evolve persons with development –centric leadership behaviours, took an organic approach to attempt to resolve the underlying leadership malaise. This was done using metaphoric symbolisms and biological analogies to have an introspective view of aspects of molecular ecology. This dimension was adopted in order to explain how leadership behaviour mutation could counteract the prevailing leadership trend and provide actionable thoughts for the ultimate attainment of sustainable National Development.

Keywords: Behaviour, Development, Leadership, Mutation, Nigeria

Human Resource Development Meeting the Needs of the International Integration in Vientiane Capital of Laos (Published)

The objective of the study is to analyze the internal-external environment affecting the human resource development in order to meet the needs of international integration in Vientiane capital of Laos. Based research results, the researcher has the managerial implications for improving human resource quality for Vientiane capital of Laos. This is one of the first research paper to develop the measurement scale as well as the theoretical model illustrate the relationship between the internal-external environment and the human resource development. The official quantitative studied with a sample of 350 managers in Vientiane capital. The data collected from June 2017 to May 2018 in Vientiane capital and random sampling technique. The Data analyzed Cronbach’s Alpha and the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) which used for multilinear regression. The tested results have the internal-external environment affecting the human resource development with significance level 0.01 based on 344 samples (06 sample lacked information).

Keywords: Development, Human, Laos, Resource, Vientiane Capital

Management Training and Development: A Leadership Strategy to Performance Management and Job Satisfaction in Kenyan Universities (Published)

Kenya’s university lecturers are generally highly educated. Their capacity to carry out their mandate effectively and their recognition as essential assets to society and world – class institutions depend on their training, experience, commitment and quality of their productivity (Republic of Kenya, 2007). Specific mechanisms ought to be put in place to address the lecturers’ wellbeing, to ensure their motivation, retention and productivity. The author of this paper opines that university management is tasked with the responsibility of facilitating their staff training and development in order to bridge any existing gaps or shortcomings and sharpen their skills. The rationale for training in the work context being to better hone the abilities or skills of the individual and satisfy the short and long term manpower requirements of the organisation. This paper thus focuses on management training and development as a strategic tool to performance management and job satisfaction among Kenyan universities. The study employed convergent parallel mixed methods design with census, random and systematic sampling techniques to select the respondents. Purposive sampling was also used to select information-rich cases. A target population of 2,773 members of university management and lecturers in the chartered public and private universities with their main campuses in Rift Valley Region of Kenya was considered from which a sample of 605 participants was obtained. Questionnaires, interview and document analysis guides were used for data collection. Qualitative data was thematically analysed while quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, independent-samples t-test, One-way ANOVA and regression coefficients, with the use of the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20. The study found that training and development exhibited the strong association with lecturers’ job satisfaction and performance management in the selected Kenyan Universities. For attainment of higher levels of job satisfaction and performance, the study recommended enhancement of training and development programmes in the Universities.

Keywords: Development, Job Satisfaction, Leadership Strategy, Performance Management., Training


The efficiency and operational excellence are the key factors in order for a manufacturing company to stay competitive. Optimization of manpower and forecasting manpower needs in modern conglomerates are an essential part of the future strategic planning and a very important different nature of business imperatives. As firm’s business diversification has entered different business platform through firm supply chain operation increases more complexity for forecasting & planning manning level. The key driver analysis method was used in manpower modeling for five different nature types of business; sales based, volume based, trading based, project based, and back office based management. The distribution of manpower requirement in each specialty varied as different business context. This empirical study on manpower distribution and best fit modeling to predict the human resource planning in operation. Firstly, longitudinal study of manpower analysis was evolved to conduct the as-is manpower tiering; front process, core process, and support process for each business group. Later, all key financial & non-financial metrics were conducted for analysis. Finally, regression analysis was conducted to determine the development of manpower modeling or forecast model of demand/ supply in current energy context companies. Considering the market constraints & fluctuation with the governmental demand, policies, or advance in process technology impacted different demand & supply manning level for each of five business types. Finally, the study is to design a HR operating expenses (HROPEX) as the way to determine the resource headcount forecast for human resource planning regardless of employee competency constraint. The research findings showed significant relationship for each key specific metrics or model for each business group. Therefore, five manpower models were developed on each specialty for the strategic planning of human resource to serve the development of the industry.

Keywords: Development, Energy Conglomerates, Manpower Modeling & Optimization: Asia


The rise and fall of many organizations is a reflection of how adaptive, flexible, and focused they are with the changing pattern. The rapid change in technological innovation and advancement has become an indispensable means for organization to equip their employees with the required skilled, knowledge and abilities which are acquired through consistent training to stand against competitive forces. However, this study has examined how best training can be used to reduce waste, incessant level of industrial accidents, lateness to work, fatigue, and absenteeism in order to ensure the survival and growth of the banking industries. The survey design was adopted. Questionnaire was used the major source of data collection. A sample size of one hundred and eighty five (185) staff and management of the selected banks in Lagos metropolis. While the Correlation Analysis and chi square were adopted using Statistical Package for Social Sciences. The findings revealed that employees training significantly influences organizational effectiveness though some of these banks failed because they send their employees on a training programme when they do not have the machines or equipment which they can use to practice when they return from such a training. Without a commitment from management, training will be nothing more than a dream

Keywords: Commitment, Development, Motivation, Retention, Training


This article examines that in every organization, the aim of every manager is to see that productivity is enhanced and efficiency attained. The means of achieving this goal hinges on many factors but for the purpose of this study we will look into capacity building as a tool for increase in productivity in the public sector organisation in Nigeria. It cannot be over emphasized in these modern management system where there are changes in information system and globalization. This trend has made the public sector organizations realize the very importance of human capital development these days. The origin of training and staff development in Nigeria dated back to 1970. Before this time, training and development had been going on in Nigeria without notice. It has brought to limelight at the 14th Annual General Meeting of Nigeria Employer Consultative Association (NECA) in December, 1970. When Chief Anthony Enahoro, the then federal commissioner for labour and productivity commented on the importance of role of employers in training their employees.

Keywords: Development, Efficiency and Public Sector, Employee Productivity, Management, Training


This research titled “the effect of human resource training and development on organizational effectiveness” is written to explore the extent to which training and development has enhanced organizational effectiveness considering the pivotality of the tool and consequences of its grave neglect by most organizations in recent time.  The researcher elicits data from both primary and secondary sources and the method of data collection were questionnaire, interview and observation.  The data were analyzed using simple percentages, mean score, standard deviation and coefficient of variation respectively.  The paper concludes that human resource training and development is pivotal to enhancing organizational effectiveness thus recommend that: for the nation to achieve improved productivity and efficient service delivery, funding of technical and vocational education should be encouraged and its employees should be constantly trained to compete and achieve the global quest for skillful and motivated manpower with an articulated training and development manuals towards a virile nation.

Keywords: Development, Human resource, Productivity, Training


Most of the world is interested in follow-up and monitoring of this index periodically and continuously UNICEF is the rate of the most important Almaicrat that reflect the health status of the country. The calculation of this index shows the extent of the State’s interest in this segment of the population and the efficiency of the health system in the care of children and to ensure their health and safety and it has a mortality rate of children under five years of age at the level of Iraq, about 38 deaths per 1,000 births in 2011 despite a drop in the rate from the previous mortality rates are still high but not up to the target rate

Keywords: : Human Capital, Development, Infant Mortality Rate

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