Psychological Impact of Downsizing on Survivor-Managers in a developing Economy (Published)
Despite the importance of psychological wellbeing of survivors to the attainment of the envisaged goal of the downsizing practice, research on this group of workers is still limited particularly in Nigeria. The study aims at exploring the psychological impact of downsizing on survivor managers in Nigeria using a qualitative research approach. More specifically, unstructured and semi-structured interviews were carried out at different stages with a total of 20 interviewees. Data were analysed and coded using a data-driven thematic analysis. The finding revealed that anxiety, a feeling of uncertainty, insecurity of job, reduction in individual motivation and poor communication influenced the survivors negatively. These negative psychological and emotional impact exhibited by the survivor employees are linked to lack of jobs, high rate of unemployment, and lack of social security and culture. The outcome of the study would provide implications for human resources managers in Nigeria who often deal with downsizing and engaged in psychological contract breach.
Keywords: Developing Economy, Nigeria, Survivor-managers, downsizing, psychological impact
Green Marketing and Sustainability of Breweries in Nigeria (Published)
This study appraised the effect of green marketing on sustainability of brewery firms in Nigeria using the South-East geo-political zone of Nigeria as the study area. Specifically, it sought to ascertain the extent green product; green price; green placement; and green promotion on the sustainability of breweries. The study was hinged on diffusion of innovation theory. Descriptive survey design using a sample size of 324 was adopted. Primary data used for the study were sourced with structured questionnaire, and analyzed in frequency tables and percentages, and multiple regression analysis for testing the hypotheses. The study found all the constructs of the study: green product, green price, green place (distribution), and green promotion to be significantly and positively related to sustainability of breweries in South-East of Nigeria. It concluded that green marketing significant positive effect on sustainability of breweries in South East of Nigeria. The study recommended that breweries in South-East Nigeria, and the broader Nigeria should sustain their environmental responsibilities and pay more attention to related issues so as to maintain their company sustainability.
Keywords: Green Marketing, Nigeria, South-East, Sustainability, brewery firms
Analyses of Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurial Intention among Undergraduates Students in Nigeria (Published)
Entrepreneurship education and intention are major constructs that have enjoyed extensive investigation in literature as underlying factors for the development of potential and practicing entrepreneurs and the growth of the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) sector. This study investigated the analysis of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intention among undergraduate students in Nigerian universities. Relevant theoretical framework and models such as Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) by Ajzen (1991) as well as Bandura’s (1986) Self-Efficacy model were employed to underpin the study. A sample of 469 undergraduates was investigated in Nigeria through a cross-sectional survey. A structured questionnaire was distributed online to respondents. Analysis was carried out using simple and multiple regression analysis. The findings from this study and the data analysis outcomes indicated that there is a positive significant relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intention among undergraduate students in Nigeria. This is in support of various positions in literature based on previous studies. However, the multi-dimensional perspective of entrepreneurship education only yielded two variables namely, entrepreneurship skills and knowledge as the determinant of entrepreneurial intention. This development gives credence to assess an optimum model for entrepreneurship education among the various antecedent factors that influence entrepreneurship education in relation to entrepreneurial intention. The study therefore recommends that adequate pedagogical approaches and tools be employed in the universities and other tertiary institutions that will impact emphasis on critical entrepreneurship education factors such as skills and knowledge for the management and policy framework for entrepreneurial activities and performance.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship education, Nigeria, Students, Undergraduates, entrepreneurial intention
Determinants of Customer Patronage for Local Food Restaurants in a Typical Sub-Saharan African Context (Published)
This study centers on the determinants of customer patronage for local food restaurant in Awka metropolis. There exists dearth of empirical studies on the patronage behavior of customers of local food restaurants in Awka metropolis. The study employed survey design and the population of study is the customers of local food restaurants in the area. The sampling technique used was quota sampling and the sample size is 246 respondents. The research instrument was questionnaire while data collected were subjected to reliability test using factor analysis. The result of the multiple regression analysis shows that food quality is the best predictor of customer patronage of local food restaurants follow by food varieties, convenient location, cultural influence, physical environment and service quality while price is not a significant determinant. We therefore recommend that local food restaurant operators should improve on the quality of meals served; provision of varieties of meals with different spices and meals should express the culture of the customer among others.
Keywords: Customer patronage, Food Marketing, Nigeria, local food restaurants, sub-Saharan Africa
Understanding the Nexus between Electronic Service Performance and Customer Satisfaction among Online Shoppers in a Typical Emerging Economy (Published)
The main objective of this study is to empirically investigate the influence of electronic service performance on customer satisfaction among online retail customers in Anambra State, Nigeria. The development of information and communication technology (ICT) and its wide application to business especially retailing led to the development of alternative methods of distributing goods and service hence, the emergence of many online retail shops that are challenging the traditional methods of retailing. In view of this and in view of the fact that customers are keying into this emergent phenomenon, customer satisfaction with the online retail shops is imperative. Hence this study set out to examine service performance and customer satisfaction among online retail shoppers in Nigeria. The study was based on a survey of 288 online shoppers in Anambra State. The data collected were analysed with multiple regressions and the outcome was useful to online shoppers, online retailers among others.
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Emerging Economy, Nigeria, Online Shoppers, Service Performance
Understanding the Nexus between Electronic Service Performance and Customer Satisfaction among Online Shoppers in a Typical Emerging Economy (Published)
The main objective of this study is to empirically investigate the influence of electronic service performance on customer satisfaction among online retail customers in Anambra State, Nigeria. The development of information and communication technology (ICT) and its wide application to business especially retailing led to the development of alternative methods of distributing goods and service hence, the emergence of many online retail shops that are challenging the traditional methods of retailing. In view of this and in view of the fact that customers are keying into this emergent phenomenon, customer satisfaction with the online retail shops is imperative. Hence this study set out to examine service performance and customer satisfaction among online retail shoppers in Nigeria. The study was based on a survey of 288 online shoppers in Anambra State. The data collected were analysed with multiple regressions and the outcome was useful to online shoppers, online retailers among others.
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Emerging Economy, Nigeria, Online Shoppers, Service Performance
Credit Expansion and Commercial Banks Soundness in Nigeria: An Application of Multi -Dimensional Analysis (Published)
This study examined the effects of credit expansion on commercial banks soundness in Nigeria. The objective was to ascertain the relationship between credit expansion and commercial banks soundness in Nigeria. Time series data was collected from Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin and stock exchange factbook. Ordinary least square method was used as data analysis method. Model I had capital adequacy indicator was modeled as the function of bank credit to manufacturing sector, communication and transport, mining and quarrying, agricultural sector and credit to small and medium scale enterprises while model II modeled capital adequacy indicator as the function of credit to private sector, net domestic credits, medium term credits, short term credits and long term credits. From the findings, Model I found that the independent variables explained 77 percent variations on capital adequacy ratio. The beta coefficient found that all the independent variables have positive effects on bank capital adequacy except credit to manufacturing sector. Model II found that the independent variables can explain 81 percent variations on capital adequacy while the beta coefficient found that all the independent variables have positive effects except medium term credit. The study concludes that credit expansion significantly relates to commercial banks soundness in Nigeria. We therefore, recommended for a well-articulated credit policies that will strengthen commercial banks soundness in Nigeria.
Keywords: Commercial Banks, Credit Expansion, Multi-dimensional Analysis, Nigeria
Empirical Investigation of Human Capital Investments and Its Effect on Economic Growth In Nigeria (1990-2017) (Published)
The study examined the empirical investigation of human capital investments and its effect on economic growth in Nigeria; for the period 1990-2017. Secondary data were used and collected from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin. The study used Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and was employed as the dependent variable to measure the human capital investments on economic growth in Nigeria; whereas, government expenditure on health and government expenditure on education were also used as the independent variables to measure human capital investments in Nigeria. Hypotheses were formulated and tested using Ordinary Least Square econometrics techniques. The study showed that government expenditure on education had a significant effect on Gross Domestic Product in Nigeria. Government capital expenditure on health sector had a significant effect on Gross Domestic Product in Nigeria. The coefficient of determination indicated that about 69% of variations in Gross Domestic Product can be explained by changes in government capital expenditure variables in Nigeria. The study concluded that human capital investments had a significantly effect on economic growth in Nigeria. The study recommended that Government should ensure proper management of human capital expenditure in a manner that will promote growth and development in the economy. The government and policy makers should increase its investments in health and education; since, it would increase the level of development in the economy as well as the standard of living. Government should encourage and manage the funding of the education and health sectors. The policy makers should ensure that appropriate evaluation techniques should be used for projects that will ensure that capital expenditure is not made in an extravagant manner.
Keywords: : Human Capital, Investigation, Investments, Nigeria, economic growth
Impact of Safety Management Strategy on the Performance of Employees in Ashakacem Plc, Nafada-Bajoga, Gombe State-Nigeria (Published)
This study examines the impact of safety management strategy on the performance of employees in Ashakacem PLC. The main objective is to determine how safety management strategy of Ashakacem impact on employee’s performance. The study employs the use of both primary and secondary sources of data from different cadres of employees (managers, middle level, low level) and contract staff including distributors and customers of the company. The data were analyzed using Simple Percentages and Chi-square to test the formulated hypotheses which reveals that, “effective safety management strategy impact positively on the performance of employees”, particularly in the areas of the provisions of personal protective safety equipment and enforcement of safety laws such as the provision of fire extinguishers, first aid facilities, hand gloves, mouth and Norse guard, dielectric safety boot and thermal socks, head gear kits, dielectric hard hat, high and medium energy goggle, Lab Coat etc. These have the most significant impact on employee’s performance while the establishment of factory Clinic for staff and seminar/safety talks and enforcement of ground safety rules has the least impact. Some recommendations were made; among which is the need for effective monitoring and evaluation of all safety measures in line with the ground safety rules to ensure safe and healthy working environment for effective performance. The study concludes that the company’s protective wears are of certified international standards made to be comfortable-to-wear, permanently flame-resistant and arc-rated material protecting workers against the thermal effects of both electrical arc flash and toxic materials arising from the factory production processes and procedures which is dependent on company’s strategic safety management policy and formation combined with excellent decision-making exercise that help in reducing employee’s risks conditions to the barest minimum level.
Keywords: Ashakacem Plc, Nigeria, Performance, Strategy, safety management
Research and Innovation Strategies for Economic Competitiveness and Industrial Growth: Lessons for Nigeria (Published)
One of the leading unrealized opportunities in Nigerian industrial organizations is the full influence of research ideas and knowledge to transform business products and processes into long-term innovation. Business research and innovation contribute significantly to improvement in enterprise productivity and quality and in the integral components of business strategy and success. Drawing heavily from published literature, this paper highlights the enormous benefits of continual research and innovation on national economies, and proffers recommendations on how Nigeria could key into this concept to promote its economic competitiveness at the global level.
Keywords: Competitiveness Industrial Growth, Economic, Innovation, Nigeria, Research, Strategies.