Accounts Receivable Management and Financial Performance of Public Universities in Ghana (Published)
This study examines how accounts receivable management affects the financial performance of public universities in Ghana. Utilizing secondary data from 13 public universities over five years (2017–2021), the research employs descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression models to evaluate key financial metrics, including Return on Assets (ROA), Current Ratio (CUR), Accounts Receivable Turnover (ART), and Accounts Receivable Period (ARP). Key findings indicate a moderate positive correlation between ROA and CUR, a strong positive correlation between ROA and ART, and a negative correlation between ARP and ROA, emphasizing the importance of timely collections. Additionally, larger universities tend to have better financial performance, as shown by the positive influence of university size on both ROA and CUR. The study concludes that while some universities manage finances effectively, significant variability highlights the need for improved practices. These insights are valuable for university administrators and policymakers aiming to enhance financial performance in Ghana’s higher education sector.
Keywords: Financial Performance, Liquidity, Return on Assets, accounts receivable management, accounts receivable period, accounts receivable turnover
Responsiveness of Biological Assets to Board size, Firm size, and Firms’ age of Agricultural Firms in Nigeria (Published)
This study examined the responsiveness of biological assets to board size, firm size and firm age of quoted Agricultural firms in Nigeria. The specific objectives were to examine the effect of board size, firm size, and firm age on the biological assets of quoted Agricultural firms in Nigeria. An ex-post facto research design was used which made use of secondary panel data drawn from annual reports and accounts of the sampled firms for a period of ten (10) years, 2011-2020. Panel least squares were applied in the test of hypotheses. The result of the analysis showed that board size, firm size and firm age have an insignificant effect on biological assets. The implication is that none of the three variables can predict the increase or decrease in biological assets of agricultural firms in Nigeria. The study recommends that agricultural firms should maintain a robust board size so that they can continue to reap the benefits of the two good heads theory. Efforts should be made to ensure continuous firm growth because of the positive link it has with biological assets. Firms are encouraged to continuously effect changes in both assets and other activities that may be affected by the age of the firm. Management should maintain current innovations in the industry to attract new investors, boost productivity and enhance shareholders’ funds.
Citation: Nnajieze E.I., Igwe A.O., Nwabuisi A.O. (2022) Responsiveness of Biological Assets to Board size, Firm size, and Firms’ age of Agricultural Firms in Nigeria, European Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Research, Vol.10, No. 11, pp.36-51
Keywords: Board size, Leverage, Liquidity, Profitability, biological assets, firm age, firm size, nigeria agricultural sector
The Effect of Efficiency and Liquidity on the Profitability of the Saudi Commercial Banks (Published)
This study aimed at finding the effect of efficiency and liquidity on the profitability of the Saudi Commercial Banks. The profitability as a dependent variable is measured by return on assets, return on equity, operating profit Ratio, net interest margin ratio and net interest income ratio. Meanwhile, the efficiency and liquidity as independent variable are measured by Cost to income, Loans to total assets, total customer deposits to total assets and Loans to deposits. The study sample included 12 banks for the period 2014 to 2020. A set of statistical tools and financial indicators were used to test the validity of hypotheses. The results indicated that first, second and fifth hypothesis were rejected and third and fourth were accepted. The study recommend that Saudi commercial banks should focus more on liquidity and follow appropriate policies to gain more profitability. Finally, more studies and research work are required in the same field.
Citation: Ahmad Mohammad Alamri and Ahmad Aref Almazari (2021) The Effect of Efficiency and Liquidity on the Profitability of the Saudi Commercial Banks, European Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Research, Vol.9, No. 8, pp.1-13
Keywords: Assets, Deposits, Equity, Liquidity, Loans, Profitability
The impact of liquidity on bank profitability: Case of Tunisia (Published)
Liquidity and profitability are two important variables in the banking industry. In this article, we studied. The impact of liquidity on bank profitability in the Tunisian context. We used a sample of 18 banks over the period (2000…2017). We employ 2 models of panel static in the empirical research. We found that (liquid assets / total assets) and (total credits / total deposits) have a positive and significant impact on return on assets (ROA) whereas (current assets / current liabilities) have not significant impact on ROA. Also, we found that (liquid assets / total assets), and (total credits / total deposits) have a negative and significant impact on ROE (return on equity). Whereas (current assets / current liabilities) have not significant impact on ROE.
Keywords: Bank, Liquidity, Profitability, panel
Working Capital Management Firm Liquidity and Stock Market Seasonality: Evidence from Nigeria (Published)
This study examines the relationship between Working Capital Management Firm Liquidity and Stock Market Seasonality among quoted firms in Nigeria. Six hypotheses were formulated following the dependent variable of Stock Market Liquidity. The independent variables employed for this study include: Liquidity Ratio, Account Payable Day, Account Receivable Day, Inventory Day, Firm Leverage and Firm Size. This study is based on ex-post facto research design and employed a panel data set collected Fifty (50) non-financial companies over an eight year period ranging from 2011 to 2018 financial year. We analyzed the data set using descriptive statistics, correlation and Panel Ordinary Least Square Regression Analysis. Our finding lends credence to the efficient market theory which holds that share markets prices are unpredictable and as such cannot be forecasted. Specifically, the finding suggests that market liquidity cannot predict stock market returns irrespective of the season of the year. Hence, we carefully hold that the stock market in Nigeria is efficient due to its randomness and will rapidly respond to any information or anomalies presented to it. The study recommends among others that policy makers in emerging markets such as Nigeria should ease entry barriers for prospective firms so as to enhance liquidity. The study further recommends that, proper inventory management system should be put in place in order to avoid working capital mismanagement.
Keywords: Firm, Liquidity, Management, Nigeria, Stock Market, Working capital., seasonality
Determinants of Survival of Listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria (Published)
In the business world, stakeholders are subject to several risks on investment including losing their venture. The existence of a healthy corporate structure is vital to the pursuit of the going concern objective of firms. This study investigates determinants of listed Deposit Money Banks’ (DMBs) survival in Nigeria. The sixteen listed DMBs in Nigeria as at December 2017 were used as the population and fifteen were sampled by applying a judgemental sampling technique. The study adopted descriptive and ex-post facto research design. The Emerging Market score (EM score) model was applied in the prediction of going concern status of sampled DMBs. The data used were obtained from the annual reports and accounts of the DMBs for 2007 to 2017 accounting periods. The data were analysed using Robust GLS Regression model. The study found that there is a positive and significant impact of liquidity, leverage, profitability, solvency and asset management on DMBs’ going concern (GC). This implies that, any increase in these determinants would lead to increase in GC of DMBs. With the adjusted r2 of 0.98 and F-value significance at 0.000 from the model used in the study, the study concludes that the independent variables in the EM score model are relevant in determining the GC of DMBs. It is highly recommended that DMBs should enhance their survival status (EM score of 5.48) by improving on their liquidity, profitability, solvency, leverage and asset management ratios to solidify their GC status.
Keywords: Asset Management, EMscore, Leverage, Liquidity, Profitability, Share Price, Solvency
Banks’ Characteristics and Earnings of Deposits Money Banks in Nigeria (Published)
The relevance of banking sector in an economy is defensible for the fact that it is the foremost channel of savings and its allocations to various economic units. Banks are characterized by some unavoidable variables, for this study, they are capital, loans and advances and liquidity. It is therefore assumed that banking business, especially the deposit money banks in Nigeria cannot financially perform satisfactory without these variables in place. The objective of this study is to examine the impact of these characteristics on profitability. The study adopts ex-post facto research design and secondary source data drawn from the financial statements of the selected banks were used. Regression analysis was adopted in analyzing the data. The findings of the study show that bank capital, loan and advance have a significant relationship with earnings but liquidity is not during the period of study. The study recommends that the Nigerian banks’ regulatory authorities should focus and continue to regulate banks’ capitals as necessary with a view to improving the profitability of deposit money banks in Nigeria, the management of deposit money banks, should develop credits policies that will always be in agreement with the CBN’s policies on credits and CBN should review the liquidity requirements with a view to investing idle liquidity to encourage earnings.
Keywords: Bank capital, Earnings, Liquidity, loans and advances
Determinants of Disclosure Completeness of Financial Statements an Empirical Study in Indonesia (Published)
This study aims to determine the effect of firm size, liquidity, and leverage on the completeness of the disclosure of financial statements on mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010-2014. The data used in this research is secondary data, such as financial statements. The number of companies who researched many as 18 companies over five years, bringing the total number of samples totaling 90 samples. Data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis using software eviews 8.0. The results of this study showed that simultaneous company size, liquidity, and leverage significant effect on the completeness of the disclosure of financial statements. Partially size and liquidity significantly influence the completeness of the disclosure of financial statements, but leverage does not significantly influence the completeness of the disclosure of financial statements
Keywords: : Company Size, Financial Statements, Leverage, Liquidity
Assessing the Impact of Liquidity and Profitability Ratios on Growth of Profits in Pharmaceutical Firms in Nigeri (Published)
This paper assesses the impact of liquidity and profitability ratios on growth of profits in Pharmaceutical firms in Nigeria. Eight ratios: acid test, current ratio, net working Capital. Return on assets, returns on capital employed, returns on equity, gross profit ratio and net profit ratio were regressed against the dependent variable growth of profit. Haussmann test was conducted to choose between Fixed Effect and Random Effects model. Results justified the use of Fixed Effect model. Test results indicate significant contributions of all the variables to profit growth of pharmaceutical companies in Nigeria implying that continued improvement in the variables can lead to increases in growth of profit by the Pharmaceutical firms.
Keywords: Growth of Profit, Liquidity, Profitability, Return on Assets, Return on Capital Employed, Return on Equity, Working capital.
This study examines the impact of effective credit policy on liquidity of manufacturing companies in Nigeria. Credit policy from this perspective was viewed from the angle of controlling or regulating credit sales. The study looked into the problems of non-monitoring and the non-review of the credit policy of organizations as a cause of the liquidity problems associated with credit sales. The study centered mainly on the effects of each of the individual components of credit period, the cash discount and the collection period on an organization’s liquidity. Also to ascertained the type of effects that a company’s credit policy has on its liquidity. The study involved a survey of four manufacturing companies which include Unilever Nigeria PLC, Cadbury Nigeria PLC, Nestle Nigeria PLC and Nigerian Bottling Company PLC. The Annual Reports and Accounts of year 2007-2011 of the selected companies as well as a questionnaire were subjected to statistical analysis. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression analysis were used in the hypothesis testing. The study revealed that when a company’s credit policy is favourable, liquidity is at a desirable level. And also, that manufacturing companies do not monitor and review their credit policy regularly and as a result the allowance of cash discounts could not be minimized as much as expected. We therefore recommended that companies should consider their mission, the nature of business and business environment before setting up a credit policy.
Keywords: Credit Policy, Impact, Liquidity, Manufacturing