British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals


Regulatory Challenges in the Upgrading and Maintenance of Standards in Teachers’ Professionalism in Nigeria (Published)

The compliance with minimum regulatory standards in the practice of teaching is bound to promote a competent, dedicated and productive classroom teacher for character molding and qualitative education. In Nigeria, issues of professionalization of teaching have continued to suffer from setbacks resulting to poor remuneration, low self-esteem and quackery in the teaching profession. This scenario negates the promotion and achievement of functional educational system at all levels. This paper examined the challenges militating against the attainment of minimum regulatory standards in teaching despite its pioneering effort as the mother of all professions. It adopted the exporatory approach to examine the various trend analysis and used the institutional framework design through secondary literature and observation to justapose the structures of teaching with other professional bodies. Based on the challenges,it recommended the institutionalization of a professional body for the upgrading, coordination and enforcement of minimum regulations to benefit members in raising the status of the teaching profession to meet global competiveness.

Keywords: Code, Education, Ethics, Membership, Profession, Quality, Regulation, Standard, Teacher


This paper views marketing education in two perspectives-as a practice whereby school-leavers exchange their knowledge and skills for money and secondly, as a practice whereby the entire educational institution like, the University of Uyo, exchanges/should exchange her stock of knowledge and skills to make more money. The paper concentrates more on the second perspective and highlights four strategies which the University of Uyo uses to source for more money. These include product diversification, discriminatory charging of students’, the use of multiple distribution channels and outright use of marketing promotion strategies, like advertising and appeal for support from the public. Education marketing is found to contribute greatly towards the internally-generated revenue (IGR) of the University of Uyo. Suggestions for greater strides in marketing by the university include setting up a distinct marketing management unit, experimenting on having cottage industries, especially for products that are of high demand by the employees like fuel; more involvement of the Alumni in fund generation, extending university services to artisans and finally, auditing the marketing outcomes and activities. The paper concludes that involvement in marketing is one sure way of stopping over-dependence on the government/proprietor for funds by higher educational institutions in Nigeria.

Keywords: Economic, Education, Marketing, Survival, marketing models, product models


The paper investigated and reviewed current literature that provided evidence on the effects of inadequate teachers in rural basic schools and its impact on Human Resource Development. The descriptive design was used for the study. However, the study employed a mixed method for data collection. Specifically, the study used questionnaire, interview guide and focus group discussion guide as main instruments for collecting both quantitative and qualitative data. The study population was one hundred and sixty-three (163) teachers from thirty selected rural basic schools. The study employed the stratified and the simple random sampling techniques to select participants for quantitative data and made use of purposive and snowball sampling techniques to select key informants and participants for focus group discussions respectively. Descriptive statistics was the medium used to analyse quantitative data whereas qualitative data was analysed using thematic analysis. Inferential statistical tools including chi-square test was used to ascertain the relationship between variables and regression analysis used to measure the effects of independent variables on the dependent variables. Since the study revealed that most teachers hardly accept postings to rural schools, there is a need to develop deployment policies that ensure sufficient teachers in remote schools. Successful strategies seem likely to require a combination of accurate information about deployment and teacher movements and policies that require or encourage rural location. In addition, policy makers can also reduce the relative disadvantage of a rural location by ensuring that administrative processes do not discriminate against remote schools. Efficient systems of payment and equal access to opportunities for further study, transfer and promotion can reduce the disincentive to locate in rural areas.

Keywords: Development, Education, Human Resource and Basic, Inadequate, Performance


The Christian philosophy of education is directly opposed to the public philosophy of education. Due to this philosophical difference, the goals, objectives and purposes of Christian schools (Education) are different from those of the public schools. It is important that pastors, teachers, parents and stakeholders in education fully understand the basis for the Christian philosophy of education and its implications. The Christian philosophy of education calls for an educational process that puts the Bible at the centre and asks the student and the teacher to evaluate all they see in the world through the eyes of God. It is purposed to return both learners and instructors to God’s honour in their lives, for the purpose of education is to build character; it is to mould a life that honours the Lord (‘a vessel unto honour, meet for the master’s use and prepared for every good work’ -II Tim. 2:21). In this sense realizing Christian Education in modern pedagogy primarily brings instructors and learners to the knowledge of God. The teaching of good character, qualities and moral principles provides a framework for successful life, skills, social well-being and protection from certain behavioural consequences. True education, most simply stated, is teaching about God’s creation and His providence.

Keywords: Christian Education, Education, Pedagogy, Philosophy of Education

Teacher Education and Development in Nigeria: An Analysis of Reforms, Challenges and Prospects, 1859-1976 (Review Completed - Accepted)

Although teacher education, both pre-and in-service, programs are offered in Nigeria by different teacher education institutions (as provided in the National Policy on Education), and varying degrees of success recorded, various problems still confront the program with far reaching consequences in Nigeria’s educational system. This paper analyses the historical contexts of the teacher education reforms and development in Nigeria with emphasis on the roles of the Christian missions, the colonial administration and that of the Nigerian government after independence. It examines key recommendations of two commissions (Phelps Stokes and Ashby) and their implications to the reform and development of teacher education in Nigeria both during colonial era and after independence. The paper further discusses the influence of these and other reforms in shaping teacher education in Nigeria, the challenges still facing it, and finally suggests solutions to them

Keywords: Development, Education, Nigeria, Reforms, Teacher

Aesthetic education requirements and its components in the educational system (Review Completed - Accepted)

The purpose of this study is to determine the need and components of aesthetic cognitive education and formed based on the contemporary global challenge of education in the ethical education, the balanced personality development of students and regardlessness to diverse learning opportunities.

Aesthetic congnitive education is a new approach toward the art and beaty in the educational platform; and some challenges present in the eduacational value-based system are what makes necessary this approach.

In this study which has been done based on the attributive-analitical method after presenting the concept and requirements of aesthetic education , the components of this approach have been presented in a systematic method as Objectives, principles and pedagogical methods.

These objectives were proprosed in the three eemotional, cognitive, cultural and social parts and this structure by a principal presentation such as the self-motivation principle , strategic thought principle ، the balance of ntellect and feelings principle, promoting the aesthetic literacy principle, creativity and deduction leades to the methods based on the vertical and horizontal development of experiences and developing and the use of senses and promoting the imagination and creativity.This method causes the education in the intrapersonal , interpersoanl and value-based areas some positive changes to be generated


Keywords: Aesthetic Education, Axiology, Education, Epistemology

Status of Technical Education Curriculum Programme for Skill Acquisition in a Dynamic Society (Published)

The paper was designed to look at the present status of technical education curriculum programme for skill acquisition in a dynamic society. The paper examined technical education curriculum programme and the different national developmental strategies and the same time touched the current implementation and talked about evaluation for technical education programme that necessitate a change in a dynamic society. One of the components examined concerning this paper is the teacher that is responsible for the implementation of the policy and technical education curriculum. Other key elements discussed are the tools, equipment and facilities that are the major keys and elements of skill acquisition. In view of the prevailing circumstances and status, it was suggested that government should make fund available to train and retrain Nigerian’s for ever changing and dynamic society among others

Keywords: Acquisition, Curriculum, Dynamic, Education, Programme, Skill, Society, Status, and Technical

Functional Vocational and Technical Education Curriculum for Sustainable Youth Empowerment in Nigeria (Published)

This paper was designed to look at vocational and technical education curriculum. Vocational and technical education is a programme designed for sustainable youth empowerment in Nigeria. Vocational and technical education cannot be overemphasized for development and growth of the economy. The paper treated the topic under the following sub- headings: Technical and Vocational Education in Nigeria, Functional Vocational and Technical Curriculum Implementation, Factors Militating against Implementation of Functional Vocational and Technical Education in Nigeria, and Promoting Vocational and Technical Education Curriculum for Sustainable Youth Empowerment in Nigeria. The paper was concluded and recommendations were made to further improve on the vocational and technical education programme. Some of the recommendations are : Government should delegate inspectors from ministry of education or set-up an implementation committee that will advise government on better ways of monitoring, controlling and implementing the affairs of vocational and technical education programme

Keywords: Curriculum, Education, Empowerment, Functional, Sustainable, Technical. Vocational and Youth

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