British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals


Taking Proactive National Development In Its Strides: A Speculative Peep At Emerging Trends In Science And Technology Education As A Sure Panacea (Published)

This paper seek to make a brief account on the nature of Basic Science and Technology, it equally has interest in a systematic exposition of selected issues in integration in order to shed light into dangerous and treacherous concepts and solicit support for the reasons not beyond “a productive and reliable science and technology for national development”.

Keywords: Education, Emerging Trends, National Development, Science, Technology

How Can In-Service Development Take a Part in Saudi English Teacher Development? (Published)

This paper presents a solution to how in-service development in Saudi Arabia can enhance the lack of English language proficiency of Saudi Arabian EFL teachers. The paper examines the problem and mentioned that a lack of English language proficiency and development was an issue that needed to be addressed. In the literature review particular theories were reviewed, which helped to explain the issues that the KSA is currently facing with a solution suggested.

Keywords: Education, English as Foreign Language, Saudi Arabia

Overview of Technology Use in Middle School Education (Published)

This paper gives an overview of technology use in middle school education. The paper provides a clear understanding of technology integration and educational technology. The paper answers the question of why to use the technology in middle schools. Moreover, it tells about the effective use of technological devices and the best teaching practices when it comes to technology. Finally, with all the advantages technology brings to middle school, the paper also highlights the disadvantages of using technology.

Keywords: Classroom, Education, Technology

Entrepreneurial Competencies Needed By Electrical/Electronic Graduates of Technology Education for Self-Employment in Enugu State (Published)

The objective of this study is to determine the entrepreneurial competencies required by electrical/electronics technology education graduates for self-employment in Enugu State. The study was necessitated because of the prevailing issue of unemployment among graduates of higher institutions which has become a thing of worry for all and sundry. Three purposes of the study with corresponding three research questions and a null hypothesis guided the study.  A survey research design was used for the study.  Population was 185 graduates of electrical/electronics (tech) education which comprises of 118 government employed and 67 self-employed graduates of the same programme in Enugu State. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire meticulously structured by the researcher which was made up of three sections according to the three research questions of the study.  The questionnaire has a total number of 41 item statements structured in four point response categories of very highly needed, highly needed, slightly needed, and not needed with weighting values of 4, 3, 2 and 1 respectively.  185 copies of the questionnaire were administered to the respondents and collected back by the researcher. Mean with standard deviation was used to answer the three research questions of the study while t-test was used to test the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study showed that ability to accommodate and plan for changes in technology among others are the managerial competencies needed for self-employment while skills to recitify faults among other findings are the technical/ICT competencies needed by graduates of electrical/electronics (tech) education for self-employment. Also, it was found that ability to take wise decisions based on the available facts and being honest to customers and employers among others are interpersonal competencies needed by the graduates for self-employment. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations were made which include, that education authorities and the government at all levels should create enough awareness about entrepreneurship education for onward eradication of the ailing problems of unemployment and abject poverty that abound in the country.

Keywords: Education, Electrical and Electronics Graduates, Entrepreneurial Competencies, Self-employment

Triangular Assessment Model: An Alternative Procedure for Assessing Higher Degree Research in Education in Nigeria (Published)

The aim of this paper is to provide an alternate procedure for assessing higher degree research in Education in Universities in Nigeria.  The author therefore proposed Triangular Assessment Model (TAM) and considered it appropriate for assessing higher Degree Research in Education since it provides an opportunity for the external and internal examiners as well as the supervisor to score the higher Degree Research for certification at the ratio of 40%, 30% and 30% respectively. The Current method where the total power is vested on the External Examiner is out of phrase with valid assessment procedure which relies on the average scores from several scorers.  In Triangular Assessment Model, each of them will independently complete their respective Forms. Three instruments (Forms) developed for these purpose are – Higher Degree Research Assessment Form (HDRAF) for External and Internal Examiners, having 82 items with reliability of .8264. Higher Degree Research Supervisor Assessment Form (HDRSAF) having 27 items with reliability of .8003 and Observation Form having 8 items with inter-rater reliability of .7924. The Model was considered appropriate and the forms are believed to provide verifiably data for certification of Higher Degrees in Nigeria.

Keywords: Academics, Education, Higher Degree, Nigeria Universities

Alternative Sources of Financing Secondary Education in Ebonyi State by the School Administrators (Published)

In discussing this topic, Ocho (2005) defined education and the need for education. Okanamiri (2002) also defined education financing as a branch of knowledge that deals with important examination of the cost and expenditure in the production of education services. Various alternative sources of financing secondary education according to various authorities were explained to include: PTA, proceeds from the school farm, Donations, Endowments, Community Involvement, Fund raising activities, Old Students Associations etc. Conclusion and recommendation were made

Keywords: Education, Finance, Secondary School

An Evaluation of Classroom Experiences of Basic Science Teachers in Secondary Schools in Ebonyi State of Nigeria (Published)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the Classroom Experiences of Basic Science Teachers in Context of Competencies and Opinions. Two instruments were developed and used for the study, the instructional skills performance level (ISPL) based on five-point performance scale and questionnaire. The two instruments were developed by the researcher and validated by 3 specialists in Science Education, one from measurement and evaluation and two from biology and Chemistry. The questionnaire was administered on 200 Basic Science Teachers randomly selected from Ebonyi State Junior Secondary schools. The questionnaire was divided into 2 sections. Section I contains all the variables. Section II contains a 10-point item scale constructed by the researcher seeking the opinions of basic Science Teachers. It also contains a list of 76 instructional materials used in teaching Basic Science. The Results showed that Basic Science teachers seem to have a title performance level in classroom management and students participations and in evaluation/summary. They performed averagely in the remaining 3 instructional skills; it was also found that most teachers who teach Basic Science used lecture and demonstration method in teaching. Based on the findings, recommendations were made.

Keywords: Classroom Experience, Education, Nigeria, Secondary, Teachers

Social Studies Education and the Need for Value-Based Education in Nigeria (Published)

Values throughout the world are a universal concept. Nigeria as a pluralistic society is characterized by many goals and sets of values. The social, political, economic and religious institutions associated with this society are made up of many diverse groups. Each of these groups has its individual rules and values. The rules and values of these institutions very often conflict, yet many people continue to see the society as having a set of values. However, the conflict between the rules and values which characterize the various institutions in a given social framework collectively substantiate and constitute enough evidence as to the pluralistic nature of many modern societies ‘Nigeria’. Value-based education in Nigeria has been identified as the main condition for the growth and sustainable development of any nation of the world. With particular reference to these conflicting values in pluralistic society like ours Social Studies education has a critical role to play to actualize this dream. The paper therefore is beamed at exploring: the changing role of education and implication for values and versa, objectives of value-based education in the modern context, types of values, the role of Social Studies in inculcating value-based education, Social Studies education and spatial dimension of value-based education, Social Studies education and cognitive, and affective dimension of value-based education, Social Studies education and character based-education, Social Studies teacher’s function as a model for value development, the Nigerian core values and some recommendations were made.

Keywords: Education, Nigeria, Social Studies, Society, Value-Based Education

Saudi Arabia Educational Map- From Sand Dunes towards Western Skyscrapers Platforms (Published)

This paper explores the emergence of the concept of education and its ideological roots vis-s-vis Islamic principles and pedagogy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Hence, a general description of the Saudi Arabian educational system and a general account of how and when education was first introduced into the KSA is a necessary step to provide a complete picture the system of education and its rapid developments towards E-learning and/or distance learning status. In fact, all legal decisions within the Kingdom; however, are based on the Sharia Law-Islamic law as set forth by the Holy Qur’an, as stated in the Education Policy document. Therefore, according to Islamic studies constitute a major portion of the curriculum at the educational levels, and even science textbooks emphasize Islamic notions. This, in turn, may propose some obstacles in learning and teaching distance education from a Western ideological perspective. Therefore, the paper will lay out some of these hindrances and pedagogical implication in how to transition from traditional towards a more modern pedagogical education paradigm within the KSA.

Keywords: Education, Ideology, Islamic, Pedagogy, Policy Documents, Saudi Arabia, Western

Causes of Examination Malpractice in Nigeria Schools (Published)

This research study was carried out to investigate the cause of examination malpractice in Nigeria schools. The paper highlighted factors responsible for examination malpractice, students and their level of knowledge and skill acquisition, school facilities and environment, role of government agencies, supervisory role of school administration, political undertone and government insensitivity to educational needs, solution to examination malpractice in schools.

Keywords: Education, Examination Malpractices, Nigeria, School

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