International Journal of Nursing, Midwife and Health Related Cases (IJNMH)

EA Journals


Stress Pattern and Work Performance Among Nurses in Health Care Facilities in Akoko Edo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria (Published)

The essence of this study is to examine stress pattern and work performance among nurses in health care facilities in Akoko Edo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. One purpose of the study was stated and concerted into one research question and one statement of hypothesis. Literature review was carried out based on the variable understudy. The descriptive correlational research design was adopted in this study. the stratified and accidental sampling techniques were adopted in selecting the 139 respondents sampled for the study from thepopulation. A validated 20 items four-point likert scale questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. The face and content validity of the instrument was established by experts in Test and Measurement. The reliability estimates of 0.81 of the instruments were established using the Cronbach Alpha method. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation statistical tool was used to test the hypothesis formulated for the study. The hypothesis was tested at a 0.05 level of significance. The results obtained from the data analysis revealed that there is a significant relationship between stress pattern and work performance among nurses in health care facilities in Akoko Edo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. The finding concludes that there is a significant relationship between stress pattern and work performance among nurses in health care facilities in Akoko Edo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria.  Based on the finding of the study it was recommended among other recommendations the health sector in Akoko Edo Local Government Area should identify those factors that are responsible for stress and devise means of reducing them to the barest minimum to enhance high productivity among staff.

Keywords: Job Performance, Nurses, Stress, primary health care centre (PHC), staff

Work Related Factors Influencing Burnout Among Nurses in Selected Hospitals in Abeokuta, Ogun State (Published)

This study aimed to assess work-related factors influencing burnout among nurses in selected hospitals in Abeokuta, Ogun State. Using a Cross-Sectional Descriptive survey, the research examined the relationship between work-related factors and burnout, with specific objectives to determine the level of burnout among nurses. The findings revealed that factors such as higher nurse-patient ratios, working without off days, increased workload, chronic lack of sleep, and an inconducive working environment significantly contribute to burnout. Notably, nurse-patient ratios and working extra hours without rest ranked highest in influencing extreme tiredness and burnout. The study employed Pearson Product Moment Correlation to establish a significant relationship between work-related factors and burnout among nurses. The results demonstrated a strong correlation (r=0.773, p<0.05), emphasizing the crucial link between workplace conditions and nurse burnout. The prevalence of burnout among nurses was substantial, highlighting challenges in emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. The study recommends interventions, including optimal nurse-patient ratios, policies promoting work-life balance, fatigue management programs, and improvements in the working environment. These recommendations aim to address specific stressors and enhance overall well-being among nurses, emphasizing the importance of organizational policies and practices in mitigating

Keywords: Burnout, Influence, Nurses, Work Related Factors

Effect of A Nurse-Led Interactive Education On Perception of Disease Risk Among Nurses in Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Lagos (Published)

This research examines the influence of nurses’ perceptions of the risk associated with COVID-19 on public health outcomes, with a specific emphasis on LASUTH, a vital healthcare referral centre in Lagos, Nigeria. The study utilises a quasi-experimental pre-/post-test approach to evaluate the efficacy of nurse-led interactive education in influencing nurses’ perceptions of COVID-19 risk. The cohort included 527 nurses from LASUTH. The data was gathered by a validated questionnaire, whereas the intervention consisted of a nurse-led interactive training session. The statistical analyses, both descriptive and inferential, were performed using SPSS version 25. The results demonstrate changes in nurses’ views after the intervention. At first, 6.8% of individuals held negative impressions, which subsequently rose to 10.2%. The percentage of fair opinions declined from 27.1% to 20.3%, whilst the percentage of excellent perceptions saw a little rise from 66.1% to 69.5%. The average perception score reduced from 13.2±3.47 to 12.5±3.76, indicating a rise in awareness and changed attitudes after the intervention. The results indicate a reduction in the level of intense anxiety towards the virus, from 27.1% to 22%. There is also an increased level of worry over mortality, as well as a greater recognition of the need of preventative actions. The intervention significantly altered the nurses’ sense of danger. The results also verified a substantial disparity (p < 0.05) in the perceptions before and after the intervention, so providing evidence to reject the null hypothesis. This research highlights the efficacy of treatments led by nurses in altering perceptions of COVID-19 risks, offering valuable information for public health initiatives and interventions.

Keywords: Nurses, Perception, disease risk, nurse-led interactive education

First Time Mothers Perception and Experience About Breastfeeding Support Received from Nurses in Health Facilities in Aba (Published)

This study investigated perception and explore the experiences of first-time mothers on breastfeeding support received from nurses in health facilities in Aba Nigeria. Four research questions and two hypothesis guided the study. The design of the study was a quantitative and qualitative design method. The population of this study comprised an accessible population of 386 women attending antenatal and post-natal in selected health facilities in Aba. Random sampling techniques was used to select 198 first time mothers from the population. A researcher made questionnaire and interview was used to collect data for the study. The questionnaire was subjected to a reliability test using Crombach Alpha and a reliability index of 0.71 was obtained.  The data gotten from the instrument were analysed using mean and standard deviation while the interview data were analysed through several steps of systematising, condensing, and interpreting the data. The findings of the study revealed that 2% of the respondents were singles, 65% were married, 23% were divorced, 5% were separated while 5% were widows.  5% of the respondents had attended primary education, 25% had attended secondary education, 60% had attended tertiary education while 10% had no formal education. 5% of the respondents were business women, 25% were civil servants, 60% worked in private sector while 10% were artisans. Furthermore, the result revealed that the perception of first-time mothers on information breastfeeding support received from nurses in some selected health facilities in Aba includes and not limited to the fact that Nurses give enough breastfeeding information to first time mothers and that the encouragement of first time mothers is very important. The study concludes that first-time mothers do need professional, practical and social support in the form of information, emotional support and encouragement for initiation and maintenance of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months. Therefore, the study recommends that Nurses should they educate first time mothers on the importance of breastfeeding during antenatal.

Keywords: ABA, Experience, Health Facilities, Mothers Perception, Nurses, breastfeeding support, first time

Reported Effects of Coronavirus Disease Pandemic on Provision of Skilled Antenatal and Delivery Care Among Nurses and Midwives in Ibadan, Nigeria (Published)

The World Health Organization has declared Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic a global public health emergency. However, documentation on its implication on the provision of skilled care during pregnancy and childbirth in low and middle-income countries like Nigeria is limited. Therefore, this study assessed the reported effect of the pandemic on the provision of skilled antenatal and delivery care among nurses and midwives in Ibadan, Nigeria. A descriptive study was conducted using a quantitative approach. A validated questionnaire was used to collect data from randomly selected 121 nurses and midwives in the selected hospitals. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 25.0. Descriptive analysis was done using percentages, and Pearson correlation was used to assess the association between respondents’ years of experience and the perceived influence of COVID-19 on the provision of maternal health services.Findings showed 82.6% and 53.7% of the respondents reported a reduced number of antenatal visits and shorter services hour respectively. Also, 57.9% and 66.1% of the respondents reported restricted interaction with clients and reduced patronage respectively. Also, 66.9% of the respondents reported limited admission facilities during labor. There is no significant relationship between the years of experience of the respondents and the perceived influence of COVID-19 on the provision of antenatal/delivery care with a correlation coefficient (r = 0.137) and significant value of (p-value = 0.068). The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic affected the provision of skilled care during pregnancy and childbirth. Accessibility to skilled antenatal and delivery care was reduced among pregnant women.

Citation: Adetunji O.O., Akinwaare M.O., Ogbeye G.B. (2022) Reported Effects of Coronavirus Disease Pandemic on Provision of Skilled Antenatal and Delivery Care Among Nurses and Midwives in Ibadan, Nigeria, International Journal of Nursing, Midwife and Health Related Cases, Vol.8, No.4, pp.30-44

Keywords: Disease, Ibadan, Midwives, Nigeria, Nurses, coronavirus, delivery care, pandemic, skilled antenatal

Challenges with Electronic Documentation Among Nurses in Public Hospitals in Lagos Island (Published)

This study determined the challenges with electronic documentation among nurses in public hospitals in Lagos Island. The study specifically assessed the nurses’ reported experience with Electronic Documentation and determined challenges accompanying the implementation of Electronic Documentation. A descriptive survey was adopted for this study. Study population was total of 381 nurses from across the three hospitals that are actively involved in the implementation of EHR in their clinical practice during the period of data collection. Cochran formula was adopted to get the final sample size of 222. A self-designed questionnaire was used for data collection. Reliability of the instrument was done using test re-test method. Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used to compute the reliability coefficient which yielded values of 0.801 and 0.749 for section B and C respectively. Descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentages were used to analysed the collected data. This result reveals that more than half (57.3%) of the study population rated the quality of experience had with electronic documentation as mainly positive while 36.3% expressed positive quality of experience. In addition, half (50%) of the respondents claimed to have faced minimal challenges with electronic documentation, closely followed by 36.8% of them who had experienced moderate challenges. This study identified various barriers to electronic documentation such as type of users’ experience, need for training of nurses, need of user-friendly interface, funding, communication, and feedback among others. It was recommended among others that hospital management should create viable feedbacks channels for better understanding of challenges with the implementation of EHR to facilitate prompt interventions.

Citation: Ogbeide, O. T., Nwaomah, E.E., Nwabudike, E., and  Akingbade, O.  Challenges with Electronic Documentation Among Nurses in Public Hospitals in Lagos Island, International Journal of Nursing, Midwife and Health Related Cases, Vol.8, No.3, pp.45-57


Keywords: Challenges, Nurses, electronic documentation

Factors Influencing Burnout Among Nurses Working in Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex, Osun State, Nigeria (Published)

Burnout is considered to be the challenges that have made the life of workers unbearable especially with respect to healthcare professionals. Research has shown that burnout is on the increase among health workers globally. Therefore, this research is aimed at examining factors influencing burnout among nurses working in Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals complex, Osun State, Nigeria. The research adopted a quantitative descriptive survey research design. The sample size of 280 was determined by Taro’s formular. A self-structured questionnaire was validated and was used to collect data. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics at 0.05 level of significance. The result shows that most of the respondents (84.4%) were affected by the burnout because majority of them agreed that the burnout can occur as a result of increased work load with a mean score of 4.80.  Majority also claimed that poor remuneration could contribute to burnout since they are likely to have little or nothing to show for their consistent exhaustion, these respondents have a mean value of 4.30. Overall, the mean score of burnout of the respondents was 4.44. This implies that most of the respondents were moderately affected by the burnout among nurses. Further results on the hypotheses shows that there was a positive and low correlation between work-related factors and environmental factors influencing burn out among nurses (r=.377, p<0.0.01). Also, there was a positive and low correlation between work related factors and personal factors influencing burn out among nurses (r=.329, p<0.0.01). The research concluded work-related, personal and environmental factors were established as strong factors contributing to the effect of burnout among nurses. It is recommended that government agencies and medical practitioners should device ways by which burnout can be prevented among employees.

Keywords: Burnout, Environmental, Factors, Nurses, Personal, work-related

Continuing Professional Development among Nurses in Specialist Hospital, Akure, Ondo State (Published)

Citation: Cecilia Olusolape Adeyemo (2022) Continuing Professional Development among Nurses in Specialist Hospital, Akure, Ondo State, International Journal of Nursing, Midwife and Health Related Cases, Vol.8, No.1, pp.1-10

The study examined the continuing professional development among nurses in Specialist Hospital, Akure, Ondo State. The study specifically identified if professional nurses in the hospital agree with the introduction of mandatory continuing professional development training by the nursing and midwifery council of Nigeria; and evaluated the uptake of participation of nurses in continuing professional training in State Specialist Hospital, Akure. The population of the study consisted of 225 nurses working in the hospital. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select the sample size for the study which consisted of 94 nurses. The data collected includes the demographic data of the sample, views and participation in compulsory CPD organized by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria and past CPD programmes attended by the nurses. The instrument was given to tests and measurement expert and nurse educators to determine its face and content validity. Internal consistency method was used to determine the reliability of the instrument and coefficient value of 0.81 was derived. The research objectives were analyzed descriptively with frequency counts and simple percentages. The findings of the study revealed that that majority of the respondents supported making CPD training mandatory and they are even ready to sacrifice their off duties to attend the programme. However, greater percentage of them have only attended CPD programmes sometimes while others have not attended at all. The anticipated outcome of the study was found positive because nurses in the hospital are found to be aware of their need of lifelong learning to improve their knowledge and skills. It was recommended among others that the NMCN should include CPD training for special nursing fields, use experts to handle the teaching and make the cost affordable to encourage self-sponsoring.

Keywords: Nurses, continuing professional development

Life-Distress and Work Burnout as Predictors of Organizational Reactions and Social-Emotional Stability of Nurses in Eastern Nigeria (Biafra) (Implications for Covid-19 Health-Care Givers/Providers) (Published)

The study examined life-distress and work-burnout as predictors of nurses’ organizational reactions and social-emotional stability in Eastern Nigeria (Biafra). A cluster-sampled 230 General Hospitals nurses in Anambra State between 25-48 years and SD 5.33 participated, in which valid/reliable instruments, predictive cross-sectional designs, and multiple regression statistics were adopted. Findings were: Life-distress has relationship with organizational reactions of the nurses. Burnout does not have relationship with nurses’ organizational reactions. Life-distress does not have relationship with nurses’ emotional stability. Burnout adversely affects nurses’ emotional stability. Life-distress will not lead to nurses’ organizational reactions. Life-distress will not lead to nurses’ emotional stability. Burnout will not lead to nurses’ organizational reactions. Low burnout will lead to nurses’ emotional stability. Recommendations: While encouraging nurses to develop work competencies for coping with life-distress and burnout, complimentary healthy psycho-organizational enablers should be established in hospitals. This will assist health-care givers cope with pressure of managing COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Biafra, COVID-19, Nurses, health-care-givers, life-distress, organizational-reactions, social-emotional stability, work-burnout

Factors Influencing the Utilization of Infection Prevention and Control Measures (IPCM) Among Nurses in Some Selected State Hospitals in Lagos State, Nigeria (Published)

This study investigated the factors influencing the utilization of infection prevention and control strategies (IPCM) among nurses in some selected state hospitals in Lagos State.  It adopts a descriptive cross-sectional research design using multistage sampling technique to recruit 158 nurses. Self-structured questionnaire with reliability index of 0.79 was used for data collection. Obtained data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed that 84.8% of respondents used IPCM while 15.2% didn’t use this. The factors reported by respondents to influence utilization of IPCM include; attitude of nurses (p=0.001), unavailability of personal protective equipment (p=0.009), poor knowledge about  IPCM (p=0.034), prompt supervision by hospital’s infection control committee (p= 0.022), accessibility of materials for infection prevention and control (p= 0.042), frequent trainings on infection prevention and control procedures (p= 0.036) while year of practice ( p=0.645) and Qualification (p= 1.000) does not have influence on utilization of IPCM .Majority in this study use IPCM but few do not make use of it which can cause fatal consequences.  Hospitals should set up infection control committee to train and enforce safe practices among nurses and hospital management should also ensure availability accessibility of personal protective equipment to health care workers for safe practice.

Keywords: Factors, Infection control, Nurses, Utilization, infection prevention

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