International Journal of Environment and Pollution Research (IJEPR)

EA Journals

International Journal of Environment and Pollution Research (IJEPR)

International Journal of Environment and Pollution Research (IJEPR) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the European Centre for Research Training and Development, United Kingdom. The journal publishes original contributions at the forefront of environment and pollution that together offer complete coverage of key environmental issues. The journal addresses medium-term challenges involving scientific, modelling, prediction and assessment, and social and economic policy areas. The scope of the journal includes review and assessment of policies, strategy for policy making, evaluation of environmental risk and safety, environmental education and training, technological hazards, environment and sustainable development, ecological impact of pollutants, ecosystem research, protection of soil and groundwater, waste disposal strategies, assessment of risks from water, soil and air pollution, comparative legal aspects of pollution, national/international environmental protection policy, environment and sustainable development and clean technologies.

Papers submitted to this journal must be original, and not considered in any other journal. The journal is published in both print and online versions. The online version of the journal is free access and downloads.




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Print ISSN: 2056-7537
Online ISSN: 2056-7545
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Assessment of Ground Water Quality in Flooded and Non-Flooded Areas

Keywords: Borehole Water, Ground water quality, flooded areas, non-flooded areas, well water



Greenhouse Gas Distribution in the Niger Delta Region

Keywords: Carbon Dioxide, Emission, Greenhouse Gases, Niger-Delta, spatial spread


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