International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)

EA Journals


Using Activity Method to Teach Second Year Diploma Students Selected Topics in Biology: A Case of St. Monica’s College of Education, Mampong (Published)

The purpose of the study was to use the constructivist teaching and learning approach to teach Biology. Four research questions were set to guide the study and the design adopted for the study was a case study. Questionnaire was the instrument used to collect data from one hundred and twenty three students for the study. The research findings helped to conclude that the activity method of teaching Biology helps to improve learning, learning of Biology content had improved and generally the result show that student have positive attitude towards Biology. The result further indicated that activity method of teaching motivates the teacher trainees to learn science.

Keywords: Activity method, Biology, College of education, Science, Students

The Effectiveness of Counseling Group Program for Prevention of Mental Retardation among Students of Counseling and Special Education at Ajloun National University/Jordan (Published)

The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of counseling group program for prevention of mental Retardation among students of Counseling and Special education at Ajloun National University ,and to achieve that, it was chosen a sample consisted of (42)students from counseling and special education at the 2 nd year. The sample divided  into two groups: the control group consists of (21) and the experimental group consists of (21). It was used the counseling group program that contains identifying Mental Retardation, its causes and the ways of prevention, it was used a scale of  (pre-test, post-test ) &( the mental retardation exam) that consists of (11) items that measure the skills of identifying Mental Retardation, its causes and the ways of prevention, it was used (T. test) and ANCOVA at the statistical treatment, and the results showed:

  • the effectiveness of the program of prevention from mental retardation at the experimental group without the control group.
  • There were statistically significant differences at ( α≤ 0.05)in favor to females at the (post – exam) scale of prevention from mental retardation. 

 There were statistically significant differences  at ( α≤ 0.05) in favor to special education at the (post – exam ) scale of prevention from mental retardation

Keywords: Ajloun National University, Jordan, Mental Retardation, Special Education, Students, counseling

Peer Led Team Learning and Secondary School Students Academic Performance in Arithmetic Progression in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria (Published)

This study sought to determine the influence of peer led team learning of secondary school students’ academic performance in arithmetic progression in mathematics. Two each of purpose of study, research questions and hypotheses were formulated to guide the investigation. Quasi-experimental research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study was all SS2 students in pubic secondary schools in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria numbering 5768. The sample was made up of 400 SS2 students selected from two secondary schools in the Local Government Area. Data for the study were gathered using a researcher made “Mathematics Achievement Test in Arithmetic Progression” (MATAP). The reliability of the instrument was determined using split half method, which yielded a coefficient of 0.78. The findings of the study revealed that students taught arithmetic progression using peer led team learning method performed better than students taught using lecture method. The result also indicated that male and female students taught arithmetic progression using peer led team learning do not differ significantly in their academic performance. It was recommended among others that teachers should use peer led team learning in the teaching of Arithmetic Progression.

Keywords: : Academic Performance, Arithmetic Progression, Learning, Students

Competency Analysis of Music Art Pamong Teacher Certified and its Relationship with Student Competence in Partners School of State University of Medan (Unimed), Medan, Indonesia (Published)

This study aims to find out about the competence of certified music artisan teachers and their relationship to the competence of PPL students in the partner schools of Medan State University. The method used in this study is the preparation and validation of the research instrument consisting of sequences, interviews and documentation. The questionnaire used is closed and uses scalali- tics. Interviews are conducted with the researchers to raise the questions of the students about the school to obtain the data of the teacher certification of teacher certification. Documentation should be carried out with the assessment of the certification of the teacher certification committee. The results obtained in this study were that the average level of competency in post-certified teacher performance at PPL UNIMED partner Senior High School was 78.77% which consisted of pedagogic competence on average 87.52% (competency category), 87.35% (categorical competence) competency, 87.60% (categorical competence) and professional competency. 51.08% (category of competency). The lowest level of competency in teacher performance after certification is professional competence, still in the category of less competent (an average of 51.08%).

Keywords: Certificate, Music Art, Students, Teacher

Effect of Academic-Related Stress on Student Indiscipline in Secondary Schools In Eldoret East Sub-County, Kenya (Published)

Many factors contribute to student indiscipline in schools. Some of these factors emanate from the school environment. In light of this fact, the study was designed to establish the key school environment contributors and solutions to rowdiness among secondary school students in Eldoret East Sub-County. Based on the study, this paper discusses the findings on the effect of academic stress on indiscipline practices among secondary schools students in Eldoret East Sub-County. The study was led by Social Control Theory. Ex-post facto research design was used in the study. The target populace of the research included 3480 form three students and 54 deputy principals in public secondary schools in Eldoret East Sub County. Stratified and simple random sampling techniques were adopted to pick a sample of 346 students to take part in the study. Census approach method was considered in which all the 54 deputy principals took part in the study. Questionnaires and interview schedule were used as data collection instruments. Data collected was analysed in both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics was evaluated in form of frequencies, percentages, average and standard variation. Analysis of Variance was used to examine the hypotheses. The study also established that academic stress (F [47, 273] = 2.001, p = .000) had an effect on indiscipline’s cases among secondary school students. The study concluded that academic stress had an effect on indiscipline cases among secondary school students. The study, therefore, recommended that the schools should reduce academic stress by providing adequate time for relaxation to help reduce cases of indiscipline cases in secondary schools in Eldoret East Sub-County.

Keywords: Academic Stress, Effect, Eldoret East, Indiscipline, Kenya, Secondary Schools, Students

Effects of Inter-Parental Conflict on Academic Achievement Motivation of Form Three Students in Ruiru Sub-County Kenya (Published)

This study sought to examine the effects of inter-parental conflict on form three students in Ruiru Sub- County Kenya. It was guided by four theories: Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory; Martin Selgman’s Learned Helplessness Theory, Grych and Fincham Cognitive Contextual Framework Theory and Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory. A mixed method research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised of 281 Form three students from31 public and private secondary schools in Ruiru sub-county. Children Perception of Inter-parental Conflict Questionnaire (CPIC) Academic Motivation Survey (AMS) for Students, an Interview Schedule for Guidance and Counselling Master/Mistress and a Focus Group Discussion Protocol for parents of the students were used in data collection. Data collected was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings disclosed that there was a significant relationship between inter-parental conflict and students’ academic achievement motivation in qualitative data.

Keywords: Academic, Conflict, Inter-Parental, Parents, Students

Studying the Training Quality and Students’ Satisfaction towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Case of Lac Hong University (Published)

The 4.0 Industrial revolution has grown tremendously throughout the world affecting all sectors and fields of social life. Besides, the training of knowledge and skills for employees is also very different. Previously, LHU trained in-depth technical a branch, but now the boundaries between the branches are becoming increasingly blurred and interdisciplinary tendencies have become associated with information technology becoming popular. Therefore, the article objective is to study the training quality and students’ satisfaction towards the industry 4.0 at Lac Hong University, Dong Nai province, Vietnam. The research results surveyed 400 students who are studying at LHU and answered 20 questions. The primary sources of data collected from July 2017 to March 2018 at LHU and simple random sampling technique. Hard copy distributed among 7.000 students of LHU. In addition, the researchers have statically results about the training quality and students’ satisfaction.

Keywords: (IT), Industry 4.0, LHU, Quality, Students, Training

An Analysis of English Teaching Material Quality According to the English Teachers’ Response in Aceh Besar, Indonesia (Published)

The implementation of a new paradigm in the form of learning materials adopted from the outside and adapted in schools, requires the students and the teachers to change their teaching and learning behavior. Some teachers in Aceh Besar have several weaknesses in teaching. The weaknesses have not been able to get the target and introduce the wealth of the region in Aceh Besar to the students. The different learning needs are based on geographical, ethnographic, and characteristic factors of local wealth. . The results obtained are the interactive materials based on local wisdom of Aceh through a scientific approach are feasible to apply for class VII SMP in Aceh Besar District. In the next stages TPM and TPP cooperate in doing the research outcomes such as publications in international journals, inter-related proceedings of textbooks with ISSN and other targets.

Keywords: English teaching materials, Quality, Students, Teachers

Principals’ Administrative Skills and Proper Conduct Of Examination among Students in Uyo Education Zone of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria (Published)

The study was carried out to examine principals’ administrative skills and proper conduct of examination in Uyo Education Zone of Akwa Ibom State.  In order to achieve this purpose, three research questions and three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The ex-post facto research design was used for the study. The population of the study comprised 86 principals and 2838 teachers in secondary schools in Uyo Education Zone of Akwa Ibom State.  The sample of this study comprised 878 respondents   comprising 26 principals and 852 teachers representing 30% of the population of principals and teachers. Multi-stage sampling technique was used for this selection. The two instruments namely “Principals’ Administrative Skills Questionnaire for Teachers (PASQT)”and “Examination Misconduct Questionnaire for Principals (EMQP)” were used for data collection.  R-value and R2 value of simple linear regression were used for answering the research question while the F-ratio was used for testing the hypotheses. Each of the hypotheses was tested at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the analysis revealed that principals’ communication skills, school plant management skills as well as supervisory skills relate to proper conduct of examination among senior secondary school students. Based on the findings, it was recommended that Principals should be exposed to effective communication through seminars, workshops and conferences such that they can communicate to both staff and students in a way that they will understand what is expected of them, as well as the consequences of their involvement in examination misconduct among others.

Keywords: Administrative Skills, Education, Examinations, Principals, Students

Extent of Hand Washing Practice among Secondary School Students in Ebonyi State, Nigeria (Published)

High incidence of diarrhoeal diseases has been noted among secondary school students in Nigeria. The place of contaminated hands in the transmission of these diseases especially living quarter with close proximity like schools has been observed. These diseases can be prevented if students wash their hands with running water and soap. This cross-sectional survey was designed to determine to what extent secondary school students in Ebonyi State practice proper handwashing. The sample comprised 420 male and female students in both junior and senior classes selected through a multi-sampling method from government schools, located in both urban and rural area of the Ebonyi State were used for the study. The instrument for data collection was a 3-point scaled, 18-item self-structured questionnaire eliciting responses on extent of handwashing with soap and running water in 15 situations requiring handwashing. Face validation of the instrument was obtained by the judgement of 5 experts. The reliability of the instrument was determined using Cronbach Alpha, which yielded 0.862 reliability coefficient. The copies of the questionnaire were distributed among the students at an agreed upon time with the school by trained research assistance. The extent of handwashing practice was determined using the criterion means of 2.01-3.0 as high extent, 1.01-2.0 as low extent and 0.1-1.0 as very low extent. T-test statistic was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level. The extent of handwashing was found to be low among secondary school students with a mean score of 1.31. It was found that male students practice handwashing significantly higher than their female counterparts and that there was no significant difference in handwashing practice of student by level of study of students and by location of residence of the students. The findings of the study have implications for the handwashing campaign in Nigeria, the health of the students, method of health education and hygiene education curriculum development. Recommendations were made which included that handwashing be promoted using the mass media, improvement on hygiene education curriculum and its delivery and provision of handwashing facilities for schools to concretize learning.

Keywords: Gender, Handwashing, Hygiene, Location, Secondary School, Students, practice

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