International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)

EA Journals

Academic Achievement

Classroom Structure and Class Size on Physics Students’ Academic Achievement in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria (Published)

The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of classroom structure and class size on students’ academic achievement in physics among secondary schools in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria.  Two research questions were raised from which two null hypotheses were formulated. Ex-post-facto design was adopted for the study. The population of the study consisted of 3,559 SS 2 physics students in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State. The sample consisted of 500 physics students drawn from seven secondary schools using multipurpose sampling technique.  Classroom structure and class size questionnaire (CSSQ) and physics achievement test (PAT) were the instruments used for the collection of data. Data analysis was carried out using independent t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). All the hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. There was a significant difference in academic achievement in physics between students in small class size and large class size (p = 0.000, p<.05), hence class size significantly influences students’ academic achievement in physics and there was significant difference in academic achievement in physics between students in terms of classroom seating arrangements (column- row, u-shape and amphitheater) (p = 0.000, p<.05), therefore classroom Structure (seating arrangements) significantly influence students’ academic achievement in physics. The major implication in this study is that students’ achievement in physics can be improved through improving the physical classroom structure and class size. Based on the findings, it was recommended, among others that, Government should inject more funds into school system for the construction of more school buildings.     

Keywords: Academic Achievement, class size, classroom structure

Influence of Gender on Career Choice and Academic Performance (Published)

The study aims to examine how gender affect students’ academic achievement and career targets or choices in Nigerian colleges. The sample of this study consisted of 261 final year students in various universities across Nigeria. Data was collected using questionnaires featuring questions on academic accomplishments and other pertinent information. The results of the study indicated that male students had a slightly higher overall CGPA score compare to the female students; and as regards career aspirations, more female students were inclined to study art and management related courses while more males were found in engineering and technology-based courses. The research found that gender difference does not significantly affect students’ academic success in Nigerian colleges. Instead, the research discovered that students’ perceptions of gender had a substantial influence on their career aspirations. The study recommends that promoting freedom in choosing careers is likely to steer students toward other professions that are completely at odds with their gender preferences

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Gender, Students, University, career aspirations

Conversational Skills, Speech Production and Academic Achievement Among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Special Needs Schools in Rivers State, Nigeria (Published)

This study investigated the relationship between conversational skills, speech production and academic achievement among children with autism spectrum disorder in special needs schools. The study adopted a correlational survey design. Four research questions and four corresponding hypotheses were raised and formulated to guide the study. The population for this study consists of all 80 male and female pupils diagnosed with ASD in seven special needs schools in Rivers State. The research instrument that was used in this study is a modified four-point Likert type scale questionnaire titled “Conversational Skills, Speech Production and Academic Achievement Questionnaire” (CSSPAAQ). Cronbach Alpha statistics was used to estimate the reliability of the instrument and the reliability coefficients of 0.81 for conversational skills, 0.70 for speech production and 0.92 for academic achievement were obtained. Data was collected and analysed using simple regression while t-test and beta value associated with simple regression was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level of significance. From the data analyzed, it was found that conversational skills and speech production are significantly related to academic achievement among children with ASD in special needs schools.  Based on these findings the following recommendations were made: Counsellors, teachers, school administrators and caregivers of children with ASD should encourage conversational skills by supplementing intervention strategies that draw from a variety of theories and involve varying degrees of adult-directed activities with child-centered activities in order to increase interaction and generalization of learnt skills to new settings and communication partners; and teachers, caregivers, and parents of children with ASD should encourage speech production by engaging the use of video modelling technique in teaching and during play activities and everyday routines to encourage the use of new words in different contexts.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, autism spectrum disorder, conversational skills, speech production

Determination of Teachers’ Perception on the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students: A Study of Some Selected States in the North Eastern, Nigeria (Published)

The determination of teachers’ perception on the impact of covid-19 pandemic on the academic achievement of secondary school students: a study of some selected states in the north eastern, Nigeria was a survey study. The population comprised all teachers of public senior secondary schools in the north-eastern geo-political zone, Nigeria. Structured questionnaire was used to elicit data from the respondents. Data collected was analysed using frequency counts and simple percentages. Conclusion and recommendations were drawn based on the results of the findings.

Citation: Shehu Ibrahim and Hassan Jibrin (2022)   Determination of Teachers’ Perception on the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students: A Study of Some Selected States in the North Eastern, Nigeria, International Journal of Education, Learning and Development, Vol. 10, No.9, pp.117-125,

Keywords: Academic Achievement, COVID-19, Determination, Impact, Perception

The Effect of Depression on Academic Achievement among Male and Female Students at Yarmouk University’ (Published)

Citation: Maysaa Hasan Banihani (2022) The Effect of Depression on Academic Achievement among Male and Female Students at Yarmouk University,’ International Journal of Education, Learning and Development, Vol. 10, No.2, pp.16-28

The study aims to reveal the association between depression among male and female students of Yarmouk University, the obstacles that lead to its occurrence and the most important suggestions for its treatment. The study population consists of male and female students of Yarmouk University, which numbered (125). They were selected by random stratified method. To achieve the goals of the study, a questionnaire and interviews were developed. The questionnaire consists of 9 questions distributed in general and in particular. In addition to the interview tool which consists of 4 selected samples. The results of the study show a significant negative correlation between depression and academic achievement. Also,the study does not reveal any significant differences between male and female students in the depression variable. The results show that there were no statistically significant differences due to the effect of the gender variable, and the presence of factors that had a significant impact on depression and its negative relationship to academic achievement. Finally, the research reaches a number of recommendations.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Depression

The Effect of Electronic Mind Maps Strategy on the Development of Thinking and Academic Achievement in Social Studies Among Fifth-Grade Students in Al-Shamli Governorate of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Published)

The research aimed to identify the effect of electronic mind maps strategy on the development of thinking and academic achievement in social studies among Fifth-grade students in Al-Shamli Governorate of the Kingdom Saudi Arabia. The study used quasi-experimental approach on a sample consisted of (56) female students distributed on two classes intentionally chosen from the Al-Shamli Primary School for Girls in Al-Shamli Governorate, in the Emirate of Hail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the first semester of the academic year 2020/2021. Randomly, one of the two classes was appointed as a control group and the other class as an experimental group. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher prepared two tools, namely the Thinking Test and the Academic Achievement Test, and their validity and reliability were confirmed.The research concluded many results, the most important of which were: The existence of differences between the Arithmetic Mean on the Thinking Test as well as, on the Academic Achievement Test according to the use of the electronic mind maps strategy among the fifth grade students, where it was found that the students of the experimental group who studied using the electronic mind maps strategy had a higher responses compared to the responses of the students in the control group who studied by the traditional method. In addition, there is an effect of using the electronic mind maps strategy on developing thinking and improving academic achievement, in favor of students who studied using the electronic mind maps strategy. In light of the results, the researcher made many recommendations.


Citation: Maha Muhammad Al-Mastrihi (2021) The Effect of Electronic Mind Maps Strategy on the Development of Thinking and Academic Achievement in Social Studies Among Fifth-Grade Students in Al-Shamli Governorate of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, International Journal of Education, Learning and Development, Vol. 9, No.7, pp.38-55

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, electronic mind maps strategy, fifth-grade, thinking

Influence of School and Social Adjustments on Peer Victimization among Secondary School Students in Emohua Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria (Published)

Students need to adjust properly in school and social systems to be able to realize their potentials. They need to adjust appropriately in the school and society to acquire pro-social behaviours. Pupils who are maladjusted in school and society are most likely to acquire antisocial behaviours including bullying and peer victimization. This correlational study, therefore, investigated the influence of school adjustment and social adjustment on peer victimization among secondary school students in Emohua Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria. From a population of 1548 senior secondary school (1&2) students from public secondary schools in Emohua Local Government Area of Rivers State, a sample of 476 students was composed using a combination of simple random sampling technique and proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The instrument for data collection is School, Social Adjustment and Peer Victimization Questionnaire. The instrument validated through the assistance of three experts in Counselling Psychology has reliability coefficients obtained through Cronbach alpha technique in the range of 0.72-0.82. The findings of the study showed that school adjustment had a high negative and significant influence on peer victimization among secondary school students in Emohua Local Government Area of Rivers State; social adjustment had a high negative and significant influence on peer victimization among secondary school students; school adjustment and social adjustment had a negative and significant joint influence on peer victimization.  On the basis of the findings, it was therefore recommended that parents, guardians and teachers should assist students to adjust properly in the school and society. This they can do by showing love, care and responsiveness to their children/wards or students during the upbringing.


Keywords: Academic Achievement, Bullying, Pro-social behaviour, Truancy, antisocial behaviour, harm, school adjustment, social adjustment

Examination Anxiety Unmasked: Predictors and Coping Strategies as Experienced By Junior High School Students in the Effutu Municipality of Ghana (Published)

This study investigated the factors that trigger examination anxiety while exploring coping strategies needed to reduce anxiety among Junior High School students in the Effutu Municipality. The study employed the cross-sectional descriptive survey design with quantitative approach where through proportionate stratified random sampling, a sample of 746 students was obtained from both public and private Junior High Schools in the three (3) circuits of the Effutu Municipality. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire and analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study revealed that even though different kinds of factors trigger examination anxiety amongst the students, lack of self-esteem was the most dominant factor while subject load of the students recorded the least influence on examination anxiety. The study further established that good study habits and skills, effective teacher support, motivation, reduction of students’ workload, improvement in co-curricular activities, and having enough sleep and rest time were the coping strategies advanced to reduce examination anxiety. Additionally, it was found that factors such as having low self-confidence, past experience and beliefs about examination, history of consistent poor performance, subject load, and psychological factors jointly contributed significantly to examination anxiety among students. Besides, motivation of students, reduction of subject load and good teachers support for students were the coping strategies needed to manage examination anxiety. Based on these results, it was recommended that regular education programmes such as symposia and school festivals should be conducted to heighten students’ self-esteem, and remove negative past experiences and beliefs about examinations while exploring other coping strategies to reduce examination anxiety for improved academic performance.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Coping Strategies, Factors, Junior High School, examination anxiety

Cultism-associated insecurity and the academic achievement of the Nigerian student Cross River State experience (Published)

This study investigated the relationship between cultism-associated insecurity and the academic achievement of the Nigerian students. The study employed the expost-facto research design. Two research hypotheses were formulated to give direction to the study. A total of 748 students sampled from a population of 37,416 senior secondary three (SSIII) students were selected for this study. Cultism-Associated Insecurity and the Learning of the Nigerian Students Questionnaire (CAILNSQ) were administered on the selected respondents for the purpose of data gathering. The instrument has a reliability coefficient of 0.81. The two hypotheses were tested with the regression and ANOVA statistical techniques at 0.05 significance level. At the end of data analysis it was revealed that there is significant relationship between cultism-induced emotion and academic achievement of the Nigerian secondary school students, and also, cultism-associated insecurity significantly predict the academic achievement of students.Based on the revelations made in this study, it was recommended among others that novelty or carnival days should be introduced and observed occasionally as days of relaxation, fun and enjoyment. Those days will among other things create a placebo effect and diffuse academic tension, bringing staff and students under a common denominator of merry-making to reduce fear of the unknown.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Insecurity, cultism; emotion, student learning

Learning Style Preferences as Determinants of Academic Achievement among Public Junior High School Pupils in the Effutu Municipality (Published)

The study sought to investigate the learning style preferences and how it affects the academic achievement among students in public junior high schools in the Effutu Municipality in the Central Region of Ghana. The study was grounded in Fleming’s (1995) VAK learning style theory. The descriptive survey design was used and was aligned with positivist paradigm where 532 public junior high school pupils were chosen through the stratified random sampling technique. A reliability coefficient of not less than 0.70 was realized for all the various constructs. The data gathered through questionnaire were analysed using both descriptive (mean, standard deviation) and inferential (Pearson Moment Correlation) statistics. The study revealed that the visual learning style was most dominantly preferred (M = 3.88, SD = 0.62), followed by kinesthetic (M = 3.67, SD = 0.72), and auditory (M = 3.58, SD = 0.66) learning styles. Besides, it was established that generally there was a strong and statistically significant positive relationship between learning styles preferences of pupils’ and academic achievement (r = 0.861, p = 0.000, 2-tailed). Therefore, it was recommended that the Effutu Municipal Education Directorate should collaborate with school guidance and counseling coordinators to plan and execute academic programmes such as workshops and seminars to expose teachers to adopt and practice instructional pedagogies to meet the varied learning style preferences of pupils so as to boost their academic achievement.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, instructional pedagogies, junior high school pupils, learning style preferences

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