Global Journal of Political Science and Administration (GJPSA)

EA Journals

International Relations.

The diffusion of the Western model of democracy to sub-Saharan (French-speaking) religious organizations and the theoretical partitions between actors in international relations (Published)

This article analyses the types of relationship that sub-Saharan religious organizations have with the Western model of democracy. Indeed, the end of the Cold War has been presented as translating in international relations the global consensus around liberal democracy. However, the worldwide diffusion of liberal democracy has produced contrasting effects in so-called religious organizations. While in church organizations with a Judeo-Christian tradition, democratic mimicry predominates under the benefit of original processes of local reinterpretation, on the contrary, it has prompted a reaction of protest against the unique model of democracy in Islamic organizations. By subscribing to the theories of transnationalism and interdependence, the objective of this article is to demonstrate that there is a homology of rationalities between states and religious organizations in relation to the Western model of democracy. This homology of rationalities reveals that the international circulation of democratic values ​​does not adapt to the theoretical divisions established between the actors of international relations.

Keywords: Democracy, Democratization, International Relations., Mimicry, religious organizations, states, sub-Saharan Africa, westernization of the world in question

The diffusion of the Western model of democracy to sub-Saharan (French-speaking) religious organizations and the theoretical partitions between actors in international relations (Published)

This article analyses the types of relationship that sub-Saharan religious organizations have with the Western model of democracy. Indeed, the end of the Cold War has been presented as translating in international relations the global consensus around liberal democracy. However, the worldwide diffusion of liberal democracy has produced contrasting effects in so-called religious organizations. While in church organizations with a Judeo-Christian tradition, democratic mimicry predominates under the benefit of original processes of local reinterpretation, on the contrary, it has prompted a reaction of protest against the unique model of democracy in Islamic organizations. By subscribing to the theories of transnationalism and interdependence, the objective of this article is to demonstrate that there is a homology of rationalities between states and religious organizations in relation to the Western model of democracy. This homology of rationalities reveals that the international circulation of democratic values ​​does not adapt to the theoretical divisions established between the actors of international relations.

Citation: Assana (2021) The diffusion of the Western model of democracy to sub-Saharan (French-speaking) religious organizations and the theoretical partitions between actors in international relations, Global Journal of Political Science and Administration, Vol.9, No.3, pp.42-69

Keywords: Democracy, Democratization, International Relations., Mimicry, religious organizations, states, sub-Saharan Africa, westernization of the world in question

Reexamining India’s Counter Terrorism Strategy (Published)

Terrorism in India is looked at as one of the aspects of maintenance of Law and Order which is a subject matter of federal units under the Indian constitution. Hence the Police Departments of the States which are responsible for maintaining law and order deal with terrorism, which is not enough. Central Government of India and Central Security Forces should be playing an important role in Planning and execution of confrontation with terrorism. But technicalities of the constitution do not make it possible. That is why; Central Government has set up a National Counter Terrorism Centre. It has not yet been put into practice, because of the resistance by federal units. If India wants to manage terrorism in real sense, then it is imperative to consider terrorism as a federal Crime and National Emergency like incidents. In order to prohibit such criminal acts, India needs to initiate a comprehensive internal security like US and Israel.

Keywords: Crime, India, International Relations., National Security, Terrorism, USA


The information revolution became recently one of the most sensitive topics in the context of the ongoing international dialogue to analyze the effects of the information revolution and the different ways to control on the development events in the international arena. This is being done at a time when some questions are raise regarding the advantages of globalization on the financial aspects of economic, political, cultural, ideological, media and communication on contemporary international relations. The global economic crisis came recently to support their suspicions. The technology revolution of communications and informatics, which began its first steps with the invasion of human space global after the launch of the former Soviet Union for the first satellite belonging to the land in 1957 to become the move of the main driving forces of globalization, the sequel to the stages of economic successes in the history of mankind since the Industrial Revolution , which did not came down live successes every day, to be brought about discoveries revolution in the field of telecommunications and informatics exceeded the capabilities, the invention of the telegraph in the mid-nineteenth century, the invention of the telephone wire, radio, and Alcinmagrav at the end of the nineteenth century, to come after the invention of television, which has become the slogan of the twentieth as well as the twenty first century to work on the development of qualitative and quantitative methods communication and mass media of internet and the number technology. The international newspapers and magazines are considered one of the important means in the process of exchanging the international media, because of the enormous potential that is owned, whether that potentials are technical ,human, or financial, and they are considered effective means to implement the foreign policy of all over the world.

Keywords: Information Revolution, International Media, International Relations., Technology Revolution

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