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EA Journals


The Effects of Modern Technology on the Production of Embroidered Clothing in South-Western Nigeria (Published)

Research into embroidery practices in the South-Western Nigeria seems to be few and some of the studies on embroidery production on textile garments look superficial and on the peripheral level. Today, embroidery through machine has completely revolutionized the demand for embroidery designed products such as clothing and fashion accessories both locally and internationally. The invention of machine-tailored embroidery has made it possible to produce a wide range of design However, the modern technology has brought about better but more sophisticated tools and machines to help solve problems. Technology had continued to influence every sphere of endeavour of which the field of fashion and embroidery production in particular is not an exceptions. The effects of modern technology on the production of embroidery are assessed in this paper. The paper concludes and discovered that, majority of the embroiderers are not vast in the computer aided design, which producers use to make diverse designs on various items aside wearable apparel. Even those that use machines to make designs, still find it difficult to use the computer aided design (CAD) which is reigning in the fashion world today

Keywords: Computer Aided Design, Embroidered Clothing, Modern Technology, Nigeria

Effects of Manpower Development on Organizational Efficiency: A Study of Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC) in Abia State, Nigeria (2014-2016) (Published)

The study focused on the effects of manpower development on organisational efficiency, with reference to Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC) in Umuahia  Abia State, Nigeria; covering the period of 2014 to 2016. The specific objectives were to; identify the manpower training and developmental programmes adopted by EEDC in developing their employees, ascertain the impact of training and developmental programmes on employees’ performance and identify challenges militating against the efficiency of EEDC in Abia State. The researcher adopted survey research design, primary and secondary data was used. Descriptive Statistics, and Logistic Regression analysis were used run the analysis. Findings revealed that orientation, internship training, case study method, seminar/workshop and classroom method are the major training and developmental programmes used by EEDC in developing their manpower, while internship training method, case study method, and seminar/workshop impacts on the performance of the employees. Also findings revealed that lack of modern equipment, inadequate megawatts of power, overload networks, vandalisation/militancy, government policies, peculiarities of transmission and distribution network where the major problems responsible for the poor performance and inefficiency of EEDC in Abia State. The researcher recommends that training programmes should be design to acquaint individual participant with specific knowledge and skills required to improve their efficiency in the organisation, while serving the career goals of the employee. The need for the manpower developmental policies of the organisation to be continuous and in congruence with their strategic policies was also emphasised.

Keywords: Developmental Policies, Enugu Electricity Distribution Company, Manpower Development, Manpower Training, Nigeria, Organisational Efficiency

Economics of Domestic Violence against Women: The Nigerian Evidence (Published)

Domestic violence essentially denies women’s equality before the law and reinforces their subordinate social status. The fight against domestic violence against women has existed for centuries yet persists all over the world. This study therefore investigates domestic violence against women as a form of poverty and uses the principal component analysis and the Foster Greer and Theorberke (FGT) decomposition methods to analyse this. The study further uses bar charts to show the perception of Nigerians towards domestic violence and relates it to different poverty levels. The findings suggest that the Southern regions are more involved in domestic violence than the Northern region of Nigeria. Also when examined across poverty levels, the results shows that the poorer an individual is in Nigeria, the more likely he is to think that it is justified if he beats the wife for one reason or another. The study therefore recommends more sensitization campaigns to target the poor

Keywords: Domestic Violence, Nigeria, Poverty, Women

Challenges of Climate Change and Industrial Sector Experience: A Review of Evidence from Nigeria (Published)

The world climate pattern has continued to generate serious concern in the recent times especially with the increasing effect of human activities on the global environment. Nigeria, as an integral part of the world also had its own share of the evolving challenges of the climate change phenomenon (such as flood, rising sea level and extreme weather events, drought and excess rainfall, temperature rise and precipitation among others)especially its effect on sensitive agricultural resources and production.Therefore,with relative few studies and dearth of information on climate change activities towards industrial sector especially in Nigeria, the study  decided to explore the literature and review various challenges of climate change vis-à-vis the experience of Nigeria’s industrial sector.  Based on the reviewed studies, the industrial activities had negative experience with  challenges of climate change in Nigeria, with many of the climate-sensitive productive materials and critical infrastructure such as agriculture and coastal resources, pipelines, road networks and power plants among others,(that were agents of industrial production) negatively affected. Hence, this reduces the total output of the sector. However, a comprehensive adaptation process of mitigating the negative effect of climate change on Nigeria’s industrial sector is sacrosanct.

Keywords: Adaptation Measures, Climate Change, Green House gasses, Industrial Sector, Nigeria

Auto-Mobile Accident Control and Nigeria Federal Road Safety Corps: A Critical Analysis of the Commercial Drivers’ Experience (Published)

Road traffic accidents lead to death and disability as well as financial cost to both society and the individual involved. The causes of road traffic accidents are not just human error or driver negligence. Unfortunately, Nigerian highways are arguably one of the worst and most dangerous in the world. This paper therefore provides a critical analysis of the commercial drivers’ assessment of auto-mobile accident control and Nigeria Federal Road Safety Corps. A sample of three hundred commercial drivers purposively selected from fifteen motor parks in Abeokuta, Ijebu-Ode and Sagamu, Ogun State took part in this study. A self-developed instrument was used for collection of data. Four research questions were raised and tested. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Multiple Regression Analysis. Findings revealed that the roles of the FRSC on auto-mobile accident control and management was perceived good by the drivers. Also, the FRSC public enlightenment programme to an extent has enhanced positive attitude among road users, while the total variance accounted for by the FRSC public image on the behaviour of commercial vehicle drivers is 15.1% (R2 = 0.151, F = 4.712, P > .05). This study concluded that road traffic crashes are predictable, could be prevented, and that whatever change we are clamouring for must start from every one of us – drivers, law enforcement agents, and government alike.

Keywords: Commercial drivers, Federal Road Safety Corps, Nigeria, auto-mobile accident control

Lassa fever: Focus On Medical/Academic Research and Popular Press Depiction (Published)

The focus of this paper is on the review of current medical and academic research on Lassa fever with a view to grasping the latest extant knowledge of the nature, manifestations, epidemiology, aetiology, management and prevention of the disease. Health challenges are enormous and can cripple the socio economic and political life of a nation especially in developing countries like Nigeria that lacks the required experts, equipments, manpower and even money to combat such disease. However, this article emphasise on the depiction of the disease in the popular press as well as the theoretical bases, challenges, constraints and prospects of covering health threats particularly Lassa fever in the media. The paper shows the critical role of the press in creating awareness, setting the agenda, and framing of health issues. Thus, reducing the impact such epidemic outbreak will have on the socioeconomic life of the people.

Keywords: Lassa fever, Media Depiction, Medical Research, Nigeria, Socioeconomic Life

The Journey as Structural and Instrumental Technique in Nigerian Children’s Fiction (Published)

One unique feature of Nigerian children’s literature is the exploitation of the framework of journey to establish the relationship between the physical journey and the journey of life. Thus, the major characters in most books for children are always on a journey. This is very significant, as it helps the child brave up for the unpredictability of life, especially at this time when his mind is still impressionistic. Through textual analysis of select Nigerian children’s fiction, this paper reveals that the journey as used in these children’s books does not only serve structural purposes but also didactic and instructional.

Keywords: Fiction, Journey, Life, Literature, Nigeria, Relationship, children

Nomadic Education in Nigeria: Using English to Foster Communal Peace and Enhance the Education of the Herdsmen (Published)

The importance of nomadic education cannot be over-emphasized. The neglect of any segment of the population as experience has shown in the Niger Delta Region of the country is a potential time bomb. If they contribute significantly to the nation’s economy, only time can fuel discontent and ignite their agitation. Education is the birth right of any Nigerian child and this right has been enshrined in the nation’s constitution. This paper address the importance of the nomadic education in the country, their contributions to the nation’s economy, the importance of English language in the promotion of mutual understanding, reduction of communal clashes between nomads and their host communities and the enhancement of the National Policy on Nomadic Education.

Keywords: : Nomadic Education, Community, English, Lineage, Nigeria, Peace

The System of Slavery in Bakor, South-Eastern Nigeria 1850-1960 (Published)

The subject of slavery, especially the status of slaves in African societies, has understandably attracted scholarly attention. Using Bakor society in south-eastern Nigeria as a case study, this paper seeks to contribute to existing knowledge about slave systems in Nigeria. On the basis of fieldwork carried out in Mfom, an Ekajuk community in Bakor area, in conjunction with relevant written sources, it has been established that a sizable percentage of Bakor population is of slave origin. These slaves were originally recruited from outside Bakorland and the primary reason for the purchase of slaves was to augment the population of matrilineages which appeared to be declining during the period covered by this study. It was for this reason that female slaves were preferred. The study also shows that there existed an efficient traditional method of intergrating slaves into the society. This, in addition to the fact that slaves never suffered any form of discrimination made it difficult to distinguish between slave and free born.

Keywords: Bansara, Cross River, Mfom, Nigeria, Slavery

Cross River Tourism, History and Environment: A Marriage Contracted In the Womb of Time (Published)

Today, it can be safely argued that Cross River State is noted more for its tourism enterprise than for anything else. Since 1999 to date, there have been sustained efforts by successive administrations to re-engineer and rebrand the State as a tourism spectacle and hub not just in the Cross River Region but in Nigeria and indeed, the West Africa Sub-region at large. This paper seeks to show that there is an organic and inescapable relationship between Cross River’s current tourism efforts and its history and environment. Put differently, we would attempt to demonstrate that the foundation of Cross River tourism is embedded in its history and environment and it is from these pristine bowels that the current initiatives can truly find rhythm, momentum and relevance.

Keywords: Cross River, Environment, Nigeria, Tourism, history

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