Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (GJAHSS)

EA Journals



The book There Was a Country by Chinua Achebe published shortly before he died has taken a central place in the list of political literature of Nigeria. Written in lucid prose and boldly addressing the gargantuan issues that brought down the nation’s first republic, Achebe pointed accusing fingers at those actors who brought untold hardship on his people, Ndigbo for which he has been severely criticized. Carefully crafted and well researched, the book is not one to be wished away. The book challenges the West, particularly Great Britain for the ugly roles they played during the war. This article takes a different look at the unfortunate event and other ways that could have prevented the civil war

Keywords: Achebe, Biafra War, Confederation, Nigeria, Secession


The present Nigerian state has lost her pre-colonial and pre-independence credibility as the country is characterized by selfish, uncaring interpersonal relations as well as materialistic values. This situation has led to serious socio-economic and political upheavals that have hindered development and progress. This paper therefore explored Civic Education with particular reference to value clarification and re-orientation for ensuring nation building in Nigeria. The conceptual framework envisioned the meanings of civic Education, nation building, value clarification and re-orientation. The paper further examined the ideals and values intrinsic in Civic Education before giving justifications for value clarification and re-orientation via Civic Education. Finally, it recommended among others that Nigerians must purify themselves of survival mentality and inculcate value ingredients of Civic Education for nation building.

Keywords: Civic Education, Nation Building, Nigeria, Value Clarification, Value Re-orientation.

Exploring Civic Education for Value Clarification and Re-Orientation in Promoting Nation Building in Nigeria (Review Completed - Accepted)

The present Nigerian state has lost her pre-colonial and pre-independence credibility as the country is characterized by selfish, uncaring interpersonal relations as well as materialistic values. This situation has led to serious socio-economic and political upheavals that have hindered development and progress. This paper therefore explored Civic Education with particular reference to value clarification and re-orientation for ensuring nation building in Nigeria. The conceptual framework envisioned the meanings of civic Education, nation building, value clarification and re-orientation. The paper further examined the ideals and values intrinsic in Civic Education before giving justifications for value clarification and re-orientation via Civic Education. Finally, it recommended among others that Nigerians must purify themselves of survival mentality and inculcate value ingredients of Civic Education for nation building.



Keywords: Civic Education, Nation Building, Nigeria, Value Clarification, Value Re-orientation.

Christianity as a Tool for the Democratization Process in Nigeria (Review Completed - Accepted)

Our major concern in this paper is to periscope Christianity as a tool for the democratization process in Nigeria. We specifically looked at the extent to which Nigeria’s experience of democracy has a far cry for the ideals of democracy. Some literatures on the subject mater were reviewed, while data for analysis is from the secondary sources. The paper reviewed that, they are factors militating against the success of democracy in Nigeria spanning from disregards for the rule of law, political instability, lack of sincerity on the part of the ruling party, lack of true Christians in politics etc. The paper further expound the role of Christianity in promoting democracy; as Christianity cultivate moral and social political habit, inculcate respect for human right in the citizen, fulfills its social ethnical mission in the political arena. The paper recommends that Christians should take it upon themselves as a responsibility to fast and pray for the actualization of our democratic values in Nigeria. The paper draws a conclusion that, the role of Christianity in promoting democracy is essentially considered imperative because of the underlying truth that it can help facilitate development and social order.

Keywords: Christianity, Democratization, Nigeria

The Impact of Globalization and Cultural Imperialism on Socio-Cultural Development in Nigeria (Review Completed - Accepted)

The revolution in communications technology, which gave the west the power to achieve global supremacy, has converted the world into a global village. This was followed by the increasing diffusion (dominance) of western cultural values that tend to destroy the native cultures of developing nations. This article investigates the impact of globalization and cultural imperialism on socio-cultural development in Nigeria. Specifically, the review of related literature was carried out to ascertain whether there are positive and negative impacts in reference to the topic understudy. Globalization theory was incorporated to analyze the study. The data for this study were purposely collected through the secondary sources. The findings revealed that there is higher usage of western media among young people. Nigerians are copying western culture in negligence to their own culture. Western dominated media reduced Nigerian cultural values to zero level. Therefore, the study recommended that government should control massive influx of western movies, electronic games and pornographic materials to protect the Nigerian cultural values. Moreso, government and the local media should promote local artistic works that are congenial with Nigerian environment to eliminate the adverse negative effects associated with globalization and cultural imperialism

Keywords: And Diffusion, Cultural Imperialism, Developed Nations, Developing Nations, Dominance, Globalization, Globalization Theory, Impact, Negative, Nigeria, Positive, Socio-Cultural Development

The “New” Economic Diplomacy of the Nigerian State, 1988-1993: An Evaluation (Published)

The paper examines the doctrine of “economic diplomacy” which formed the bedrock of Nigeria’s foreign policy during the General Ibrahim Babangida’s regime between 1985 and 1993. The paper highlights the major achievements and failures of the policy during the period under review. Based on its findings, the paper concludes that the failure of the Nigerian state in all ramifications and the conspiracy and hostility of the international environment, combined to frustrate the lofty ideas contained in the ‘new’ Nigerian economic diplomacy

Keywords: Diplomacy, Economic, Evaluation, Nigeria, Policy

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