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Domestic Violence and Its Impact on Mental Health, Challenges on Providing Multi Sectoral Support – Albania Case (Published)

Domestic violence is one of the main problems of Albanian society. Açording to the latest survey of INSTAT (2018), 1 out of 2 or 52.9% of women aged 18-74 ‘ever’ experienced one or more of the five different types of violence during their lifetime. The literature shows that survivors of violence are three times more at risk of developing mental illnesses. On the other hand, those who suffer from mental health problems are more likely to be abused or even attempt suicide.The aim of the paper is to identify the challenges of social services in addressing cases of domestic violence with mental health problems in Albania. The methodology is qualitative based on available secondary data and semi-structured interviews with service providers at local level.The main conclusions of the paper are related to the lack of clear procedures for the management of cases of violence with mental health problems, difficulties in diagnosing cases, lack of specialized services, lack of trained professionals, difficulties in the long-term reintegration of cases, etc.

Keywords: Challenges, Mental Health, Situation, gender-based violence, services

Cameroon in the First World War From the dominant geostrategic challenges to environnemental impact ignored (Published)

Through both the empirico-descriptive and deductive approaches, this study aims at showing that Cameroon is both a “colony “and first world war producer and consumer. Regarding the geostrategic challenges that it represented, this country of the Gulf of Guinea was the conspicuous materialization of the export of the great European war to Africa, from the origins to the consequences. Besides, this article discusses an important aspect of this war which has been forgotten; its environmental impact on Cameroon. Based on oral testimonies, war material would be buried in some localities that constituted battlefields between the allied forces and the German army. While opening up avenues for in-depth research, this study makes a non exhaustive inventory of the sites that are likely to undergo the polluting effects of this war in Cameroon.

Citation: Ernest Messina Mvogo  and  Zakaria Beine  (2022) Cameroon in the First World War: From the dominant geostrategic challenges to environnemental impact ignored, Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.10, No.7, pp.1-14

Keywords: Cameroon, Challenges, Consequences, Environment, First World War, geostrategy

National Development and Its Challenges: Social Studies Education A Weapon For Sustainable Growth in Nigerian (Published)

Development is said to be a predictor that determines whether a country is progressing or not. A vital evaluation of Nigeria’s development regardless of her abundance in human, natural and material resources reveals that the country is yet to attain the desired prospects as clamored by her citizens. The purpose of this cram is to recognize the challenges to development in Nigeria. In order to obtain data for the research, the work adopted qualitative research method through textual analysis. The findings of this study revealed that despite the country’s attempt to advance development, numerous challenges have posed a great threat to the nation sustainable growth. These setbacks range from insecurity of life on her citizens, imposition of policies on her citizens, capital to implement development plans/policies, corruption and lack of credible leadership among others. The paper concludes that once the identified setbacks are tackled then development will be realized in the country.

Keywords: Challenges, National Development, Nigerian, Social Studies Education, Sustainable Growth

Perceptions, Challenges and Coping Strategies of Women in Political Leadership Positions (Published)

This study examined the experiences of females in political leadership positions in the Sunyani West District. Qualitative approach was adopted with a case study design to explore the experiences of the women leaders. Purposive and snowball sampling techniques were used to select 14 participants comprising eight (8) political party executives, four (4) Assembly women and two (2) women who were parliamentary candidates. The data were collected using interview and analysed through thematic procedure. The findings indicated that females in political leadership positions perceive leadership in three different ways as task-oriented, goal-oriented and people-oriented. Whatever way they perceived political leadership; they faced several challenges related to their personal lives, family and community. However, the main challenge facing females in political leadership positions in Sunyani West District is misconceptions about their capabilities as females. Females in political leadership positions cope with their challenges through self-motivation, creation of cordial relationship with male chauvinists and concentration on their potentials. The study recommended that female political leaders should focus on their output and achievements to show their capabilities in contributing meaningfully to society. There is an urgent need for opinion leaders such as chiefs, queen mothers, district chief executives and the public in general to discourage the unfair, unjust and unequal treatment sometimes meted out to women who occupy political leadership positions.

Keywords: Challenges, Coping Strategies, Ghana, Leadership, Political Leadership, Politics, Women

A Historical Analysis of the Introduction, Spread and Impact of Western Education in Southern Taraba Area, 1905 to 2018 (Published)

Education can be construed as a pattern of awareness which determines and influences the behavioural pattern of any given society. It encompasses societal civilization, values, norms and traditions. It is a people’s belief system, system of thought, an instrument through which a society produces and reproduces its kind in the light of what makes one a representation of his/her society. Every society therefore has its own system of education through which cultural transmission and socialization are anchored. Unfortunately, former colonies erroneously consider western education as the only best alternative for all-round development. It is viewed as the basic instrument for civilization, gainful employment, socialization, economic prosperity and development. This conventional assumptions has resulted in the eventual neglect of the traditional education by African societies, Southern Taraba inclusive. This paper therefore examine the process of introduction and spread of western education in Southern Taraba Area. The paper captures issues like the agencies and individuals involved, the impact, challenges encountered and how the challenges can be remedied. Thus, using a multi-disciplinary methodological approach, the study came to the realization that western education has impacted tremendously on the peoples of Southern Taraba Area in the spheres of human, infrastructural, political and socio-economic development.

Keywords: Challenges, Development, Education, Impact, Influence, history, western education

Rural Development Processes and Emerging Challenges in Nigeria (Published)

The central aim of this paper is to highlight the rural development processes in Nigeria and identify the emerging challenges that impede sustainable rural development in the country. In achieving its aim, the paper clarified the concept of development and rural development as postulated by various scholars. It examines the modernization and dependency theoretical underpinning of the concepts.  The study analyses secondary and empirical sources of data through qualitative methods. The paper posits that the rural areas have constituted majority of the nation’s population and serve as a base for food production. The paper argues that though various rural development policies have been initiated in Nigeria, the conditions of the rural areas has not changed much since independence.  Rather, development policies in Nigeria have been tilted toward the urban areas while the rural areas live in extreme poverty and lack basic health, educational and social infrastructures. It identifies emerging challenges such as corruption and mismanagement of resources, poor policy implementation, famers- herders conflicts and lack of autonomy of the local governments. The study recommends more concerted efforts in implementing rural developments projects, punishment of corrupt public officials, effective budget monitoring, provision of security and conflict resolution mechanisms and participation of the rural populace in development projects.

Keywords: Challenges, Development, Emerging, Processes, Rural

The United Nations/African Union Intervention in the Darfur Conflict (2007-2010): Achievements, Challenges and Lessons for the Future (Published)

The paper examined the activities of the African Union (AU) and the United Nations aimed at resolving conflict and maintaining peace and security especially in Darfur, the secondary method of data collection and analysis was adopted. The study made use of conflict theory as the framework of analysis. The findings of the research revealed: that the conflict in Darfur was caused by the colonial heritage, ethnic rivalry, religious intolerance and ecological challenges; that AU and UN have contributed significantly in the peace process in Darfur in the areas of protection of lives and properties, provision of humanitarian assistance, provision of enabling environment for negotiation, among others. Nonetheless, these were not without challenges ranging from logistics, ecological, corruption. The following recommendations were arrived at: proper training for the AU / UN officials on peace keeping; cooperation of all the parties, especially the Sudanese government and AU /UN member states towards conflict resolution; and demonstration of political will by the international community.

Keywords: Achievements, African Union, Challenges, Darfur Conflict, Intervention, Lessons for the Future, United Nations


The general observation in the Nigerian society is that the physically challenged has for a long time been marginalized, and socially deprived as a result of exclusion in work organizations. Management Challenges are noted as encumbrances amongst a myriad of other factors which excludes the physically challenged in work organizations. The extent to which these challenges promotes their exclusion and enhances social deprivation is not known to policy makers and advocacy groups. The Nigerian society appear not to be abreast with the negative impact of Management Challenges which denies the inclusion of the physically challenged in work organizations as relevant data are not available to give it a focus. Therefore, the justification for this research is consistent with the need to source, develop a data base, analyze, discuss findings and produce a total package that will be a reference for policy makers and advocacy groups to promote or enhance the inclusion of the physically challenged in work organizations, which would accrue benefit of reduced poverty and social deprivation. This work focused on “Management Challenges and Employment Opportunities for the Physically Challenged in Work Organizations in Rivers State, Nigeria”. The purpose was to investigate the extent to which Management of work organizations poses as a challenge for the inclusion of the physically challenged in six selected organizations in Rivers State, Nigeria. The pilot survey, simple random sampling techniques, questionnaires were employed to select respondents. Four research questions were raised. In analyzing data that addressed the research questions the descriptive and inferential methods of analysis were used. The findings of the study includes: lack of policies and practices; Negative public perception; militating cost of recruitment; barriers of physical environment; and discrimination etc. Based on these findings, the study recommends amongst others that there should be domestic policies backed by appropriate legislation which will favour employment of the physically challenged; elaborate elimination of physical environmental barriers to enhance access to employment; promotion and sensitization of advocacy groups to enhance the protection of the rights and privileges of the physically challenged.

Keywords: Access to Work Organizations, Challenges, Employment Opportunities, Management, Management Challenges, Organizational Discrimination, Rivers State, Workplace Inclusion and Exclusion, the Physically Challenged

The Changing Privileges and Challenges of Older People in Contemporary African Society (Published)

This study is an investigation of the changing privileges and challenges of older people in contemporary African society. Prior to the contact with the West, older people were highly valued in African society because of their accumulated knowledge and wisdom, which they used to settled disputes, integrates the society and educate the young. In return, they enjoyed many privileges in the society. However, changes in the structure of African society occasioned by the introduction of formal education by the West neutralized this traditional system of caring for older people as they are now facing many challenges. Modernization theory was adopted in analyzing the study. Data for this study were purposely collected through the secondary sources. The findings revealed that older people are facing the challenges of basic needs such as food, shelter, love and proper care. Depressions in older people are misdiagnosed or mislabeled as normal aspects of old age. Old age is sad accompanied by inevitable declined. Older people as other age categories need money weekly to provide for their needs and that of their household. It was therefore, recommended that elderly people should be cared for by their entire extended family system. In addition, African government should pay monthly allowance to both the retired and the unemployed elderly people to assist their family to take proper care of older people

Keywords: : Older People, African Society, Challenges, Changing, Contemporary, Privileges

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