An Integrated Framework for Assessing the Effectiveness of Governance Mechanisms in Reducing Financial Fraud in Non-profit Organizations (Published)
This paper aims to develop an integrated framework for assessing the effectiveness of governance mechanisms in reducing financial fraud in non-profit organizations (NPOs). The study employs a descriptive analytical approach and a quantitative research design involving a survey of 87 employees and auditors of Yemeni NPOs. A five-point Likert scale questionnaire was used to gather data on governance mechanisms and financial fraud. The study’s findings reveal that the impact of governance mechanisms on financial fraud varies among NPOs. Four mechanisms (board of directors, audit committee, donor accountability, and beneficiary accountability) prove to significantly reduce the risk of financial fraud, making them the most effective in combating this phenomenon. Conversely, two mechanisms (internal control systems and government entities) are found to be the least effective, resulting in a noticeable increase in financial fraud cases. Additionally, two mechanisms (external and internal auditors) have minimal influence, leading to a non-significant rise in the risk of financial fraud. The integrated framework developed in this study provides a structured and systematic approach for NPOs to evaluate their governance practices and identify areas for improvement. The paper presents and tests a novel integrated framework for assessing effectiveness of governance mechanisms in reducing financial fraud in NPOs. It contributes to the existing literature by examining the interrelationships and interactions among various governance mechanisms and their impact on financial fraud. The framework provides valuable insights for NPOs, policymakers, and researchers seeking to strengthen governance and combat financial fraud in the non-profit sector.
Keywords: Accountability, Effectiveness, Financial Fraud, NPOs, framework integrated, governance mechanisms
Implementation Effect of Treasury Single Account on the Economy of Nigeria: The Perspective of Banking Sector (Published)
Treasury Single Account (TSA)’s prime purpose is to ensure accountability, improve transparency, and prevent abuse and mismanagement of public funds. Nigeria had to domesticate the law implementing TSA in 1999, however, the government ran a pilot scheme in 2012 to fully domesticate and observe the impact of such policy on the growing economy of the nation. Thus, this study aimed to examine the implications of TSA from its domestication, identify its benefits, examine the challenges and study its prospects considering the perspectives of the banking sector employees. The descriptive research design was adopted for the study using fifty (50) bank employees within Ondo State, Southwestern Nigeria who were randomly selected. Software for the Social Sciences Statistical System (SPSS) was used to obtain descriptive statistics such as central tendency, the measure of variability, kurtosis and skewness. The calculated values range from 2.60 to 3.88, 0.72 to 1.28, -0.08 to -2.20, -1.73 to 4.09 for mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis respectively. All calculated p-values range between (.000 to .003), which are less than the level of significance of 0.05 (2-tailed). Hence, the null hypotheses are rejected while the alternate hypotheses are accepted. The strong relationship of up to 0.985 between the opinions of the respondents is a strong indication that the application of TSA has led to a reduction of monetary misappropriation and a drastic reduction of corrupt practices. Therefore, TSA should be implemented in every sector of the economy both public and private to ensure financial prudence, accountability, transparencies and as a tool in monitoring, expenses incurred.
Keywords: Accountability, Banking Sector, Economy, Transparency, treasury single account
Financial Control and Accountability in the Public Sector in Nigeria (Published)
The research work examined the usefulness of financial control and accountability in the public sector institutions in Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to investigate if the control of public funds is appropriate and to find out whether necessary accounts are kept and to examine the proper administration of government funds. The research was carried out, using the Federal Medical Centre, Owo, Ondo State as the case study. Primary Data was collected through convenience sampling method and using self-administered questionnaires for 40 respondents. They included Staff in the Audit and Account department. Also, Secondary data was retrieved from the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin on federally generated revenue and expenditure incurred (Capital and Revenue). Chi- Square was used to test the hypotheses. Simple Linear Regression was used to analyze the secondary data to test for the relationship between the revenue generated by federal government and expenditure incurred. From the findings, it was found that financial controls and accountability exist in the public sector. The researcher also found that a positive relationship exist between revenue generated by federal government and expenditures incurred. This study concluded that financial control and accountability is effective and efficient. Therefore, the study recommends that existing financial controls should be strengthened to improve accountability in the public sector in Nigeria.
Keywords: Accountability, Capital Expenditure, Public Sector, Recurrent Expenditure, Revenue, financial control
An Assessment of the Implication of Treasury Single Account Adoption on Public Sector Accountability and Transparency (Published)
Government is saddled with the responsibility of being accountable to its citizenry through effective and efficient service delivery. In order to achieve this goal, government enacted the treasury single account (TSA) policy for mobilization of government revenue. The objective of this study is to assess the implication of adoption of TSA on accountability and transparency in the Nigerian public sector; with a view to find out if the policy is capable of promoting government accountability function. The study consist of all ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) in the public service with sample size of ten (10) MDAs involved in revenue generation selected using purposive sampling technique. The hypotheses were tested using regression analysis (ANOVA). The finding of the study showed that, TSA significant positive impact on financial leakages, transparency and curb financial misappropriation. Hence, considering the findings of this study, it is recommended that government should continue to sustain the adoption of the policy and enact laws that will extend it to state and local governments.
Keywords: Accountability, Public Sector, Transparency, Treasury Single Account (TSA)
Efficiency and Accountability of Public Sector Revenue and Expenditure in Nigeria (1970-2014) (Published)
Nigeria is the sixth largest producer of oil and gas in the world, but the average Nigerian on the street is poor and there is poor infrastructure like power supply, roads, hospitals etc. This study examines the efficiency and accountability of public sector revenue and expenditure in Nigeria (1970-2014). Data on total federal government revenue and expenditure, state governments’ revenue and expenditure were collected from Statistical bulletin from the Central Bank of Nigeria from 1970-2014. The results were analysed using relevant statistical tools. The findings reveals that the level of accountability is very poor in Nigeria because the attributes of accessibility, comprehensiveness, relevance, quality, reliability and timely disclosure of financial information, social and political information about government activities are completely non available or partially available for the citizens to assess the performance of public officers mostly the political office holders. Conclusively and evidently the study has revealed that there is significant relationship between efficiency of public sector expenditure, recurrent expenditure and capital expenditure in Nigeria from 1970-2014. On the basis of these, the paper recommends among others that for accountability to be successful in the management of public funds in Nigeria there must be a reduction in the level of corruption, improving public sector accounting and auditing standards, legislators as champions of accountability and restructure the public accounts committees and the value of money must be applied in the conduct of government business.
Keywords: Accountability, Financial Reporting, Financial Resources, Management, Nigeria, Public Finance, Public Sector Accounting
An Investigation of Performance Audit Role on the System of Government Revenues(Iraq Case) (Published)
There are many controls bodies auditing government revenue in Iraq. These control bodies have created by the parliament such as the Commission of Integrity and the General Ministry Inspectors in addition to the Board of Supreme Audit (BSA). The study covers defining the accountability, audit of revenues, performance audit, taxation policy, and the sources of governmental income. This research considers how governmental revenues depend on oil revenue totally on oil revenues (about 92% in 2015). The situation has deteriorated since 2003, when Iraq has first occupied, in spite of increased revenue from taxation. The Study highlights that the State should increase its role from different organizations to control all expenditures and develop revenue streams in other sectors. Although there is an emphasis on financial and budgetary measures for financial auditing, the use of non-financial measures in determining outcome accountability is increasing.
Keywords: Accountability, Auditing, Control Bodies, Government Revenues Systems, Performance Audit