British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals

Tertiary Institutions

Impact of Fuel Subsidy Removal on Staff Welfare and Students Academic Performance in Tertiary Institutions in Delta State (Published)

This paper examined the impact of fuel subsidy removal on staff welfare and students’ academic performance in tertiary institutions with a view of looking at the measures put in place by the government in ensuring that the people are not affected by the subsidy removal. Four research questions were posed for the study. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised all staff (teaching and non-teaching) of all government owned tertiary institutions in Delta State. The sample of the study consisted 120 staff drawn from three selected tertiary institutions in Delta State. A structured questionnaire of 30-item on four-point Likert scale was used for data collection. The instrument was validated by two experts in measurement and evaluation. The reliability of the instrument was determined by using Cronbach Alpha reliability method and the reliability coefficient was 0,82. The data collected was analyzed using statistics of mean and standard deviation. The findings of the study revealed that fuel subsidy removal affected staff and students’ welfare and student’ academic performance in tertiary institutions. The findings of the study further revealed that the extent to which government intervention on fuel subsidy removal can mitigate the sufferings of staff and students in tertiary institutions. The ways of alleviating the constraints experienced by staff and students were also identified. Based on the findings it was recommended that government should introduce children school fees allowance in worker’s salary in tertiary institutions for ease of payment of school fees, government should subsidized the high cost of learning materials for tertiary institution students to help improve students’ academic performance, government should introduce free transportation system for staff and students in tertiary institutions to reduce the suffering of high cost of transportation among others.

Keywords: Fuel Subsidy, Tertiary Institutions, fuel subsidy removal, staff welfare academic performance

Institutional Collaboration as a Panacea for Students’ Self-Employment in Tertiary Institutions in Bayelsa State, Nigeria (Published)

The study investigated institutional collaboration as a panacea for students’ self-employment in tertiary institutions in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Three research questions were answered in the study. The study adopted convergent mixed method approach while the population of the study as all private employers of labour in small and medium scale businesses in Bayelsa State as well as Directors, lecturers and students in the various Entrepreneurship Centres across all the State owned tertiary institutions in Bayelsa State. The sample size for the study was 192 respondents consisting of three Directors, 30 CEOs of STEAM industries, 15 lecturers and 144 students within and around the selected institutions. Primary sources of data which were questionnaire (quantitative) and Key Informant Interview (qualitative) were used for data collection. Data collected quantitatively was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentage while the qualitative data was analyzed using thematic analysis. The result of the study indicated that funding and research collaborations were the major forms of institutional collaboration expected for students’ self-employment. There existed a high extent of collaboration in the areas of capacity building and programmes implementation. The strategies identified as vital to improving these collaborations included the clear definition of the responsibilities of all collaborating partners for improved students’ self-employment. The study recommended regular business meetings between these educational institutions and industry experts to deliberate on emerging issues that will enhance students’ self-employment in these institutions.

Keywords: Bayelsa State, Self-employment, Students, Tertiary Institutions, institutional collaboration

Linkage and Advancement Services and Commercialization of Innovations of Tertiary Institutions in Bayelsa State (Published)

The study examined linkage and advancement services and commercialization of innovation of tertiary institutions in Bayelsa State. A descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The study was guided by three (3) research objectives and corresponding questions. The population of the study comprise all academic and non-academic staff across all ranks of the 7 tertiary institutions in the state. Structured questionnaire was used to collect data from respondents respectively. The data gathered was analyzed using mean and standard deviation via Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 26. The instrument was subjected to pilot testing. Experts in Measurement and Evaluation and the field of Education validated the instrument. The result of the pilot study was used to establish the reliability of the instruments via Cronbach Alpha Formula and a coefficient of 0.81 was obtained. The findings revealed the available linkage and advancement services, the extent to which they are utilised and the factors hindering linkage between industries and tertiary institutions in Bayelsa State.

Keywords: Commercialisation, Innovations, Linkages, Tertiary Institutions, advancement

Advocacy, Conducive Environment and Students’ Patronage of Library Information Services in Tertiary Institutions in University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State (Published)

This study was conducted to investigate the effect of advocacy and conducive environment on students’ patronage of information services in public tertiary institutions in Rivers State, Nigeria. Ex-post facto research design was used for the study. The population of the study was all the 12739 registered undergraduate library users in public tertiary institutions in Rivers State for the 202/2022 academic session. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select a sample of 790 students for the study. A researcher developed questionnaire named “Advocacy, Conducive Environment and Students’ Patronage of Information Services Questionnaire” (ACESPISQ) was used in collecting data for the study. The instrument was face validated by three experts. Cronbach Alpha was used to determine the reliability of the instrument and a coefficient of .86 was obtained. Mean was used to answer the research questions while independent t-test was used to test the hypotheses of the study. The findings of the study indicated that there is significant influence of advocacy and conducive environment on students’ patronage of information services in public tertiary institutions in Rivers State, Nigeria. It was recommended among others that librarians need to constantly sensitize their students and staff of their institutions about the information services the library renders which can aid in satisfying their information needs.

Citation: Obi H.E.  (2023) Advocacy, Conducive Environment and Students’ Patronage of Library Information Services in Tertiary Institutions in University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, British Journal of Education, Vol.11, Issue 3, 55-63

Keywords: Advocacy, Rivers State, Tertiary Institutions, University of Port Harcourt, conducive environment, library information services, students’ patronage

The Preferred Crisis Management Strategies among Lecturers in Tertiary Institutions in Cross River State, Nigeria and the Need for Guidance and Counselling Intervention (Published)

The aim of this study was to investigate the preferred crises management strategies among lecturers in tertiary institutions in Cross River State, Nigeria. The population of the study was one thousand two hundred and forty-two (1,242) lecturers. The total sample used for the study was five hundred respondents who were drawn through stratified random sampling from four institutions of higher learning in Cross River State. The instrument used for the data collection was the researcher’s developed Preferred Crisis Management Strategies Questionnaire (P.C.M.S.Q). It has two sections, A and B. Section A contained the personal data while B contained four point Likert scale type, made up of sixteen (16) items. The data collected from the samples were subjected to statistical analysis using the population and independent t-test. To accomplish the study objective, two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The following findings emerged; the preference for force crisis management strategy by lecturers was significantly low in tertiary institutions in Cross River State. Sex does not influence lecturers’ preference for dialogue as a crisis management strategy. Based on these findings, the following recommendations were made. The government should adequately fund education, and the schools should devise local sources of generating funds while well-meaning individuals and companies should assist, dialogue should be adopted as evidenced in the study.

Keywords: Lecturer, Management, Preferred, Strategies., Tertiary Institutions, crises

The Teacher and Teaching with Instructional Materials in the Teaching of Science Subjects and the Contribution of Guidance and Counselors Therein (Published)

The aim of this study was to investigate the preferred crises management strategies among lecturers in tertiary institutions in Cross River State, Nigeria. The population of the study was one thousand two hundred and forty two (1,242) lecturers. The total sample used for the study was five hundred respondents who were drawn through stratified random sampling from four institutions of higher learning in Cross River State. The instrument used for the data collection was the researcher’s developed Preferred Crisis Management Strategies Questionnaire (P.C.M.S.Q). It has two sections, A and B. Section A contained the personal data while B contained four point Likert scale type, made up of sixteen (16) items. The data collected from the samples were subjected to statistical analysis using the population and independent t-test. To accomplish the study objective, two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The following findings emerged; the preference for force crisis management strategy by lecturers was significantly low in tertiary institutions in Cross River State. Sex does not influence lecturers’ preference for dialogue as a crisis management strategy. Based on these findings, the following recommendations were made. The government should adequately fund education, and the schools should devise local sources of generating funds while well-meaning individuals and companies should assist, dialogue should be adopted as evidenced in the study.

Keywords: Lecturer, Management, Preferred, Strategies., Tertiary Institutions, crises

Personnel’s Perception of Continued Relevance of Shorthand and Typewriting Skills to Office Management in Osun State Owned Tertiary Institutions, Nigeria. (Published)

Shorthand and Typewriting are two major skilled courses in Office Education Programme in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Acquisitions of skills in these two subjects were regarded as trade-in-stock for secretarial practitioners in managing offices. But with the current applications of Information and Communication Technology to manage in offices, the relevance of Typewriting and Shorthand skills became a subject of discourse. The main objective was to determine the continued relevance of the two subject’s skills to office management in Osun State owned tertiary institutions. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Five research questions and five hypotheses were raised for the study. The population comprised 171 executives with their individual secretaries, making 342 participants. The entire population was used as the sample size. Structured questionnaire was used to collect data and descriptive statistics to analyse. The findings among others revealed that Shorthand and Typewriting were still relevant to office management. Based on the findings, it is recommended that secretarial training institutions should intensify efforts towards the training of students in these “twin” subjects.

Keywords: Nigeria, Office Management, Osun State, Shorthand, Tertiary Institutions, Typewriting Skills

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