British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals


Sustaining Quality African Education for Sustainable Growth and Development in Africa: The Nigerian Experience (Published)

The study was carried out to examine the role of African education on sustainable growth and development in Africa: a case study of Nigeria. The survey research design was adopted for the study. Seven hundred and twenty (720) participants were randomly sampled from the six geopolitical zones of the country. Two hypotheses were formulated and tested using simple regression analysis tested at 0.05 level of significance. A 30 item questionnaire titled “Sustaining Quality African Education for Sustainable Growth and Development Questionnaire” was constructed and administered by the researchers. The instrument was validated by experts in evaluation and psychological testing. The split half reliability method was used to determine the reliability of the instrument. The reliability index stood at 0.89. the statistical analysis of the hypotheses showed that there was a significant influence of African education for entrepreneurship skills on sustainable growth and development. Again the result of the second hypothesis indicated that there was a significant influence of African education for cultural values on sustainable growth and development. Based on the result, conclusion was drawn and recommendations were made on how to integrate the African indigenous education for sustainable development.

Keywords: African Education, Development, Sustainable Growth

The Role of Sponsors in the Development of Infrastructure in Public Primary Schools in Kenya (Published)

Sponsors have a great influence in the management of public schools in Kenya. This is why they were given the mandate in the Education Act prior to the free primary education of 2003 to oversee the general management of the schools they sponsored. The study sought to establish the influence of sponsors on the management of public primary schools in Wareng Sub-County in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. Informed by the study, this paper examines the influence of sponsors in the development of infrastructure in public primary schools in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey design and was guided by the Systems theoretical approach. The target population comprised all schools, head teachers, all chairpersons, sponsors’ representatives and one District Quality Assurance Standards Officer in the Sub-County. A sample size of 115 respondents was selected, which comprised 38 head teachers, 38 chairpersons, 38 sponsor representatives and one officer from the District Education Officer’s office. The participants were sampled using quota, purposive and simple random sampling techniques. Since the research was both quantitative and qualitative questionnaires, interviews and observation schedules were used to collect data. Data was analysed using descriptive statistical techniques, specifically frequencies and percentages. The results of the study revealed that sponsors no longer participate in their initial role of developing and funding public primary schools. It emerged the introduction of free primary education has brought confusion over the role of sponsors with those of the head teacher. It was, therefore, recommended that the Ministry of Education needs to review the policy on sponsoring of schools, especially on the rules and rights of sponsors.

Keywords: Development, Infrastructure, Kenya, Public Primary Schools, Role, Sponsors

Education 2030: Social Implications on the Development of Secondary Education in Rivers State (Published)

Education has evolved over time in content and practice to meet the ever changing demands of society. With this, has come several goals with accompanying deadlines to ensure its’ execution as exemplified by the Education 2030 SDG 4 goal derived from the Incheon declaration. While this is a laudable goal, how well it will be executed in Nigeria is yet to be seen. This study seeks to establish the relationship between physical infrastructure and the actualization of this goal in Rivers State. The research used the sample survey method and questionnaires with a reliability coefficient of 0.68 as instruments for data collection. Data obtained were analyzed using analysis of covariance, and the results indicate that there is a relationship between physical structure and the actual implementation of Education 2030 goal of ensuring inclusive and equitable quality and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. The researchers recommend partnerships between the educational sector and host communities to create a smooth channel of communication and collaboration.

Keywords: Development, Education, Social implication

Human Capital Development: A Way Forward for Entrepreneurial Growth in Ebonyi State (Published)

Human capital development is a process of increasing knowledge, skills, talents and competencies in vocational and technical education for increase in productivity and stimulating resourcefulness of trainees. Home economics and Social Studies must necessarily contribute to developing of human capital in the 21st century to enable families and individuals cope with the ever emerging problems and challenges. The study focused on human capital development: a panacea for entrepreneurial growth in Ebonyi State. Specifically, the study sought to ascertain the managerial skills required for entrepreneurial growth in Ebonyi State, entrepreneurial qualities required for entrepreneurial growth, ascertain how entrepreneurial growth can enhance socio-economic development of Ebonyi State. Three research questions and one hypothesis were formulated to guide the study. The area of the study is Ebonyi State. Population of the study was 220 registered entrepreneurs in Ebonyi State. There was no sampling because the population was manageable. Descriptive survey design was used for the study. Structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Data were analyzed using mean and frequency. Chi-square was used to test the hypothesis. Findings of the study showed that managers need communication, conceptual, technical skills for entrepreneurial growth. Also, discipline, creativity, and ability to motivate employees, were the entrepreneurial qualities required for entrepreneurial growth. Movement of capital goods; increase in education; creating of new jobs can enhance socio-economic development of Ebonyi State. Based on the findings, the following recommendations were made; there should be increased collaboration and cooperation between public and private sectors, among others.

Keywords: : Human Capital, Development, Growth, Skills, entrepreneurial


Studies before now have linked various environmental challenges to human activities. The human activities do not exclude efforts put forth by humans in the search for, production and utilization of various forms of energy resources. The value attached to a particular energy resource determines its rate of demand which determines its rate of production and consumption. The consumption of any form of energy resource commonly in use determines its cost which determines its rate of availability to its end-users. The cost of energy resources on which the availability depends defines the phenomenon of energy crisis. This paper x-rays the dynamics of energy crisis and reveals its effects on Nigeria’s national development. It establishes that environmental education is a veritable tool for tackling the phenomenon of energy crisis in Nigeria. The paper recommends that environmental education shall be designed to educate and re-orientate its audiences on the implications of their activities on the environment and as well encourage and motivate them to participate actively in activities directed toward the protection, improvement, management, restoration and conservation of the Nigerian environment.

Keywords: Development, Energy Crisis, Energy Poverty, Environment, Environmental Education.


The paper investigated and reviewed current literature that provided evidence on the effects of inadequate teachers in rural basic schools and its impact on Human Resource Development. The descriptive design was used for the study. However, the study employed a mixed method for data collection. Specifically, the study used questionnaire, interview guide and focus group discussion guide as main instruments for collecting both quantitative and qualitative data. The study population was one hundred and sixty-three (163) teachers from thirty selected rural basic schools. The study employed the stratified and the simple random sampling techniques to select participants for quantitative data and made use of purposive and snowball sampling techniques to select key informants and participants for focus group discussions respectively. Descriptive statistics was the medium used to analyse quantitative data whereas qualitative data was analysed using thematic analysis. Inferential statistical tools including chi-square test was used to ascertain the relationship between variables and regression analysis used to measure the effects of independent variables on the dependent variables. Since the study revealed that most teachers hardly accept postings to rural schools, there is a need to develop deployment policies that ensure sufficient teachers in remote schools. Successful strategies seem likely to require a combination of accurate information about deployment and teacher movements and policies that require or encourage rural location. In addition, policy makers can also reduce the relative disadvantage of a rural location by ensuring that administrative processes do not discriminate against remote schools. Efficient systems of payment and equal access to opportunities for further study, transfer and promotion can reduce the disincentive to locate in rural areas.

Keywords: Development, Education, Human Resource and Basic, Inadequate, Performance

Teacher Education and Development in Nigeria: An Analysis of Reforms, Challenges and Prospects, 1859-1976 (Review Completed - Accepted)

Although teacher education, both pre-and in-service, programs are offered in Nigeria by different teacher education institutions (as provided in the National Policy on Education), and varying degrees of success recorded, various problems still confront the program with far reaching consequences in Nigeria’s educational system. This paper analyses the historical contexts of the teacher education reforms and development in Nigeria with emphasis on the roles of the Christian missions, the colonial administration and that of the Nigerian government after independence. It examines key recommendations of two commissions (Phelps Stokes and Ashby) and their implications to the reform and development of teacher education in Nigeria both during colonial era and after independence. The paper further discusses the influence of these and other reforms in shaping teacher education in Nigeria, the challenges still facing it, and finally suggests solutions to them

Keywords: Development, Education, Nigeria, Reforms, Teacher

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