British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals


Learning via MOOCs during the COVID 19 pandemic : perceptions of students and teachers at Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco (Published)

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the education of millions of learners worldwide. However, very few educational systems and their teachers were prepared for the sudden transition to online learning that ensued (Kanwar, 2020). The University Cadi Ayyad in Marrakech (UCAM) had already launched a platform for MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) in 2013. MOOCs are online learning environments that allow students to take courses on a wide range of subjects without limitation and at low cost (Veletsianos et al. 2015, cited by Alamri, 2022). Following the Ministry of Higher Education’s decision to suspend classes in various university institutions and to ensure pedagogical continuity during this crisis situation, UCAM continued to adopt distance learning, including through MOOCs.In this context, it seemed essential to identify the perceptions of students and teachers regarding this online learning technology. The study was conducted with 15 teachers (interviews) and 840 students (questionnaire) within three faculties of the University Cadi Ayyad: Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Letters, and Faculty of Law.The results showed that both populations (students and teachers) appear to be satisfied with the use of this type of system. They believe it had a positive impact on the teaching-learning process during the pandemic. However, they are of the opinion that MOOCs, although they offered learning opportunities, cannot replace face-to-face learning.

Keywords: COVID-19, MOOCs, Perceptions, Students, Teachers, distance learning

Influence of Covid-19 Pandemic on Teachers and Students’ Interaction in Basic Science in Junior Secondary Schools in Ekiti State, Nigeria (Published)

This study considered the impact of Covid -19 pandemic on Teachers’ and Students interaction in Basic Science Classrooms in junior secondary schools in Ekiti State. The research procedure involves descriptive research of survey type. Participants were 320 Basic Science students which were randomly selected across four Local Government areas in Ekiti State. Data were collected with the instruments titled Impact of Covd-19 pandemic on teachers’ classroom interaction (IC-19TCI) and Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on students’ classroom interaction (IC-19SCI). The reliability of the instruments was determined through Cronbach Alpha and this yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.78 and 0.75 for IC-19TCI and IC-19SCI, respectively at 0.05 level of significance.  Descriptive statistics such as frequency count, percentages, means, graphs and standard deviation were used to analyze the data. The results revealed that the impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on teachers’ interaction in the classroom was negative.

Citation: Adegbola F.F. (2023) Influence of Covid-19 Pandemic on Teachers and Students’ Interaction in Basic Science in Junior Secondary Schools in Ekiti State, Nigeria, British Journal of Education, Vol.11, Issue 4, 59-65

Keywords: Basic Science, COVID-19, Students, Teachers, interaction, pandemic

The Managerial Enforcement of Covid-19 Protocols of Faculty of Education Students in Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Agbani, Nigeria (Published)

This study investigated the managerial enforcement of Covid-19 protocols of faculty of education students in Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Agbani, Nigeria. Three research questions were formulated. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. It samples the study was 689 respondents selected from the ten departments of faculty of Education using simple and accidental random sampling techniques. The instrument used for the study was 26-items, modified likert scale type questionnaire titled “Managerial Enforcement of COVID-19 protocols and Faculty of Education Questionnaire (MECPFEQ)” was used for data collection. the instrument was dully validated by experts and its reliability method. Data collected were analysed using mean scores and standards deviation. The findings from the results revealed that there is a great extent in the university management enforcement of Covid-19 protocols in the study area. Based on the findings, it was recommended among other that there should be regular supervision of all staff, students, visitors, task force and security personnel to ensure that there is consistent compliance to prescribed laws for quality service delivery.

Citation: Catherin Nkiru Elechi, Ekpenyong David Oboqua, Loretta Chika Ukwuaba, Veronica Ngozi Odenigbo (2022) The Managerial Enforcement of Covid-19 Protocols of Faculty of Education Students in Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Agbani, Nigeria, British Journal of Education, Vol.10, Issue 10, pp.24-33

Keywords: COVID-19, Education, Enforcement, Students, managerial, protocol

Online Teaching and Learning: Perceptions and Readiness of Pre-Service Teachers (Published)

The study sought to evaluate pre-service teachers’ perceptions and readiness towards online learning in Akatsi College of Education. The study used descriptive survey design. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from two hundred and twenty-three pre-service teachers who were purposively sampled for the study. The data collected was analysed using percentages, means and standard deviations. The results revealed that majority of the pre-service teachers preferred face-to-face to online method, found it difficult using online learning facilities. Majority of the pre-service teachers perceived that the use of online learning would improve their creativity in disseminating and experiencing learning.  In addition, majority of the pre-service teachers did not have good internet broadband to get them connected to an online learning class. They were also distracted at homes during online lessons coupled with erratic power supply. Majority of the preservice teachers have negative perceptions and were not ready for online learning. Consequently, it was recommended that Government of Ghana invested more in the area of communication infrastructural facilities as well as partnering with telecommunication companies to provide very effective broadband internet connectivity to college servers and students at reasonable cost to facilitate online learning classes.

Citation: Mark Mishiwo,  Benedicta Enid Mawuse Danku,  Martha Ayivor, Florence Doe  (2021) Online Teaching and Learning: Perceptions and Readiness of Pre-Service Teachers, British Journal of Education, Vol. 9, Issue 9, pp.101-113

Keywords: COVID-19, Perceptions, Pre-Service Teachers, online learning, readiness

Use of Modern Technology for Teaching by Business Educators during Covid-19 Era (Published)

The aim of the study was to examine the use of modern technology for teaching by business educators in COVID-19 Era in public universities in Edo State. The population of the study was one hundred and eighty nine (189) business educators in universities in Edo and Delta States as at January, 2021. The entire population was used for the study; therefore there was no sampling. Three research questions gave credence to the study and one hypothesis was formulated. A descriptive survey was adopted for the study, and a 32-item structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Four experts validated the instrument. The reliability was tested using Cronbach alpha which yielded 0.82 was obtained as reliability co-efficient value. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions. The formulated null hypothesis was tested at 0.05 alpha level with a t-test inferential statistics. The findings revealed that business educators make use of moodle/sloodle; online collaboration; and crowdsourcing to a very low extent in teaching during this covid-19 era. The finding further revealed that male lecturers do not differ significantly from female lecturers in the use of modern technology in teaching. Against this back drop it was recommended that management of various institutions should embark on training of its staff for the use of modern technology to teach during the Covid-19 era.

Keywords: COVID-19, crowdsourcing, moodle, online collaboration, sloodle

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Education in Cambodia (Published)

This paper reviewed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education by preliminary document studies. In Cambodia, as of 30 October 2020, school closures replaced by distance learning. First, the paper highlighted the immediate impact on student learning and wellbeing, mostly kids. Second, it illustrated teachers and school personnel are facing on adapting with ICT skills to support distance learning. Third, it showed ineffective delivery of continuous learning and learning outcomes are not quite well and limit for quality of education. Finally, it stated the implementation of the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports (MoEYS) Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2019-2023 is also severely impacted by the pandemic. To address these challenges, MoEYS developed learning platforms and continue learning programs for line learning. The Joint Technical Working Group (JTWG), MoEYS and ESWG created objectives for the Education COVID-19 Response Plan. MoEYS is planning to reopen educational institutions in three phases with the strictest health safety standards by blended learning following the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the condition of Covid-19. The paper recommended that the government and MoEYS and stakeholders should respond to the situations during the Covid-19 pandemic: i). The continuous learning program should be strengthened as a priority for online learning with social media to ensure effective learning; ii). The digital infrastructure should be promoted in the countryside and remote areas to strengthen online learning with the platforms of MoEYS; iii). The ICT skills and digital education should be strengthened by providing training and development to teachers to ensure effective online learning; and teachers and students engagement, and iv). The content and curriculum on paper should be adapted and replaced by digital form to ensure effective learning and teaching.

Keywords: COVID-19, Education, Impact, pandemic

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