British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals


The Nurse Managers’ Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Transformational Leadership Styles in Ondo State, Nigeria (Published)

This study investigates the knowledge and attitudes of nurse managers regarding transformational leadership (TL) style in Ondo State, Nigeria. Specifically, it aims to describe the knowledge of top nurse managers about TL and explore their attitudes towards its four components: idealised influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualised consideration. Employing an explorative qualitative approach, the study involved in-depth interviews with 12 nurse managers selected through purposive sampling from primary, secondary, and tertiary health facilities. The interview guide was adapted from the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), featuring open-ended questions to elicit detailed responses. Data were analysed using thematic analysis with Atlas Ti 9 software. Findings revealed that while participants demonstrated a basic understanding of leadership, their knowledge of TL style was superficial, often conflating it with democratic leadership. Their attitudes towards the TL components were similarly limited. For example, participants emphasised teamwork and delegation under idealised influence but lacked deeper application of ethical and visionary attributes. Inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualised consideration were inconsistently implemented, with respondents displaying only partial understanding of these concepts. The study highlights the need for comprehensive training to enhance nurse managers’ understanding and practice of TL style. Such training could improve nursing leadership, foster positive organisational culture, and ensure quality patient care. Recommendations include the development and implementation of TL-focused training programmes for nurse managers across health institutions in Ondo State.

Keywords: Attitudes, Knowledge, nurse managers, transformational leadership style

The Attitudes of Nigerian Secondary School Teachers and Students towards Environmental Pollution (Published)

The research was carried out to investigate Nigerian Secondary School Teachers and Students’ attitude towards environmental pollution. It also examined Nigerian teachers and students’ attitude towards environmental pollution, considering their gender and location. The research adopted descriptive research of the survey type. The population was made up of all Nigerian Secondary School Teachers and Students. The sample for the study comprised 720 teachers and 1440 students selected through a multistage sampling procedure. Two self-constructed Questionnaires was used to generate data for the study. One for the Teachers is Questionnaire on Teachers Attitude towards environmental pollution (QTAEP) and Questionnaire on Students Attitude towards environmental pollution (QSAEP). It was made up of two sections – Section A which consist the biodata of teacher and students such as Name, Location and Gender. Section B was made up of items to elicit information about their attitudes toward environmental pollution. The instrument’s validity was ascertained by giving it to experts in Biology Education, who are examiners for the West African Examination Council (WAEC) and National Examination Council (NECO) for face and content validity. Their suggestions and corrections were effected. The reliability of the instrument was determined by using Cronbash Alpha Formula. The reliability coefficient of 0.66 and 0.81 was obtained. The data collected were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. It was established from the finding that both teachers and students had a positive attitude towards environmental pollution. It was confirmed from the findings that gender and location had a significant influence on both teachers and students’ attitude toward environmental pollution. Considering the finding from this study, it was recommended that the content of environmental pollution in secondary schools should be more comprehensive. Also, environmental pollution awareness programs should be organised for both teachers and students to enhance their knowledge about environmental pollution and invariably influence their attitude.

Keywords: Attitudes, Environmental Pollution, Science Education, Teachers, science students

Investigation into Secondary School Students Attitude to Science in North Central, Nigeria (Published)

This study is an investigation into the attitudes secondary school students towards Science in the North Central Geo-political Zone, Nigeria. In this study, One thousand, six hundred and sixty three (1,663) students consisting of 963 Males and 700 Females, 900 Christians and 763 Moslems were selected from 6 states in the North Central Geopolitical Zone. A stratified random sampling method was adopted in arriving at the sample. The researchers through this method ensured that both urban and rural schools were represented, as well as single sex and co-educational schools to take care of the gender variable. The study was guided    by a research question and hypothesis and the findings showed that 84.25% of the students has a positive attitude towards science and that gender has no influence on students’ attitude towards science in the north central, geopolitical Zone, Nigeria. The educational implications based on the findings were discussed and a number of recommendations were presented.

Keywords: Attitudes, Science, secondary school students

Investigation into Secondary School Students Attitude to Science in North Central, Nigeria (Published)

This study is an investigation into the attitudes secondary school students towards Science in the North Central Geo-political Zone, Nigeria. In this study, One thousand, six hundred and sixty three (1,663) students consisting of 963 Males and 700 Females, 900 Christians and 763 Moslems were selected from 6 states in the North Central Geopolitical Zone. A stratified random sampling method was adopted in arriving at the sample. The researchers through this method ensured that both urban and rural schools were represented, as well as single sex and co-educational schools to take care of the gender variable. The study was guided by a research question and hypothesis and the findings showed that 84.25% of the students has a positive attitude towards science and that gender has no influence on students’ attitude towards science in the north central, geopolitical Zone, Nigeria. The educational implications based on the findings were discussed and a number of recommendations were presented.

Keywords: Attitudes, Science, secondary school students

The Attitudes of Undergraduate Students towards Using E-exams for Assessment in Jordan (Published)

The present study aimed to explore the attitudes of undergraduate students towards using e-exams for assessment in Jordan. It also aimed to identify the challenges facing Jordanian universities in using e-exams for assessment. The researcher designed a questionnaire. A purposive sample was selected from the University of Jordan. It consists from (93) undergraduate students who were selected from two sections of the (national education) course at the University of Jordan. Questionnaire forms were distributed to the sample members by hand. All the forms were retrieved. However, (87) forms are considered valid for statistical analysis.  The response rate is (100% Percentages), standard deviations and means are calculated. It was found that respondents have positive attitudes towards using e-exams for assessment in Jordan. It was found that the severity of the challenges facing Jordanian universities in using e-exams for assessment is high. It was found that e-exam makes students feel less stressed than the paper-based exam.

Keywords: Attitudes, Jordan, Students, Undergraduate, e-exams

Attitudes of Teachers Towards Application of Item Response Theory in Technical Colleges in Rivers State (Published)

This study investigated attitudes of teachers towards the application of item response theory (IRT) in the technical colleges in Rivers State. It is intended to ascertain the influence of these teacher-related factors on testing processes using IRT in these institutions. Five research questions were asked to guide this study and five null hypotheses were formulated and tested. Cross-sectional survey research design was adopted in this study. The population of this study comprised all the 424 technical teachers in the 15 technical colleges in Rivers State. The study used stratified random sampling technique to draw the sample of size of 212 out of the population. The instrument for data collection was a self-designed Likert type (five response level) questionnaire titled,Survey of Teacher’s Attitudes Towards Application of Item Response Theory (STATA-IRT), with a reliability coefficient of .86. Correlation analysis was used to answer the research questions and multiple regressions, R, was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level. It was found from the overall result, that strong linear relationship exists between attitudes of teachers and the application of Item Response Theory in Technical colleges Rivers State. It was also found from the multiple regression results that the attitudes of teachers are predictors of effective application of item response theory in the technical colleges in Rivers state.

Keywords: Application of Item, Attitudes, Response Theory, Rivers State, Teachers, Technical Colleges

Attitudes of Pupils and Teachers Towards Life Skills Education in Public Primary Schools in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya (Published)

In the year 2009, the government of Kenya introduced Life Skills Education to help the students in coping with the challenges and demands for everyday life. It is important to understand how performed since then. As such, the study was conducted to find out the preparedness of public primary schools in the implementation of Life Skills Education (LSE) curriculum in Eldoret Municipality. Based on the study, this paper examines the attitudes of pupils and teachers towards Life Skills Education in public primary schools in Eldoret Municipality. The study was based on the 1997 Functionalist theory by Kinsley Davis. The study employed a survey design. Out of the total 42 public primary schools in Eldoret Municipality 13 of them were selected through simple random sampling. A sample size of 13 head teachers was purposively selected, from the 13 schools; 39 teachers, 3 from each school, were purposively selected. These comprised teachers of LSE. Stratified sampling was used to select one teacher from lower primary, mid-upper and upper primary. Pupils in Classes Six and Seven were purposively selected. The study, therefore, sampled was 299 respondents comprising of teachers and pupils. The data collection instruments used were: questionnaires and interview schedules for head teachers. Descriptive methods were employed in data analysis and data were presented in the form of frequency distribution tables, graphs and pie charts. Data from the interview schedules was analysed qualitatively. The study findings revealed that majority (69.1%) of the students in public primary schools in Eldoret Municipality enjoyed learning Life Skills Education. This shows that students had a positive attitude towards learning of life skills education. In addition, it emerged that majority of the teachers believed that Life Skill Education was necessary for primary school children. It was therefore recommended that there is need to make its teaching and learning compulsory to all students as it contributes to personal and social development of a child at an early stage. Similarly, for teachers to develop an interest in teaching of LSE, there is need for them to be trained on LSE.

Keywords: Attitudes, Eldoret Kenya, Life Skills Education, Public Primary Schools, Pupils., Teachers

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