International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Research (IJSAR)

EA Journals


Investigating Local Consumption Cultures and the Global Commodity: Ethnography of Local Culture In The Face of the Gobal In Baneh (Published)

The present research attempts to investigate local consumption cultures and the Global Commodity: Ethnography of Local Culture in the face of The Global in Baneh. Theoretically, the present paper in the frame work of consumption culture theories argues that the face of The Global should be understood in association with identity, Global Neo liberal market and collective ideology. In this research fifteen subjects with approach of participated observation were officially interviewed. As the result it can be concluded that local consumption cultures have the most influence on the market ideology and advertisement mechanism therefore, the role of religion and national features is less effective. The Global which includes particular meanings has the ability to get the satisfaction of consumers in various subculture: thus, the commodity has been successful in corresponding with self-embedded meaning and consumer interest. Local culture commence to accept the logic of market rationalization and follow its rules and in different cases, it has the capability to produce and adjust its commodity with harmonized logic. Local- traditional and Global relationships are continuing to survive: Even tough, market-based rational and logical rules are dominant on relationship form which organize local contents. Marketization and commercialization of public and private sector as well as the local people is a growing process that has involved everyone which result in moral reactions and adopting striking identity strategies.

Keywords: Articulation, Consumer Culture, Globalization, Hybridization, Localism, Post-Industrial Capitalism, ethnography

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