International Journal of Management Technology (IJMT)

EA Journals

Quality Assurance

Office Automation: A Tool for Quality Assurance in Work Delivery in Office Technology and Management (OTM) (Published)

This paper x-rayed how office automation has helped the Office Technology and Management graduates to increase productivity in their work. Two research questions guided the study. The paper examined critically the equipment found in an automated office and how it has actually assured the quality performance of the secretary. A total of 360 Office Technology and Management graduates selected from public and private organizations in Delta South Senatorial District formed the population of the study. The sample of this study consisted of 108 graduates of Office Technology and Management. The information collected from the respondents was grouped together for meaningful analysis of the data using simple percentages. Suggestions were made as to what the Office Technology and Management graduate must do in order to get the best out of an automated office. Based on the researcher’s findings, recommendations which includes that secretaries should not entertain fear that automated devices will displace them but rather to see it as something which has come to assist them to do their jobs in order to improve their efficiency and productivity are made to strengthen the Office Technology and Management graduates chances of being totally familiar with the modern equipment so that increased productivity can be guaranteed and quality assured.

Keywords: Management, Office Automation, Productivity, Quality Assurance, Technology

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