International Journal of Library and Information Science Studies (IJLISS)

EA Journals


Students’ Characteristics and Information Resources Utilization in the University of Uyo Library (Published)

This study examined students’ characteristics and information resources utilization in the University of Uyo library. To carry out the study, two specific objectives were formulated from which two research questions and two hypotheses were drawn. Out of the population of 9694 registered undergraduate students in the University of Uyo library for 2013/2014 academic session, the sample size of 484 registered undergraduate students were purposively sampled for the study. Data were collected for the study through the administration of 25 – item questionnaire tagged “Students’ Characteristics and Information Resources Utilization Questionnaire” (SCIRUQ). The data obtained were analyzed using mean score, standard deviation and Pearson Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMC). The findings showed that there is significant relationship between age and students’ utilization of University of Uyo library information resources. It also showed that there is significant relationship between gender and students’ utilization of University of Uyo library information resources, The study concluded that though students of all ages and gender utilize the information resources in the library. One of the recommendations was that University libraries need to adopt the computerized methods to access and utilize information resources in the library.

Keywords: Characteristics, Information resources, Students, University of Uyo Library, Utilization

Level of Availability and Utilization of Information and Communication Technology Facilities by Students: A Case Study of Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri, Imo State Nigeria (Published)

This paper is an attempt to evaluate the availability and utilization of Information and Communication (ICT) facilities  by students in Federal Polytechnic Library, and also challenges the academic library faces in the area of adoption and utilization of ICT in their service delivery. Questionnaire survey approach was adopted. Primary data were collected with the aid of a four point likert scale questionnaire. Questionnaires were administered to Students of the study area. The Population for the Students at Federal Polytechnic Nekede  is 870 which was obtained from the Universities’ Information and Communication Technology block (ICT, 2017). The sample size is 290. The sampling technique used here is stratified simple random. To guarantee the reliability of the instrument, it was administered on ten(10)participants out of the envisaged population of the study. A test-retest reliability method of two weeks interval was conducted, response obtained were subjected to Pearson Product Moment Correlation method and a reliability co-efficient of 0.78 was obtained. To analyze data on the research questions of the study the researcher used descriptive statistical mean. The hypothesis was tested using the chi-square (x2) which is a statistical tool to test hypothesis about the relationship between means of groups. It was tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study found that scanning machines, printer, CD-ROM, Computer, Flash Drives, Land Area Network (LAN) and Inverter were available but few. Also the majority of the students indicated that they use ICT to retrieve information (3.1), make research(3.1), disseminate information (3.0) chat with friends (3.1) and download files (3.0). Challenges such as unreliable telecommunication network (3.3) insecurity in the library (3.3) epileptic power supply (3.3) unreliable internet (3.0) and high cost of ICT hardware/software were identified as major challenges of availability and utilization of ICT in the school’s academic library. It was recommended however that these challenges be looked into both by the institution and government in order to address the challenges.

Keywords: Academic Library, Education, ICT, Information and Communication Technology, Nigeria, Students, Utilization

Availability and Utilization of Information Resources and Services in the Special Education Centre Libraries in South-East, Nigeria (Published)

The study focused on ascertaining the availability and utilization of information resources and services in the special education centre libraries in South-East, Nigeria. The study was prompted due to the problems encountered by physically challenged student in the use of normal library services. Six research questions were posed to guide the study, while two hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted survey research design, and used observational checklist and rating scale as data collection instruments. The sample size for the study was 430 comprising five special education staff and 425 special education pupils/students. Two-stage sampling simple random sampling was made. Cronbach Alpha technique was used to ascertain reliability coefficient of .85. Frequency count, standard deviation and mean score were used to address the research questions while the hypotheses were tested using t-test of difference. Results revealed that the number of available information resources for the blind and partially sighted is significantly less than expected in this context. That the number of available information resources for the deaf and hard of hearing is also significantly less than expected. The study also revealed that the available information services for the blind and partially sighted is significantly less than expected, the available information services for the deaf and hard of hearing is also significantly less than expected. The available information resources for the blind and partially sighted are not fully utilized, and the available information resources for the deaf and hard of hearing are not fully utilized. The study concluded that the provision of information resources and services is less than expected. Also the available information resources and services are not fully utilized by the physically challenged groups studied for any significant impact in learning. It `was recommended that, there should be provision of information resources, such as Braille resources; tactile or raised surface; sign language books; adaptive or electronic devices. Services like: on-sight support; guided tours; facilities, etc.  Every such library should employ librarians who are clearly aware of the nature of work they do. Adequate funding for proper management of the special education centre libraries in Nigeria in such a way as to meet the present day educational demand for these classes of /pupils/students studied, among others. Suggestions for further studies were also made.

Keywords: Education, Information resources, Libraries, Nigeria, Students, Utilization

Awareness and Utilization of Databases Subscribed to by FUTO Library among FUTO Academic Staff (Published)

This paper is an attempt to study the issues of database Awareness and utilization by Academic Staff members in Federal University of Technology, Owerri with a view to study the exposure of Academics staff to the University’s subscribed database resources. It also aims to bring to light the challenges that confront the users and recommend some remedial measures for its improvement. A test-retest reliability method of two weeks interval was conducted, response obtained were subjected to Pearson Product Moment Correlation method and a reliability co-efficient of 0.78 was obtained. The Random Sampling Technique together with a Questionnaire was used for data collection on 100 out of a population size of 1,003 academic staff members and only 74 responded giving a response rate of 74 percent.Descriptive and inferential Statistics including Frequencies count, charts, mean score, Relative Important index (R.I.I) and Percentages were used in reporting the findings. The study confirmed that the level of awareness of the subscribed electronic information resources or databases by the Library Management is rather low as well as that of the level of utilization. The paper records that the reasons why academic staff members of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri use databases; were mainly for research (48%) and current awareness (49%). It suggests further for an improvement in the training of the academic staff members , efficient power supply, and access to facilities with high Internet speed and subscription to more databases (e-resources) by the University Library.

Keywords: Academic, Database, Subscribed, Utilization, awareness

Youtube on Utilization of Information on Contagious Diseases by Medical Students in Teaching Hospitals in Abia and Imo States (Published)

Medical students in teaching hospitals in Abia and Imo States are believed not to be influenced by YouTube on utilization of information on contagious diseases. To reveal whether they receive information on contagious diseases through YouTube is the bases for this study. The survey research method was adopted to investigate a total population of 709 medical students of the two teaching hospitals in Abia and Imo States respectively. Structured questionnaires were used to collect data for the research. Information were provided for the students to ascertain their level of agreement and the result shows that YouTube provides medical students with  information on the pattern of the infection/ spread, information on how to avoid contacting an infection, It gives them news on outbreak of contagious diseases and others. The paper therefore concludes that YouTube influences medical student’s utilization of information on contagious diseases.

Keywords: Abia State, Contagious, Diseases, Imo State, Information, Medical Students, Utilization, YouTube

Utilization of Local Journals by Academic Staff in Nigerian Universities: A Critical Review (Published)

Utilisation of local journal by academic staff of Nigerian universities is an academic obligation that cannot be overlooked because it is an academic task that must be done for academic, teaching, learning, research and self-development purposes. The objectives of the study include the assessment of the level of the utilisation of local journals, proliferation of local journals, identify the problems confronting academic staff in accessing and utilising local journals, recommends possible solution to the identified problems. The research instruments used for the study were questionnaire, observation and interview. One hundred and eighty-five (185) copies of questionnaires were distributed while one hundred and twenty (120) copies were retrieved and found useful representing 64.9 percent.  The methodology used for data analysis was simple percentage and summation weighted index (SWI). The results revealed that frequency usage of local journal was 37.8percent while42.3 percent have access to local journals.  Please write a deductive summary of your major findings here instead of reporting data! Local journals continue to be an important source of information for academic staff in Nigeria. However, there is proliferation of local journals to the detriment of quality intellectual contents. It was recommended that peer reviewers should be encouraged, make space for advertisement like seminars, workshop, conferences etc, and reviewers should improve their review process for prompt publication

Keywords: Academic Staff, Utilization, information sharing., international journals, local journals, third world journals

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