International Journal of Library and Information Science Studies (IJLISS)

EA Journals


Impact of Library Services and Resources on Undergraduate Students as users of faculty Library: A case study of Faculty of Management Science Library, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) Ogbomoso, Nigeria (Published)

This paper examined the impact of library resources and service on undergraduate students as users of Faculty library. The research also based on the type of materials accessed by users, impact of library services provided, adequacy of library resources and service, problem faced in the usage of faculty library and solution. To retrieve the necessary information, a questionnaire was randomly distributed to a sample of 300 respondents drawn from a population of 600 library users of undergraduate students of Faculty of Management Science Library, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria. The findings revealed that library resources were not stressful to access to students as a result of adequacies emanating from resources.  A response rate of at least 100% was achieved. The researcher used frequency and simple percentage to analyze the data, the outcome results indicated that the majority of 78% of the respondents find the resources and service of Faculty Library effective. 85% of the respondents agreed that the Faculty Library resources are adequate for their various information needs. Base on the finding, recommendations were made in order to boost the library services and resources provided to meet more of the demands of teeming population of users. It was recommended among others that electronic /online information resources should be made available in the library to help students and scholars to have access to current materials. Also the library collection should be well organized to ensure that the catalogue and other bibliographic access resources reflect the truth content of the library.

Keywords: Faculty, Library, Library Resources, Nigeria, Students, Undergraduate, University, impact of library service

Differences in Students’ Behavior and Attitude regarding Study at Home and Library in Focus Private Library at Wad Medani 2019 (Published)

Background:  library is a curated collection of sources of information and similar resources, selected by experts and made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing, often in a quiet environment conducive to study. Greatest benefit for many is having fewer distractions. At home one might have to contend with roommates, pets, and other temptations. In addition to fewer of these distractions, the library can provide you with a wealth of educational resources that can aid you in your studies. Objectives: This study is aim to compare studying in library and at home in different aspects. Methods: This is cross sectional descriptive community base study. Results: Total number of students were 150, estimation number of hours when students study in library were: 7.3% of students study more than 10 hours, 53.3% of students study 5-10 hours, 35.3% study 2-5 hours and 4% of students study less than 2 hours. Estimation number of hours when students study at home were 3.3% of students study more than 10 hours, 12.7% of students study 5-10 hours, 44.7% of students study 2-5 hours and 39.3% of students study less than 2 hours.  This study found out 93.3% of student prefer study at library while 6.7% of    students prefer study at home .Conclusion: This study conclude that the Liberary is the suitable and preferable place for studing in majority of participants, and the maximal hours spend on studing are found to be in people studing in liberary.

Keywords: Home, Library, Student’s Behavior, Study, Wad Medani, attitude, private library

An Empirical study of Librarians and Libraries as drivers of access to Knowledge in Ebonyi State, Nigeria (Published)

The library from inception plays a very crucial role in the extension and modification of knowledge. The growing need for knowledge management has influenced every component and operation of a library. This is built on the fact that it is only by transmission of knowledge by each succeeding generation can civilization maintain itself and make advance upon the knowledge of the past. The individual and social meaning of education can only take place on the backdrop of beliefs and values of a particular social setting. In both, the library has a crucial role to play. The library we know is a social system that stores and disseminates information which is knowledge. This paper therefore is an empirical study of Librarians and libraries as drivers of access to knowledge using Ebonyi State, Nigeria as a case in point.    This researcher applied a descriptive study method with a sampled population of 138 randomly selected from the different libraries in the State.  The study investigated ways through which librarians and libraries operate as drivers of access to knowledge as well as the various challenges encountered by librarians that militate against their optimal performance as drivers of access to knowledge.  The study also identified ways of enhancing the role of Librarians and libraries as drivers of access to knowledge. The instrument for the study was structured according to the modified Likert scale on four point rating scale.    On this scale, the average mean cut off is 2.50.  To this end, an item is accepted if it is 2.50 and above and rejected if it is below 2.50.  Statistically, frequencies, percentages and mean scores were used to compute the data collected that led to the decision rule.

Keywords: Human development, Information and Communication Technology, Knowledge, Library, access to information, librarian

Library and Information Services: A Panacea for Promoting Teacher Education Programmes in Nigeria to Meet Global Demands (Published)

Teacher education programmes in Nigeria have come under heavy criticism these past decades; with government and stakeholders expressing so much concern as to why the graduates are not excelling, despite the huge resources expended in the programme. The paper discussed the concept of education, teacher education programmes, the quite essential role libraries and librarians play in the advancement of teacher education programmes to meet the global demand. The paper identified some challenges facing the teacher education programme ranging from inadequate information resource, poor information utilization due to lack of information literacy skills, poor integration of new technologies in library service delivery in teacher education libraries, poor internet subscription in the E-library, and poor library services for teacher education programme. Given the fact that libraries are known as knowledge and information centres for the dissemination of information, referral, consultancy, and advocacy services.  Suggestions on how libraries can advance TE programme by providing adequate print, non-print resources, effective e-resources and functional e-library and teach information literacy skills for trainee teachers to enhance teacher education programmes and students in the utilization of information for learning and  researches to meet global demands.

Keywords: Education, Global, Information, Library, Programme, Teacher

Library and Information Science Education and Learning in a World of Difference (Published)

The changes in library operations and service delivery inundated by emerging technologies, pose a need for library and information science educators to adopt a global initiative to resolve curriculum and training issues in library schools in Africa. To this end, this paper reviews Library and Information Science education in Nigeria,Library and Information Science curriculum reforms,  ICT and LISE, entrepreneurial skills in LISE  and major challenges facing LISE in Nigeria.The paper presented a module for a proposed curriculum, identified the entrepreneurial skills needed by LISE graduates and posited that a dearth of qualified IT professionals in Library schools, poor funding, poor policy implementation among others are the major challenges facing LISE in Nigeria. The study recommended that effective policy implementation is an essential tool to enhance LISE transformation in Nigeria. Also, the opportunities the Information technology application offers will transform library and information science education, and these will help bridge the gap between the two worlds.

Keywords: Education, Information, Learning, Library, Science, world

Library and Information Science Education and Learning in a World of Difference (Published)

The changes in library operations and service delivery inundated by emerging technologies, pose a need for library and information science educators to adopt a global initiative to resolve curriculum and training issues in library schools in Africa. To this end, this paper reviews Library and Information Science education in Nigeria, Library and Information Science curriculum reforms, ICT and LISE, entrepreneurial skills in LISE and major challenges facing LISE in Nigeria. The paper presented a module for a proposed curriculum, identified the entrepreneurial skills needed by LISE graduates and posited that a dearth of qualified IT professionals in Library schools, poor funding, poor policy implementation among others are the major challenges facing LISE in Nigeria. The study recommended that effective policy implementation is an essential tool to enhance LISE transformation in Nigeria. Also, the opportunities the Information technology application offers will transform library and information science education, and these will help bridge the gap between the two worlds.

Keywords: Education, Information, Learning, Library, Science, world

University Library Services and Academic Success of Students: A Case Study of Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria (Published)

This research is a venture into a study of the impact of some selected library services on the academic success of students of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria with a view to establish if there exists any relationship between specific library services and academic performance of students. A test-retest reliability method of two weeks interval was conducted. Responses obtained were subjected to Pearson Products Moment Correlation (PPMC) method and a reliability coefficient of 0.83 was obtained. Multistage sampling technique was employed. 1656 respondents were selected for the study, with 89% response rate. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed in the study. The study found that the significant mean score of Internet services (3.33), Selective dissemination of Information SDI(2.93), and circulation services(2.97) were above average (2.5) with reference services(2.46) alone being below average. However, only Internet Services(R=0.880 p-value=0.049<0.05) was found to correlate significantly with the student academic performance. The most utilized services at FUTO library are the internet services, seconded by Book Loan services. It was recommended that more effort should be put to ensure the sustenance of internet and circulation services as they help students achieve higher test scores.

Keywords: Academic, Internet, Library, Success, services

Digitization in a Nigerian University of Technology: Issues, Challenges And Way Forward (Published)

Digitization entails the conversion of traditional library materials such as printed books and papers into digital formats where they can be stored and manipulated by a computer. This paper discussed digitization of library resources, process, and challenges at the Federal University of Technology, Owerri. The article outlined the advantages of digitization and further revealed some hurdles that prevent effective digitization in Nigerian academic libraries with particular reference to FUTO library. These challenges include among others: inadequate funding, erratic power supply, lack of modern infrastructure, lack of skilled staff and nonchalant attitude of departments. Also, the paper explored efforts made so far by the management of FUTO library in addressing the challenges of digitization.

Keywords: Digitization, Library, Technology, University, resources

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