An Empirical Study of The Environmental Sustainability of Green Libraries Initiatives in Federal Universities in Nigeria (Published)
In this contemporary global ecosystem, librarians as custodians of knowledge and libraries especially university libraries who not only serve as knowledge gateway but also research hub are looked upon for not only promoting the idea of green initiative and sustainability but are also to set the pace by implementation knowing full well that the whole world look up to them to begin the change. This study is therefore an empirical assessment of the environmental sustainability of green libraries initiatives in federal universities in Nigeria. It adopted a descriptive survey research design with a sampled population of 120 librarians selected through random sampling technique from 12 University libraries in Nigeria covering the six geo-political zones of Nigeria with each zone producing 20 respondents. The primary instrument used for data collection in this study is a self prepared Likert modified type of four point scale rating structured questionnaire with section-1 lifted from the IFLA set agenda for green library and section-2 guided by IFLA checklists for green structures and information services for libraries while observation was also used to ascertain the level of compliance of the green library initiative. On this scale, the average mean benchmark is 2.50, in which case, an item is accepted if it is 2.50 and above and rejected if it is below 2.50 hence the decision rule. The questionnaires were administered through email and returned 100% with the help of research assistants. Data collected were statistically analyzed using frequencies, percentile and mean (Χ) and presented in tables. The result shows among others that apart from green buildings and equipment, sustainable library services and sustainable economy the librarians expressed high level of awareness of, other agenda that form part of the green library initiative, the librarians are not fully aware of them and the university libraries buildings were found not to be green initiative compliance as none of the university libraries ccould boast of an entire library structure made with natural biodegradable resources. It was also discovered that the university libraries provide some green information services such as providing non-print information services and sources, encouraging the use of search engines and the Internet, having websites that can be easily perused by users and adoption of e-library concepts but lag in some areas. Based on the findings, the study recommended inter-alia that federal university libraries should be reconstructed in line with the characteristics set outside by IFLA for the construction of green library in its entirety which streamlined all that is needed in making a library a green one and that librarians should be trained and re-trained on green information and communication technology (Green IT) as well as on green office principles and environmental management.
Keywords: Climate Change, Environment, Sustainability, environmental sustainability university library, green library, librarian
Collaboration in Nigerian University Libraries: A Diagnosis (Published)
This paper sought to show the potential of collaboration of university libraries in ameliorating the common problems and challenges facing the Nigerian Academic Library System on the basis of the current status of collaboration in Nigerian university libraries. The paper addressed the following questions: what is the status of collaboration of Nigerian University libraries? How can University Libraries achieve meaningful collaboration? And what possible benefits can University libraries in Nigeria attain from effective collaboration? The paper clarified three forms of collaboration within the University Library system to address the indiscriminate use of the term ‘Librarian collaboration’ to pass for library collaboration. Based on literature reviewed, the current level of collaboration in Nigerian University Libraries is below expectation and is to a great extent responsible for poor quality teaching, learning and research bedeviling the Nigerian tertiary education system. University Library leadership and the Committee of University librarian in Nigerian Universities (CULNU) were identified as prime movers whose efforts could improve the level of collaboration in Nigerian University Libraries. The paper revealed that possible areas for collaboration include: resource sharing, inter-library loan, cooperative acquisition, cooperative cataloguing, cooperative referencing, staff development, library exchange and librarian and library user networks. The paper further noted that the key benefits of collaboration are significant reduction in operational costs, increased human cooperation and exposure of Librarians to global library practices. The paper identified factors that pose as either a threat or a challenge to the implementation of effective collaboration in Nigerian university libraries. They include: Inadequate funding, leadership issues, lack of structured library development policies, proliferation of informal collaboration, high competition in library profession and resistance to change. The paper therefore recommended that committee of University Librarian in Nigerian Universities and the Nigerian Library Association should make and implement a policy for all University Library Leadership to develop and implement documented and structured develop plans and policies p to provide strategic direction for University libraries.
Keywords: Collaboration, Libraries, Universities, consortium, librarian
An Empirical study of Librarians and Libraries as drivers of access to Knowledge in Ebonyi State, Nigeria (Published)
The library from inception plays a very crucial role in the extension and modification of knowledge. The growing need for knowledge management has influenced every component and operation of a library. This is built on the fact that it is only by transmission of knowledge by each succeeding generation can civilization maintain itself and make advance upon the knowledge of the past. The individual and social meaning of education can only take place on the backdrop of beliefs and values of a particular social setting. In both, the library has a crucial role to play. The library we know is a social system that stores and disseminates information which is knowledge. This paper therefore is an empirical study of Librarians and libraries as drivers of access to knowledge using Ebonyi State, Nigeria as a case in point. This researcher applied a descriptive study method with a sampled population of 138 randomly selected from the different libraries in the State. The study investigated ways through which librarians and libraries operate as drivers of access to knowledge as well as the various challenges encountered by librarians that militate against their optimal performance as drivers of access to knowledge. The study also identified ways of enhancing the role of Librarians and libraries as drivers of access to knowledge. The instrument for the study was structured according to the modified Likert scale on four point rating scale. On this scale, the average mean cut off is 2.50. To this end, an item is accepted if it is 2.50 and above and rejected if it is below 2.50. Statistically, frequencies, percentages and mean scores were used to compute the data collected that led to the decision rule.
Keywords: Human development, Information and Communication Technology, Knowledge, Library, access to information, librarian
Evaluation of Cataloguing and Classification Competencies of Librarians in Nigerian Academic Libraries (Published)
A cross-sectional study of 84 cataloguers from 20 academic libraries across the geopolitical zones of Nigeria were randomly selected for the study. Their cataloguing and classification competencies; available cataloguing tools and the problems encountered were evaluated. A 32-item structured questionnaire under three sections was administered to the selected cataloguers. The mean value calculated for competencies in cataloguing and classifications skills is 3.3. “Finding it convenient to make good judgments in handling gray areas” had the least variable score of 2.6. The mean value for the cataloguing tools commonly used is 3.4. “Web Dewey and/or printed Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)” has the least score of 2.2. “No training opportunity for continuous professional development” has the highest score of 3.8. Current cataloguing tools should be provided nationwide and also training opportunities that will help these librarians keep abreast of changing cataloguing rules for effective service delivery in Nigerian academic libraries.
Keywords: Academic Libraries, Cataloguing, Classification, librarian
A Survey of Librarians’ Information Technology Literacy Level in Nigerian Academic Libraries (Published)
This article investigated the Information Technology (IT) literacy level of librarians in four tertiary institutions in Ondo State, Nigeria. Questionnaire was used to collect data. Out of the thirty administered, twenty-four were returned and found useful. The response rate, therefore, was 80%. The study found that, generally, the literacy level was still low even though there was greater awareness. Thus, 29% of the librarians had never undergone formal training on computer. 79% did not have personal computer and only one librarian (4%) could design a database and create a website. Finally many of the sections in the libraries are without computer. It was recommended therefore, that librarians must utilize optimally every opportunity to develop their IT proficiency.
Keywords: Information, Literacy, Technology, communication, librarian
Building Institutional Repository: Knowledge Management, Content, Understanding of Key Issues and the Librarians Role (Published)
Institutional Repositories (IRs) are increasingly becoming crucial library resources, and more use of digitized material is fundamental in building sustainable IRs. With a series of universities and research sites distributed throughout the continent, a lot of researchwhich requires preservation is obviously carried out in the institutions. However, a majority of the research generated from these institutions ends up in various libraries which are hardly accessed by learners. As such, many African scholars rely greatly on information from developed nations and reduce Africa to just a consumer of information, rather than a source, hence building an accessible IR allows the display of the works of scholars to the broader community and considerably assists in the advancement of an institution and its outreach. The successful establishment of an institutional repository needs careful arrangements and enthusiasm from the entire institutional community such as students, faculty members and academic staff. Critical decisions have to be made before making any designs and redesigns on IRs such as the funds, staff, technology, metadata, content, building operations and successful management and running of the IRs. This paper explores knowledge management in terms of software and the evolution of how knowledge is managed, the inclusion process of content through structured content organization and modular content publishing, issues of IRs in Nigerian Universities, and the roles of the librarian in building institutional repositories.
Keywords: Academic, Digital, Institution, Nigeria, librarian, repository