International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies (IJIRMMCS)

EA Journals


Advertising Indigenous Herbal Products: A Case of Four Herbal Companies in the Swedru Municipality, Ghana (Published)

This study looks at Advertising of indigenous herbal products using Swedru Municipality as a case study. The research was designed to examine the extent to which advertising tools are used to reach consumers with herbal products and how consumers respond to these tools. Qualitative content analysis was employed for the study. The Methodology for the study dealt with the sample chosen and the research instruments used. A sample of thirty-two (32) respondents was chosen for the study. In-depth interviews and documents were the research instruments used. Based on the outlined objectives, it was found out that advertisement is one of the major communication tools that can influence the buying attitudes of consumers. The study was able to establish that advertisements of herbal products should be done frequently with appropriate advertising tools and persuasive messages for the fact that it draws consumers’ attention to the products, thereby giving market power to the firm. It is therefore very important for the herbal firm to fully focus on effective advertising tools like radio, television, outdoor and other traditional forms to advertise the herbal products because advertising is a powerful means for creating awareness and positive perception in the minds of consumers.

Keywords: Advertising, Ghana, Indigenous herbal products

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