International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Methods (IJIRM)

EA Journals


Self-Perception of Young Women with Physical Disabilities in Nigeria (Published)

This article explores the self-perception of young women with physical disabilities in Nigeria, focusing on their struggles and strategies for improving their self-image. In Nigerian culture, where gender injustice and disability stigmas are prevalent, this research highlights the unique challenges faced by young women who are physically disabled. The study recognizes the intersectionality of gender and disability, emphasizing how these women navigate a complex socio-cultural landscape that often marginalizes them. The primary goal of this research is to illuminate the socio-cultural factors affecting the empowerment of these young women by evaluating their lived experiences. By doing so, it aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of their self-perception. To gather data, qualitative research methods, including interviews and participant observations, were employed. These techniques provided rich, detailed insights into the participants’ lives and perceptions. The findings of this study have significant implications for policymakers, activists, and organizations in Nigeria dedicated to promoting equity and empowerment for young women with disabilities. By understanding the specific challenges and barriers these women face, stakeholders can develop more effective strategies and interventions to support their empowerment and improve their self-perception. The research underscores the importance of addressing both gender and disability issues in tandem to create a more inclusive and just society for all.

Keywords: Empowerment, Identity formation, Nigeria, disability, self-perception

Coping Behaviour among Retirees in Anambra State: Influence of Self-Esteem and Locus of Control (Published)

The study focused on locus-of-control and self-esteem vis-à-vis retirees’ coping behaviour in Anambra State, Nigeria. The study used Ways of Coping Checklist, Index of Self-Esteem, and Nowicki-Strictland Locus-of-Control Scale; cross-sectional factorial designs; two-way ANOVA statistics, random and snow-balling samplings, 56 retirees (26 males/30 females), 60-81 years retirees’ age-range and SD=1.98. Results: Self-esteem and Locus-of-control respectively had no significant influence on the retirees’ general coping behaviour in Anambra State, Nigeria; Self-esteem and locus-of-control combined had no significant influence on the retirees’ general coping systems; Self-esteem and Locus-of-control respectively significantly influenced only the retirees’ “avoidance coping” system; Self-esteem, locus-of-control, and their combined effects contributed 98%, 98%, and 90% respectively to retirees’ “avoidance coping” system; finally, Self-esteem and Locus-of-control respectively did not significantly influence retirees’problem-focused coping”, “social-support seeking coping”, “self-blame coping”, and “wishful-thinking coping” elements of coping system. Recommendations: Effective coping with retirement should involve improved self-esteem, and constructive/positive locus-of-control of retirees. 

Keywords: Anambra State, Nigeria, Retirees, coping-behaviour, locus of control, self-esteem

Psycho-Social Variables of Examination Malpractice Tendencies among Senior Secondary School Students in Calabar Education Zone, Cross River State, Nigeria (Published)

This study examined psycho-social variables of examination malpractice tendencies among secondary students in Calabar education zone of Cross River State. Relevant literature was reviewed to enhance the work and for better understanding. A sample of 520 students was used for the study. Two research questions were posed and 2 hypotheses formulated to guide the study. Ex-post facto design was adopted. Psycho-social variables of Examination Malpractice Tendencies Questionnaire (PVEMTQ) was used to gather data for the study. With stratified random sampling technique, 520 students were selected from 23 secondary schools, using proportionate selection technique. Data gathered were analyzed with one-way Analysis of variance (ANOVA). All the hypotheses were tested at 0.05 alpha level of significance from the analysis it was revealed that students attitude to school, student test anxiety do not significantly influence students examination malpractice tendencies. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that, principal should explore other means of assessment of the students for development of better attitude to school, by giving them open test, assignment. Principal should organize educational programmes on examination stress management, to assist students in coping with test anxiety. Principal should build self-confidence on examinees prior to the period of examination, to help reduced malpractice tendencies.


Keywords: : examination malpractice, Calabar education zone, Cross River State, Nigeria, Senior Secondary School Students, psycho-social variables

Effects of Cross Border Banking on Growth of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria (Published)

This study examined the effects of cross boarder banking on the growth of deposit money banks in Nigeria. The objective was to examine the relationship that exists between Nigeria cross boarder banking and deposit money banks in Nigeria. Time series data was sourced from Central bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin. Growth of Nigerian deposit money banks was modeled as the function of cross boarder credit, cross boarder banking claims, cross boarder banking assets, cross boarder banking liabilities and cross boarder bank branches. The ordinarily least square method was used as data analysis method. Findings shows that cross boarder bank branches, cross boarder banking liabilities and cross boarder banking assets have positive relationship with the growth of Nigerian deposit money banks while cross boarder bank credit and cross boarder banking claim have negative effect on the growth of Nigerian deposit money banks. The study concludes that cross boarder banking have moderate effects on the Nigerian deposit money banks. We recommend that international financial policies such as cross boarder banking should be formulated by management of deposit money banks and regulatory authorities to achieve positive impact of cross boarder banking on the growth of Nigeria deposit money banks.

Keywords: Nigeria, cross border banking, growth of deposit money banks

Vers Une Politique Linguistique Efficace Et Probante De Langue Française Au Nigeria (Published)

 Le terme  “politique” dans l’expression politique linguistique nous informe que dans ce domaine il ya des décisions politiques prises en vue de régler des problèmes linguistiques dans un espace donné. On peut citer des problèmes comme le statut des langues dans le cadre national, le corpus de langue, l’enseignement et la didactique des langues à l’école. Lorsqu’on élabore une politique linguistique, on vise à intervenir dans le devenir d’une langue ou des langues utilisées dans un certain pays ou une certaine région. Il peut s’agit de promouvoir une langue en lui donnant un statut officiel, ou encourager la complémentarité entre deux langues officielles, etc. La politique linguistique  idéale est difficile à formuler, mais ce qui est à chercher c’est une solution consensuelle qui garantirait au mieux le développement  individuel et collectif d’une ou des langues. Il ne s’agit pas à sauver toutes des langues au sein d’un Etat mais de promouvoir les langues qui favorisent l’accès à la modernité et à la mondialisation. En considérant la position sociopolitique du Nigeria par rapport à ses voisins francophones, sa position primordiale dans la sous-région, particulièrement au sein de la CEDEAO, et face aux défis de la mondialisation, on constate que la politique linguistique nigériane a négligé l’importance du français comme langue de grande communication de la sous-région. Nos propositions concernant la politique linguistique de la langue française visent à donner des suggestions qui pourront aboutir à la formulation des décisions concrètes par le gouvernement nigérian.    

Keywords: De Langue Française Au, Et Probante, Linguistique Efficace, Nigeria, Vers Une Politique

Evaluation of the Effect of Slum on Property Values in Onitsha Metropolis of Anambra State (Published)

This study evaluated the effects of slum on property values at Onitsha metropolis. The study adopted the questionnaire survey method and interview to ascertain the effects of slum on property values in Onitsha metropolis. The study found that the slum occurrence was as a result of rural migration to urban areas and lack of original planning in the area and confirm that slum was responsible for the low property value in the area.  From the foregoing, the study recommended that there is a big necessity for this area to be reorganized in order to reduce the increase of slum, good planning policies has to be formulated so as to prevent this ill occurrence, construction of drainages, infrastructures and general urban renewal should be employed in the area, thereby demolishing dilapidated structure and modernizing the old structures, roads should be tarred and alternative routes created in order to open up the area. Furthermore, it is recommended that the government should redevelop the area, by relocating the inhabitants and then building low cost houses for the inhabitants. For the property owners, a low interest or non interest credits should be provided for them in order to encourage them to renovate their properties.

Keywords: Nigeria, Onitsha, Property, Property Value, Road, slum

Medicine Use and Medication Related Problem among Nigerian Undergraduate Students (Published)

Globally, more than 50% of all medicines are prescribed, dispensed or sold inappropriately. Unnecessary overuse of medicine can stimulate inappropriate patients’ demand and lead to medicine stock out and loss of patient’s confidence in the health system. The study seeks to investigate medicine use and medication related problems among undergraduate students in Nigeria universities. The study adopted Social action theory, in order to understand actor’s motives and belief and their own interpretation of medicine.  A descriptive research design was employed for the study, using both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. The sample size was collected through random purposive technique and a total of 202 questionnaires were distributed to students of Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti and all the questionnaires were retrieved and used for the analysis. Also, 16 In-depth Interviews were conducted with male and female respondents and content analysis was employed for qualitative data. Findings showed that over half (60%)of the sample population, use medicine only when their health condition is getting worse because they had medication related problems the last time the used medicine. Consequently, the conclusions were drawn from the findings extracted from real life experiences rather than on assumptions or theoretical ideas. It was discovered that, majority of the students, discontinued the use of medicine, the last time they had medication related problems. Comparatively, a high proportion of the respondents’ believed that drugs produced in Europe are of better quality compare to that of Africa and also they hate complaining to the physician about their health. Health workers and policy makers should increase the awareness appropriate medicine use and the consequences of inappropriate use of medicine.

Keywords: Medication, Medicine, Nigeria, Undergraduate, University

Foster Parents’ Perceptions of Psychosocial Needs of Children in Foster Homes: Evidence from an Urban Town in Nigeria (Published)

The aim of the study was to examine foster parents’ perceptions of psychosocial needs of children in foster homes in Nsukka Urban in Enugu State of Nigeria. The study was survey research. A sample of 370 foster parents was selected for the study through simple random sampling. The reliability coefficient of the instrument used for data collection was 0.86alpha. One research question and one hypothesis guided the study. Mean and standard deviation (SD) was used to answer the research question while ANOVA was used to test the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. First, the study found that foster parents have positive perceptions about the psychosocial needs of children in foster homes which include the need for adequate nutritional food, water and sleep; need adequate protective and child-friendly housing; and need safe environment for leisure activities amongst others. Further, it was found that there is no statistically significant difference in the mean perceptions of male and female foster parents on psychosocial needs of children in foster homes in Nsukka Urban. Recommendations were made based on these findings.

Keywords: Foster Children, Foster Parents, Foster homes, Nigeria, Parents’ Perceptions, Psychosocial Needs

Teachers Perception on Ways of Improving the Teaching of Social Studies in Onueke Education Zone (Published)

This study investigated Teachers perception on ways of improving the teaching of Social Studies in Onueke Education Zone. The purpose of the study was to specifically ascertain teaching techniques that could improve the teaching of Social Studies in Onueke Education Zone, find out if some evaluation techniques could improve the teaching of Social Studies. The design of the study was a descriptive survey research. The population of the study comprised 100 Social Studies teachers in Onueke Education Zone. Two research questions and two hypotheses were designed and tested to guide the study. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire titled “teachers perception on ways of improving the teaching of Social Studies (TPWITSS) in Onueke Education Zone. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and chi-square (X2). Findings from the investigation revealed that respondents accepted all items on the questionnaire significantly improve the teaching of Social Studies, evaluation techniques significantly improve the teaching of Social Studies.

Keywords: Improving, Nigeria, Perception, Social Studies, Teachers, Teaching


Baby factory which serves as an avenue for human trafficking predisposes women of childbearing-age, expectant mothers and the child to ineffable trauma, violence and abuse. Thus, the aim of this study is to examine the recurrent nature of child abuse and trafficking and molestation of women in Nigeria occurring in those places the media has termed ‘baby factory’ with a view to providing preventative approaches for curbing the menace, using counselling as a tool. The study utilised a descriptive survey in which 800 respondents (teachers and principals) in secondary schools were randomly drawn from 3 south-east states. Data was collected using a 25-item questionnaire (0.85α) constructed on four-point likert-type scale. Result shows that the leading causes of baby factory in Nigeria include poverty, childlessness, lack of ethical behaviour on the part of medical professionals, and greed among others. It further shows that there is no significant difference in the mean responses of teachers and principals on the causes of prevalence of baby factory in Nigeria, F(1, 799) = 16.66, p = .75. Providing preventative counselling, developing positive self image in the youth, and providing family counselling for childless couples by encouraging them to go for proper adoption at the social welfare and to seek advanced medical care were found to be among the major roles guidance counsellors could play in curbing the prevalence of baby factory in Nigeria. The finding also shows that there is no significant difference in the mean responses of teachers and principals on the roles of guidance counsellors in curbing the prevalence of baby factory in Nigeria, F(1, 799) = 4.95, p = .55. The conclusion and recommendations in this article were based on these findings

Keywords: Baby factory, Child abuse, Child trafficking, Counselling, Nigeria, Women

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