International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)

EA Journals


Knowledge of Undergraduates on Government Interventions in Environmental Issues in Southwest, Nigeria (Published)

This study examined the knowledge of undergraduate on government interventions in environmental issues in Southwest, Nigeria. This examined the differences in the knowledge of undergraduates on government interventions in environmental issues in Southwest, Nigeria based on gender and ownership of University. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised all university undergraduates in Southwest, Nigeria. A sample of 1752 male and female Undergraduates in Federal, State and Private Universities were used for the study. Multistage sampling procedure was employed for the sample selection. Undergraduates’ Knowledge on Government Interventions in Environmental Issues Test (UKGIEIT) was  used to collect data for the study. The validity of the instruments was ensured through face and content validity procedures and the reliability of the UKGIEIT was established using test-retest method. The alpha value of 0.70 was obtained this was considered high and reliable enough for the study. The data generated for this study were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistics of frequency counts, mean and percentages were used to provide answers to the research question while inferential statistics of t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The level of undergraduates’ knowledge of government interventions in environmental issues was moderate, there was a significant difference in the knowledge of male and female undergraduates towards government interventions in environmental issue and that there was no significant difference in undergraduates’ knowledge of government interventions in environmental issues based on the ownership of University. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that university management should intensify effort on environmental education programmes so as to provide students with comprehensive knowledge of government interventions in environmental issues irrespective of their gender.

Keywords: Environment, Knowledge, Undergraduates, environmental issues, government interventions

The Role of Staff in Shaping Undergraduate Students Behavior for Sustainable Academic Performance at The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (Published)

Shaping student behaviour has become a major focus of education worldwide. As educational institutions seek to prepare students for success in an increasingly competitive and complex world, they recognize the need to not only teach academic content, but also to develop students’ socio-emotional skills, character and values such as ethics and integrity, honesty and truthfulness. In universities, there have been cases of students involved in exam malpractices, such as copying, doing exams for others, poor study practices, and weak adherence to ethical conduct and integrity. Besides, a notable proportion of the undergraduate students tends to deviate from positive behaviours upon entering campus life which affects their academic performance. This study, by using quantitative and qualitative research methods, descriptive design, and purposive sampling of 80 students and 40 teaching and non-teaching staff, examined the role of staff in shaping the behaviour of undergraduate students at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, main campus, Nairobi, for sustainable academic performance. Questionnaires were administered by the researchers to collect data from respondents. The results showed that the participants strongly agreed with the notion that efficient classroom management plays a crucial role in creating a conducive learning environment and enhancing student behaviour. It was also found that role modelling has an influence on the students’ behaviour for sustainable academic performance. Moreover, respondents strongly agreed that students’ guidance and counselling played a significant role in shaping their behaviour. Besides, the results showed that the attitudes of students have a considerable influence on their behaviour, making it essential to address negative attitudes to encourage desirable conduct. The study recommends that the institution should implement regular classroom observations and provide constructive feedback. The University should identify individuals with a track record of academic and personal success to serve as positive role models for the students. Staff training initiatives that prioritise the development of effective communication skills should be implemented. Involving students in developing and implementing initiatives related to behaviour change for sustainable academic performance is highly recommended.

Keywords: : Academic Performance, Attitudes, Behaviour, Environment, role modelling

The Impact of Shadow Education on Academic Performance of Secondary School Students In Nigeria (Published)

This paper examines the impact of shadow education on the academic performance of secondary school students in Nigeria. Indeed, thousands of the secondary school students in Nigeria attend shadow education , because they believed that shadow education is the only way to improve their academic performance and to support their mainstream education and similarly, their parents have optimistic on shadow education, because they always eager finding nearness centres or employ tutors for their children within their apartments.  Therefore, we have two types of shadow education formal and informal. Informal which takes place at home, while formal takes place within the school premises. Thus, students are lured to attend shadow education upon the level of socio- economic background of their parents neither upper class, middle class or lower class even a situation hardship economy of the country is not really barriers for them to attend  shadow education because they believed that there is more advantageous in  which they can benefits from shadow education rather  than mainstream education.Yet, shadow education creates room for proper interaction between  the teachers and students and make it easily for the students to express their views  freely without fear or panic. Similarly, it also allow the tutors to have additional incomes apart from main salary from the mainstream education, However, shadow education has different names  in Nigeria such as  prep, lesson, continuous education  and  coaching . Therefore, many parents like to send their children to standard formal education while informal  education  the tutors employ  to teach their  children  at  their apartments.

Citation: Adeniyi  Adewale  Ojo  (2022) The Impact of Shadow Education on Academic Performance of Secondary School   Students   In   Nigeria, International Journal of Education, Learning and Development, Vol. 10, No.8, pp.1-7


Keywords: Academic, Environment, Formal, Informal, Mainstream, Performance, geographical, shadow education, socio-economic background

Sustaining the Nigerian Environment through Environmental Adult Education Strategies (Published)

All human beings in Nigeria depend on the environment and therefore must have a role to play in sustaining the environment since all of us take part in the degradation of our environment. Therefore providing relevant information on the complex nature of the environment and its associated problems through environmental adult education strategies will help in addressing the numerous environmental issues facing Nigeria. This paper, therefore, is an attempt to highlight some of the strategies of environmental adult education for the promotion of environmental sustainability. These strategies may include; communal areas management programme for indigenous resources, community participation, community environmental education, community tree planting and public enlightenment strategy. Sensitizing the general public on the nature of the environment and its complexity through the various strategies of environmental adult education will help them develop positive attitude to protect and sustain the environment. It therefore becomes pertinent that individuals, governments, practitioners and non-governmental agencies should lay much emphasizes on the promotion of environmental adult education strategies for environmental sustainability.

Keywords: Environment, Environmental Adult Education

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