Tertiary School Enrolment in Nigeria: Implication for National Development (Published)
The paper evaluates tertiary school enrolment in Nigeria: Implication for national development. The main aim of the paper is to assess the effect of tertiary school enrolment on economic growth in Nigeria. It is equally discovered that while tertiary enrolment is nominally increasing, in real terms, it is abysmally nose-diving. The analyses used for the study include the Ordinary Least Square estimation techniques, unit root test, co-integration test and the variance decomposition test to analyze the empirical model of the study. The findings of the empirical investigation confirm that tertiary enrolment is veritable tools through which appreciable economic growth can be enhanced in Nigeria. The study equally observed that tertiary school enrolment and government recurrent expenditures are statistically significant in explaining growth in the Nigerian economy. The paper therefore recommends among others that government should as a matter of urgency give immediate employment to all NCE graduate, this will encourage and increase the number of people seeking enrolment in the colleges
Keywords: Government Expenditure, National Development, capital expenditures, economic growth, recurrent expenditures, tertiary enrolment
Higher Institutions Funding and the Nigerian Economy (Published)
This study examines funding tertiary institutions and Nigerian growth perspective. The specific objective of the study is to evaluate the effect of tertiary institutions funding on national development in Nigeria. An ordinary least squares estimation technique was used in the study to evaluate the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The result of experiment indicates that funding is a veritable tool for tertiary institutions growth in Nigeria. The result also shows that government capital expenditure funding is not statistically significant in the growth process. It was recommends that the government has to invest more on the education sector as well as ensuring that the resources are properly managed and used for the development of education services. The study concludes that funding of higher education in Nigeria needs to be improved upon especially in the area of capital expenditures funding. This is as a result of the increasing need and demand for specialized services in different sectors within the academic institutions.
Keywords: Budget, Education, Funding, Government Expenditure, Higher Institutions, economic growth
Government Expenditure and Economic Growth in Tanzania: A Time Series Analysis (Published)
This study empirically examines the long-run and short-run relationship between government expenditure and Economic growth in Tanzania over the period of 1996-2014 making the use of annual secondary time series data. The Error Correcting Model (ECM) is employed to examine the long-run and short-run estimates of parameters. In addition to that the granger causality test is employed to determine whether government expenditures granger causes economic growth. In the long-run government expenditure is found to be statistically significant and has positive relationship with economic growth. The short -run estimates show there is no significant relationship between government expenditures and economic growth. The results of granger causality test show uni-directional causality running from economic growth to government expenditures. The government of Tanzania should improve in the allocation of resources in its development expenditure and social services expenditure and channel such expenditure to allow for private sector participation and infrastructure development in order to accelerate economic growth.
Keywords: Government Expenditure, Tanzania, Time Series Analysis, economic growth
Does Economic Growth Influence Government Expenditure? Evidence from Nigeria (Published)
The main focus of this study is to investigate the impact of economic growth on government expenditure in Nigeria covering the periods 1970 to 2013. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was used as a proxy for economic growth, and the GDP time series was decomposed using the partial sum approach in order to achieve asymmetry in the variable. The asymmetric ARDL estimation technique was appropriately employed in this study. The findings of this study revealed that economic growth has significant impact on government expenditure in Nigeria. The study further provided evidence of bi-causality between expansion in economic growth (GDP_P) and government expenditure in Nigeria. The study recommended among others that proactive steps must be taken by governments to stimulate economic growth through production.
Keywords: Aggregate demand and Granger Causality, Asymmetric ARDL, Government Expenditure, economic growth