International Journal of Developing and Emerging Economies (IJDEE)

EA Journals

livelihood diversification

Effect of Cooperative Membership and Livelihood Diversification on Farm Income. Evidence from South West Nigeria (Published)

Diversification of livelihood portfolios and cooperative membership over the years has grossly been an avenue to boosting households’ income, and ensuring a safety net to escape poverty. This study hence sets to investigate the cross relationship significances between cooperative membership, livelihood diversification, and farm income among poultry farming households in South west Nigeria, using data collected from 210 households via multistage sampling procedure and analysed using econometric, parametric, and non parametric analytical tools at 95% CI. Result showed that, a larger share (41%) of the poultry farmers has between 1-5 years of poultry farming experience. and about (35%) of the poultry farming households has between 5-6 persons, while use of family labour is predominant in the study area (51.43%) and many (82%) of the poultry farming households are deprived of credit access. Also, about 59.41% of the cooperator category diversified their livelihood activities, while it is 58.72% for the noncooperator category. Mean farm income of the nondiversified households is significantly higher than that of the diversified households, while difference in the farm income level of cooperators and noncooperator households was found insignificant. Furthermore, Gender of household head, household size, Years of farming experience, Primary source of labour, Primary occupation, Farm size, and Cooperative membership, positively guarantees increased farm income while; access to infrastructure, and multidimensional poverty negatively determined farm income level, all at 10%, 1%, 1%, 5%, 5%, 10%, 10%, 1% and 10% probabilistic levels respectively. Finding based recommendations are proffered.

Citation: Popoola, D.P. (2022) Effect of Cooperative Membership and Livelihood Diversification on Farm Income. Evidence from South West Nigeria, International Journal of Developing and Emerging Economies, Vol.10, No.3, pp.38-53

Keywords: Income, South West Nigeria, cooperative membership, livelihood diversification, poultry farm holders