International Journal of Developing and Emerging Economies (IJDEE)

EA Journals

Asset holding

Determinants of Women’s Participation in Micro and Small Scale Enterprises in Ethiopia: A Review (Published)

Ethiopia has prioritized on MSE development for economic growth, employment generation and building an industrial economy. In 1997 the government has designed a National MSEs development and promotion strategy which facilitates and paves the ground for the growth and development of the sector. The strategy was revised in 2010/11 with renewed interests and more ambitious targets on employment and number of entrepreneurs and transition to medium size level. The objective of the review was identified the most determinants of women participation in MSE. In order to increase participation of women in different types of micro and small-scale enterprises, the relevant intervention area would be to increase access of information, infrastructure, and resources and develop awareness on how to begin small and medium business. Considering the role that participation in MSE plays in improving the living conditions of participants, it is advisable for, accumulate asset for build new investment, unemployed people and for those who receive meager wage to engage in MSE.

Keywords: Asset holding, Income, Micro and small scale enterprises, Participation, Women, saving