International Journal of Business and Management Review (IJBMR)

EA Journals


Promotion of National Development Through National Unity and Security: A Study of Ebonyi State, Nigeria (Published)

This study is a descriptive survey research design conducted on the promotion of national development through national unity and security in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. The population of the study were 850 stakeholders in Ebonyi State. 350 stakeholders were selected using the purposive sampling technique. A validated questionnaire titled Practices Utilized for Promoting National Unity and Enhancing Security in Ebonyi State (PUPNUESES) was used for data collection. Two research questions were analysed using descriptive statistical methods. The study revealed that in promoting development, 84% of the stakeholders frequently apply national unity practices while 71% use security-enhancing practices. The researchers concluded that the attainment of national development is contingent upon the inclusion of all components or strategies aimed at augmenting national cohesion and safety. The researchers recommended that the residents of the state should be driven by the yearning to promote oneness through steady campaigns and sensitization via all available media.

Keywords: Ebonyi State, National Development, National Unity., Security

Public Sector Capital Expenditure and Tax Revenue Generation in Nigeria (Published)

Public sector capital expenditure is an important issue that cannot be ignored due to how it relates to tax revenue generation in Nigeria. This study examined the impact of public sector capital expenditure on tax revenue generation proxy by petroleum profit tax (PPT) in Nigeria. The baseline theory of this study is the Keynesian theory. The research design adopted in this study is the quasi-experimental research design. Secondary data was collected from the National Bureau of Statistics and CBN statistical bulletin. The multiple regression analysis based on the OLS method aided by E-view version 12 computer software was used to analyse the data, and the results were used to test the hypotheses. The findings showed positive significant relationship between the capital expenditure on road construction and PPT in Nigeria. It also revealed a significant positive relationship between capital expenditure on power, light and that PPT in Nigeria. The study revealed significant positive relationship between capital expenditure on security and PPT in Nigeria. Therefore, the study concluded that public sector capital expenditure played a vital role in improving tax revenue generation in Nigeria. The study recommends that since there is a positive relationship between capital expenditure on security, road construction and power with that of PPT, the variables should be sustained in this study. Government should look for means to solve the security challenges in the country, construct more roads, revolutionize electricity and power generation so as to enhance tax revenue generation in Nigeria.

Keywords: Petroleum Profit Tax, Security, power and light, road construction, tax revenue generation.

Leisure Guests’ Perceptions of Price and Security: The Case of Awka, Nigeria (Published)

Despite general security concerns, particularly security issues prevalent in the Nigerian hotel industry, guests have to contend with the room rate or price of staying in hotels considering the spiraling inflation in the country. Nevertheless, it is not empirically established if price and security influence leisure guests’ choice of hotels in Nigeria. To achieve these objectives and establish a framework of leisure guests’ choice of hotels, this study used multiple regression analysis to test the formulated hypotheses with the aid of SPSS Version 20.0 software at 5% level of significance. Findings from a convenience sample of 246 respondents who lodge in hotels in Awka metropolis, Anambra State, Nigeria show that the two factors investigated namely price and security influence leisure guests’ choice of hotels. More importantly, security has more influence than price. To sum up, the study concludes that the basis of hotel accommodation is security and affordability. Therefore, the study recommends that hotel owners and managers should definitely be security-conscious in the management of their hotels and always strive to give consumers more for less.

Keywords: Choice, Hotel, Price, Security, leisure guests

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