Corporate Governance Structure and Timeliness of Financial Reports of Quoted Firms in Nigeria (Review Completed - Accepted)
This paper examines the impact of corporate governance on the timeliness of financial statements of quoted firms in Nigeria. To achieve this objective, data was collected from books, financial statements and journals. The data collected were analysed using relevant diagnostics tests, granger causality and multiple regression models. The result revealed a significant relationship between board independence and timeliness of financial reports; board size and timeliness of financial reports; board expertise and knowledge and timeliness of financial reports; board experience and timeliness of financial reports; also no significant relationship between CEO duality and timeliness of financial reports and board meetings and timeliness of financial reports. On the basis of the empirical result, the paper concludes that the application of appropriate corporate governance factors will go a long way to improve the timeliness of financial reports and quality financial statements Therefore, on the basis of the findings and conclusions of the study, we recommends that quoted companies should ensure that corporate governance codes are used in the day-to-day operations of corporation to achieve short, medium and long-term goals; government should ensure that regulatory agencies monitor the activities of corporations to ensure compliance with best practice. Also above all integrity, objectivity and fairness must be applied in the conduct of corporate business for financial statement needs be achieved for users
Keywords: Boards, Corporate Governance, Financial Report, Nigeria, Timeliness
Factors Influencing The Internationalization Of Nigerian Manufacturing Firms:An Empirical Analysis (Published)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the Critical Decision Factors (CDF) of internationalization by Nigerian manufacturing firms, as well as, examines specific relationships between these CDF and Perceived International Business Performance Measure (PIBPM). 566 management staff of 14 Nigerian manufacturing companies, with international presence was randomly selected from a business-to-business database maintained by a national list provider. Using the integrated conceptual framework of international business strategy by Peng (2006), factors manifesting PIBPM were regressed on the CDF, manifesting successful internationalization. However, multivariate analyses was mathematically represented in a single equation, and this equation is expected to be used by Nigerian manufacturing companies in composing strategies to optimize their management of international entry decisions and international business performance. Overall, the paper argue that an institution-based view of international entry decision, in combination with transaction cost- and resource-based views, will not only help sustain a strategy tripod, but also shed significant light on the most fundamental questions confronting international entry decisions. Hence, a model incorporating the key elements of each approach could present a more realistic and comprehensive picture of international business strategies. The model also provides predictive implications on improved international business performance, given the activities of CDF manifesting successful internationalization.
Keywords: Institutional Theory, International Performance, Internationalization, Manufacturing Firms, Nigeria, Regression Analysis, Resource-Based View, Transaction Cost Analysis