International Journal of Business and Management Review (IJBMR)

EA Journals

Kenya water service boards

Moderating Role of Portfolio Risk Management on Performance of Water Service Boards in Kenya (Published)

The majority of water service boards are investing millions of money in different portfolios with the objective of profit maximization. However, delays in projects are a global phenomenon and have become a typical part of the project manager’s concern. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the influence of project portfolio management practices on the performance of water service boards in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; to determine the effect of project evaluation, project selection, and prioritization, to establish the moderating effect of contextual factors on the relationship between project portfolio management practices and performance of water service boards in Kenya. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey research design. The population of this study targeted the employees of water boards in Kenya which include coast water service board (CWSB), Rift valley water service board (RVSB), Lake Victoria North(LVNSB), Tana water, TanaAthi water service board, Athi water service board. The unit target constituted Engineers, senior management, middle management, and project team. The study targeted a population of 1310 people. The study found that project selection and prioritization as a project portfolio management practice influenced the performance of water service boards in Kenya; and that there is a significant influence of project evaluation as a project portfolio management practice on the performance of water service boards in Kenya. The study also found that portfolio risk management does moderate the relationships between project portfolio management practice and performance of water service boards in Kenya.

Keywords: Kenya water service boards, Performance, project portfolio management

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